October 15, 2005 - Emeritus Board members
From time to time, the APPIC Board has occasion to designate former Board members for
honorary emeritus status. This honor is reserved for former Board members who have made
exceptional and extraordinary contributions to APPIC and psychology training. We are very
pleased to announce that this honor has been bestowed on Dr. Nadine Kaslow and Dr. Robert
Dr. Kaslow is Professor and Chief Psychologist at Emory University. She is a former Chair of
APPIC (1998-2002), past President of APA Division 12, and President of the American Board of
Clinical Psychology (ABClinP). Since completing her term on the APPIC Board, Dr. Kaslow has
continued to lead the Informal Problem Resolution program for APPIC. In that role, she has
helped literally hundreds of interns, fellows and faculty resolve training problems. Everyone
knows her as a dynamic and indefatigable champion of quality training.
Dr. Goldberg is the Training Director responsible for internship and postdoctoral training at
the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. He is the President of APA Division 18
(2004-2005), and Editor of the APPIC Newsletter. Anyone who has attended an APPIC meeting
will recognize Bob as the man with the camera around his neck, who tirelessly chronicles
APPIC history.
A well-deserved congratulations to Nadine and Bob, and a heartfelt thanks from the APPIC
Board of Directors for the time, energy and devotion that both have spent on behalf of APPIC.
APAGS Campus Bulletin (Link to) - September 2005
*Learn how to update your APA Membership information ONLINE
*Find out how to submit a proposal to present at the 2006 APA Convention
*Read about the new APAGS Resource Guide: Succeeding in Practicum
*View the 2005 APAGS Scholarship and Award winners
*and MORE!
APPIC Announces 2005 Award Winners -
Each recipient
received a plaque and a check for $500 which were presented during the APPIC Business
Meeting at the American Psychological Association meeting in Washington DC , August 18.
Congratulations to all our award winners!
August 2005- Disaster Relief in the Gulf Coast States
The APPIC Board and staff have been watching the tragic events unfold for the citizens of
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and elsewhere as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and
We are aware of at least seven APPIC-member training programs that are located near the
coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi, along with a number of other programs that may also
have been in harm's way.
APPIC will assist Training Directors, interns, and postdoctoral residents who have had
their training experiences disrupted by the hurricane and need consultation about how to
proceed. In extreme situations, such as a training site that is unable to continue
operating, APPIC will help to coordinate the relocation of interns and postdocs to other
training sites when possible. Depending on the need, we may soon put out a call to other
training programs to see if they can accommodate an extra intern or postdoc. In the
meantime, please give some thought as to whether your program could provide such
Affected individuals may contact Dr. Nadine Kaslow, who leads APPIC's Informal Problem
Resolution service, via pager at (404) 686-5500 (use code 10069).
Our hearts and thoughts are with those who have been affected by this tragedy.
Steve McCutcheon, Ph.D.
Chair, APPIC Board of Directors
Download Slides from the 2005 APPIC Conference - 
July 2005 APPIC Newsletter
Large PDF File

June 17, 2005
Extremely Bad NEWS for Psychology GPE Funding
Please consider writing your Senator - Contact Nina Levitt (nlevitt@apa.org) or
Amanda Ring (aring@apa.org) for details
April 18-May 4, 2005
APPIC Directory Annual Update Period
Please complete updates to your program
information on the APPIC Direcotory Online by May 4, 2005 
May 11-13, 2005
APPIC Board Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada

Drs. John Robinson, Steve McCutcheon & Jeanette Hsu at APPIC Board Meeting
June 23-25, 2005
Family Research Consortium IV
New Orleans, LA 
June 23, 2005
APPIC Announces 2005 Award Winners
Excellence in Internship Training Award
Dale A. Hicks, Ph.D.
Director of Training & Associate Director
Counseling Center
University of South Florida
Excellence in Postdoctoral Training
Sigmund Hough, Ph.D., ABPP
Director of Training
Boston Consortium in Clinical Psychology
Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program-VA Boston Health Care System
Excellence in Diversity Training Award
Larry James, Ph.D., ABPP
Chief, Department of Psychology
Tripler Army Medical Center
Honolulu, Hawaii
Student Research Awards
Michael Madson
Home University: Marquette University
Internship: Clement Zablocki VA Medical Center (Milwaukee)
Title of Research: Development of the Motivational Interviewing Supervision and Training
Eric Hawkins
Home University: Brigham Young University
Internship: VA Puget Sound (Seattle)
Title of Research: The Therapeutic Effects of Providing Patient Progress Information to
Therapists and Patients
Each recipient will receive a plaque and a check for $500 to be presented at the
APPIC Business Meeting at the American Psychological Association meeting in Washington DC ,
August 18, 8-10am, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Constitution Ballroom B & D.
May 11-13, 2005
APPIC Board Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada
APAGS May 2005 Campus Bulletin -
March 31, 2005
APPIC Board Meeting with Liaisons
Orlando, Florida
April 1-2, 2005
APPIC Membership Meeting
Orlando, Florida
GME Funding Issues
Contact APA Practice Directorate
Concerns, Issues, Success - 
Campus Mental and Behavioral Health Initiative
Grant Funding Information Available on the APA Website -
APAGS May 2005 Campus Bulletin -
APPIC July 2004 Newsletter
Latest Newsletter - Selected Articles &
Table of Contents (Adobe Acrobat Needed - Large File)
ADPTC Practicum Competencies
A Work In Progress - Posted 5/22/04
Download PDF |
Download Word
May 15, 2004
APPIC Guidance on Pregnancy Issues
Word | Download
APAGS Campus Bulletin - May 2004
Download PDF
APA Sample Advocacy
Posted 9/22/03
2005 APPIC Membership
March 31 - April 2, 2005
Competencies Conference
July 28, 2004
APPIC Membership Meeting at APA, Oahu, HI
July 26-27, 2004
APPIC Board Meeting in Oahu, HI
April 1-3, 2004
APPIC Board Meeting in Vancouver, BC
February 26-28, 2004
ADPTC Meeting in Miami Beach, FL
January 28-31, 2004
CDSPP Meeting in Deerfield Beach, FL
January 8-11, 2004
Division 12 MidYear Meeting in San Antonio, TX
November 22-24, 2003
Washington, DC. - APPIC Board Members met in DC with two separate companies regarding the
development of an On-Line application process. Anyone with suggestions or concerns is
encouraged to contact one of the committee members: Drs. Greg Keilin, Joyce Ill-Felder Kaye
or Jeff Baker.
August 20, 2003
Original 18 GPE Awardees receive Administrative Supplement to continue the original award
programs. HRSA awards original programs grant funding through April 30, 2004 with the
expectation that many of these programs will re-apply for the 2004 awards which are
expected to begin May 1, 2004. Rick Weinberg, Ph.D. is credited for organizing the orginal
grantees along with the effective contacts made through current legislative authorities.
APA plays a major role in furthering this development into a win-win for psychology.
August 7, 2003
APPIC Business Meeting at APA - Toronto
Thursday, August 7, 2003
8:00-9:50 a.m.
Crown Plaza - Toronto
Caledon Room
August 5-6, 2003
APPIC Board Meeting
Niagra on the Lake, Ontario
August, 2003
Geropsychology Application Packet to Be Used for 2004 Application for Geropsychology
Download Word | Download PDF
July, 2003
APPIC July Newsletter
June 4, 2003
HRSA announces GPE grant awards for 2003 at the following URL:
July 31, 2003
Psychology Wins Big!
New Administrative Supplements of $1.4 million added to Psychology GPE Awards for 2003.
Read all about it.
June 1, 2003
Call for Nominations - Training Awards - 2003
Click Here for More Information
May 6, 2003
Psychology GPE funds will be announced late June/July for
2003 cycle. Applicants will have 6 weeks to submit their application once the grant
guidelines are posted (Awards were made to 2002-2003 applicants who scored high but
were not funded for 2002-2003). It included $3 million for internship/fellowship
training and an additional $1.5 million for training in geropsychology. Award
guidelines were released June 15, 2003. Download
MS Word / Download PDF / 2002 Awards <Sample 2002 Application at APA> FAQ for
2003: Download FAQ PDF
May 15-17, 2003
APPIC Board Meeting
Sanibel Island, Florida
May 1, 2003
State Licensure Requirements for Psychologists
Linked Through the University of
April 15, 2003
APPIC New Training Director's Workbook, APPIC Legal Issues,
& Past Newsletters - download order form in PDF |
download in MS Word
April 3-5, 2003
Membership Conference (Information, Hotel, & Registration Information
March 1, 2003
APPIC March 2003 Newsletter
Latest Newsletter - Selected
Articles & Table of Contents (Adobe Acrobat Needed - Large File)
February 13, 2003
Psychology Wins Big! GPE funds announced for 2003 cycle include $3 million and an
additional $1.5 million for training in geropsychology. Download MS Word / Download PDF
Feb 3, 2003
Competencies Conference Summary Information
2003 Match Statistics
Click Here
Competencies Conference Workgroup Product Slides
(download Powerpoint
Competencies Conference Workgroup Summaries
(download in PDF
format | download in
Word format)
2002-2003 Graduate Psychology Education Awards Announced
Download PDF / Download MS Word
2002 Competencies Conference Page
December 9, 2002
APPIC Website Review & Development Committee
Call For Members - Download MS
December 1, 2002
Graduate Psychology Education Awards
Download PDF / Download MS Word
October 1, 2002
APPIC Membership Conference Information
Now Available
November 2002
APPIC Newsletter - Table of Contents
(Adobe Acrobat Needed)
August 20, 2002
APPIC Changes Leadership
Dr. Emil Rodolfa new APPIC Chair is handed the torch from outgoing Chair Dr. Nadine Kaslow -
See Picture
November 7-9, 2002
Competencies Conference - Scottsdale, AZ
Additional Information
September 1, 2002
2002 Predoctoral Survey Results -
Training Information
2002 Postdoctoral Survey Results -
Training Information
August 22, 2002
APPIC Membership Meeting - APA Chicago
August 21, 2002
APPIC Pre Convention Workshops
August 18-20, 2002
APPIC Board Meeting - Oak Brook, Illinois
July 31, 2002
APPIC July Newsletter Table of
July 6, 2002
New Listing of Training Programs in Behavioral Emergencies (download in PDF
format | download
in Word format) has been compiled by Phillip M. Kleepsies, Ph.D., Jason Spiegleman, MA,
and Daniel DaBrule, MA from the section on Clinical Emergencies and Crises (Section VII of
APA Division 12).
June 23, 2002
The 2002-2003 AAPI is now available. Click on Internship Application on the right side of
this page to access the new AAPI.
June 18, 2002
Additional Multicultural Resources are available on the APPIC Training Resources Page:
APPIC Training Web Links
June 14, 2002
APA PreConvention Workshop Information & Registration
Download: | PDF Format
June 2, 2002
Farewell to APPIC from upcoming July Newsletter
Download: Word Document |
PDF Format
April 28, 2002
Download Award Information: Word
Document | PDF Format
April 25, 2002
APPIC March Newsletter
Copies of the full version of the APPIC Newsletter are available for $10 from Central
April 23, 2002
Psychology Makes a Difference. You Can Make a Difference! Take the Survey!
April 21, 2002
COMPETENCIES CONFERENCE to be held November 7-9, 2002 Scottsdale, AZ
Click Here For Additional Information
April 18-20, 2002
APPIC Board Meeting, Bermuda
April 12, 2002
The Directory on Line (DOL) is undergoing a redesign and upgrade. There will be brief
periods of time when the DOL is unavailable. We anticipate this will be completed soo
A formal vote of the membership regarding a mandatory interview notification day will
soon be sent to members. Please provide us with your input to these important questions.
April 6, 2002
The Graduate Psychology Education program grant application is now on BHPr's website (This
link is no longer available as 2002 reviews have been completed) at:
February 2, 2002
Postdoc Letter of Agreement for Employment on APPIC
Training Resources Page
January 31, 2002
Subscribe to the EPPP Listserve Discussion Group on the APPIC Training Resources Page
January 21, 2002
Guidelines for Communication between
Graduate Programs and Internship Programs
January 4, 2002
Student Information on Financial Aid / Loan Programs on APPIC Student Page
January 3, 2002
Sample Letters to Graduate Programs on APPIC
Training Page
January 2, 2002
Roosevelt University Evaluation of Student on Internship on APPIC Training Page
There are no older news items archived at this time.