Internships / Match / MATCH-NEWS 2024-25

MATCH-NEWS 2024-25


Updated March 10, 2025

Below is a list of recent messages posted to the APPIC MATCH-NEWS e-mail list. This list provides news and information about the Match and is open to all individuals who are interested in the Match. PLEASE NOTE that there is often a delay in posting messages to this page, and thus it is STRONGLY recommended that all Match participants be subscribed to the MATCH-NEWS e-mail list so that they receive information in a timely manner.

MATCH NEWS: Ranking Sites with Multiple Programs (January 21, 2025)


Many internship sites that are registered for the APPIC Match are offering positions in more than one program, with each program represented by a unique six-digit Match code number.  This e-mail will clarify the procedures for applicants and sites related to ranking multiple programs at an internship site.

Matches are made between applicants and programs (not sites).  For a match to be made between an applicant and a program:  (a) THAT PROGRAM'S 6-digit code number must appear on the applicant's Rank Order List, and (b) the internship site must include the applicant and their code number on the Rank Order List FOR THAT PARTICULAR PROGRAM.  If a site ranks the applicant only on the list for Program "X", but the applicant only ranks Program "Y" for that site, NO match will be made.

The following points should be noted:

1.  If an internship site offers more than one program in the Match, sites and applicants should discuss which program(s) each applicant is interested in, as well as which program(s) the site is prepared to consider the applicant for.  While specific rankings should NOT be communicated, it is NECESSARY that both sides are clear as to which program(s) each applicant is considering and is being considered for.  A site may then rank an applicant for none, some, or all of the program(s) in which the applicant is interested.

2.  Sites should ensure that each applicant being considered for one or more of the site's programs knows the correct program code number(s) and program description(s) used to identify the program(s) on the applicant's Rank Order List.  Sites that have added or changed programs should ensure that their applicants are informed about these changes and are instructed about the specific program description and code number required to correctly identify each program on the applicants’ Rank Order Lists.  

3.  It is also recommended that, prior to submitting their rankings, applicants check the NMS web site for the latest list of participating programs and code numbers -- this list is updated daily and is available at:  (Click on "List of Participating Internships")


4.  For each program offered, a site should rank those applicants who (a) have expressed an interest in being considered for that program, and (b) the site considers acceptable for that program.  As we've discussed in previous e-mail messages, programs should rank applicants based on the TRUE preferences of that program, without considering how any applicant might rank that program.

Below is an example of how an applicant can rank sites that offer more than one program.  If you have any questions about ranking or anything else related to the APPIC Match, please feel free to contact me at or (512) 410-0002.


QUESTION:  How do I rank a site that has several different programs, and thus has more than one code number?

ANSWER:  You may rank any or all of a site's programs simply by adding those program(s) to your Rank Order List.

Thus, if you applied to ten sites, each with five separate programs, your Rank Order List could contain as many as 50 (10 x 5) different programs and code numbers.  Of course, your list would be shorter if you decided not to rank every single program at all ten sites.

For example, let's say you applied to three sites, some with two programs (sample code numbers are listed in parentheses):

- Site X has two programs:

- Geropsychology (999911)

- Neuropsychology (999912)

- Site Y has two programs:

- Child Track (999811)

- Adult Track (999812)

- Site Z has only a single program:

- Psychology Internship (999711)

If you are interested in all five of these programs, then you would rank all five programs, for example:

1.  999811  Site Y - Child Track
2.  999911  Site X - Geropsychology
3.  999711  Site Z - Psychology Internship
4.  999912  Site X - Neuropsychology
5.  999812  Site Y - Adult Track

Of course, you could list these programs in any order you wish.  The Matching Program attempts to match you to the programs in the order that you specified. In this example, the "child track" position at Site Y is your most-preferred choice, while the "adult track" position at the same site is your least-preferred choice.

If you did not wish to match to the "adult track" position at Site Y under any circumstances, then you would simply omit that program (code 999812) from your Rank Order List.

MATCH NEWS: IMPORTANT Ranking Questions and Answers (January 20, 2025)


This e-mail contains very important information about rankings and constructing a Rank Order List.

(NOTE TO INTERNSHIP TRAINING DIRECTORS:  This message as written is geared primarily towards applicants.  However, the points discussed are equally valid for internship programs.  Internship Training Directors should also review this message carefully, as the principles discussed regarding the preparation of rankings are the same for both applicants and programs.)


THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR APPLICANTS TO REMEMBER:  Simply rank internship programs based on your TRUE preferences, without consideration for where you believe you might be ranked by these programs.  List the program that you want most as rank #1, followed by your next most-preferred program as rank #2, and so on.

In deciding the SEQUENCE of your rankings, do NOT take into consideration where you believe that you are ranked by programs.  Do NOT worry about such things as a program's popularity, the number of positions offered by a program, how other applicants might rank a program, how a program might rank you or other applicants, the length of your Rank Order List, etc.  Do NOT spend time trying to develop ranking "strategies" to supposedly increase your chances of getting your highly-ranked programs.  Taking any of these factors into consideration when determining the sequence of your choices may ultimately hurt you because it may reduce your chances of getting the best possible match.  The Matching Program has been specifically designed to allow you to ignore those extraneous factors, and will work best for you if you simply rank your programs in the order in which you prefer them.

We also strongly encourage you to rank ALL programs that are considering you and that you find acceptable, even if you believe that you will be able to match to one of your more preferred programs.  If you decide that a program is no longer acceptable to you and you do not want to be matched to that program under any circumstances, even if that means you will be left unmatched, simply leave that program off of your Rank Order List.  You cannot be matched to a program that does not appear on your Rank Order List.

Below are some commonly-asked questions and answers about rankings.  If you have any questions about ranking or anything else related to the APPIC Match, please feel free to contact me at or (512) 410-0002.


QUESTION:  If a program doesn't appear very interested in me, how should that affect my rankings?

ANSWER:  It should not affect your rankings in any way.  Let's use an example to address this question.  Suppose that you applied to five programs, and your TRUE order of preference for these programs is as follows:

1.  Wonderland VA - Psychology Internship
2.  Atlantis Mental Health - Child Rotation
3.  Emerald City Counseling Center - Psychology Internship
4.  Atlantis Mental Health - Adult Rotation
5.  Graceland Hospital - Psychology Internship

In this example, Wonderland VA is ranked #1 because it's the program that you most want to attend.  Assume that Wonderland doesn't appear to be very interested in you.  Should you move them down your list, given your assumption that they may not rank you highly?

The answer is NO.  If the Wonderland VA is truly your top choice, you should absolutely leave them at the top of your list.  The Matching Program will attempt to match you to Wonderland without reducing your chances of being matched with other programs if you are not matched to Wonderland.  Changing the sequence of your rankings based on how you perceive a program has ranked you is a serious mistake that could negatively affect your outcome.


QUESTION:  What if a program seems to be very interested in me, yet they are not very high on my list.  Should I move them higher on my list?

ANSWER:  Using the above example:  let's assume that Graceland Hospital has expressed very strong interest in you.  In fact, they have violated the Match Policies and told you that they will be ranking you #1 on their list.  Should you move them up your Rank Order List, given their strong interest in you?

The answer again is NO.  If Graceland is truly your fifth choice, then leave them ranked fifth.  The Matching Program will attempt to match you to your higher-ranked choices.  If it is unable to do so, and if Graceland has truly ranked you as their #1 choice, then you will be matched to Graceland.  Thus, as you can see in this example, you have been able to rank Graceland according to your true preferences, without being penalized if your higher-ranked choices don't work out for you.


QUESTION:  I'm still a bit confused.  Here is a hypothetical situation:  If I "reach for the stars" and rank six highly-competitive programs as my first six choices, and then if these programs do not rank me very high or at all, have I then wasted my top choices on programs that were long-shots?

ANSWER:  There is no such thing as having "wasted" your top choices.  If those six programs are truly your top six choices, then you should rank them as your top six.  Doing so will give you the opportunity to be matched to those programs, even if you consider your chances to be low.  By ranking those programs as your top six choices, you will not reduce your chances of matching with other less-preferred programs if your top six don't work out.

FOLLOW-UP QUESTION:  OK, let's say I take your advice, but I don't get matched to those top six programs.  If I had also ranked the Transylvania VA as #6, and John Doe ranked Transylvania as #1, wouldn't John Doe then get Transylvania over me?

ANSWER:  This will depend on whether Transylvania prefers you or John Doe, not on whether John Doe ranked Transylvania higher than you did.  If Transylvania ranks you higher than John Doe, and you don't get your top six choices, then you (not John Doe) would be matched with Transylvania (assuming Transylvania doesn't fill their positions by matching with other applicants who they prefer over BOTH you and John Doe).  On the other hand, if Transylvania ranks John Doe higher than you, then John Doe would be matched to that program.  

Thus, even though Transylvania was ranked #6 on your list, you haven't reduced your chances of being matched to Transylvania by providing your true rankings.


QUESTION:  Which programs should I include on my Rank Order List?

ANSWER:  Most people will choose to include on their Rank Order List all programs at which they are being considered.  However, if you decide that one or more of these programs are no longer acceptable to you (i.e., you would prefer to remain unmatched rather than be matched to these programs), simply leave these programs off of your Rank Order List.  You cannot be matched to any program that does not appear on your Rank Order List.  Be aware, however, that reducing the number of programs on your List potentially increases your chances of remaining unmatched.

FOLLOW-UP QUESTION:  I received a lot of interviews, and I'm pretty confident that I will be matched to one of my top-ranked sites.  Do I really need to include all programs at which I'm being considered on my Rank Order List?

ANSWER:  Yes, we strongly recommend doing so.  Better safe than sorry, since submitting additional choices will not reduce your chances of matching to a more preferred choice.  Sometimes, applicants make assumptions about where they are going to match based on a positive interview experience and/or enthusiasm expressed by a program, and those assumptions aren't always accurate (e.g., because programs often don't have enough positions to accommodate all of the applicants about whom they are genuinely enthusiastic).  Thus, ranking all programs that are acceptable to you is the best approach.  There is no limit to the number of programs you can rank.

This advice is also very important for couples who participate in the Match.  We strongly recommend that couples submit all acceptable pairings of programs, even though constructing such a long list may be time-consuming.  More information about participating as a couple may be found in the Applicant section of the Match web site (


QUESTION:  I'm worried about not matching to any program on my Rank Order List.  Does the order in which I rank programs affect whether or not I will be matched at all?

ANSWER:  No.  The order of your rankings only affects WHERE you will be matched, not WHETHER OR NOT you will be matched.

Example #1:  Suppose you rank eight programs and don't match to any of them.  That means that each of the eight programs either did not rank you or filled all their available positions with applicants that they preferred to you.  Each program's preference for other applicants over you is not affected by the order in which you ranked the eight programs.  As a result, you would have been unmatched regardless of the order in which you ranked those eight programs.

Example #2:  Suppose you rank eight programs and are matched to your #1 choice, the "Acme Psychology Internship."  Now suppose you had instead ranked the same eight programs but in a different order, say with Acme as the last choice.  You would still be as desirable to Acme, and therefore at worst would match to that program.  However, in this case you may match to one of the other programs that you prefer to Acme.  Regardless of the order in which you rank the eight programs, you will still match, either to Acme or to a program you list as preferred to Acme.


QUESTION:  One program at which I interviewed told me that I am no longer under consideration (i.e., that I won't be ranked).  However, I haven't heard from the other programs that interviewed me regarding my status as an applicant.  How do I know whether or not a program is ranking me?

ANSWER:  While some programs provide post-interview feedback as to whether or not you remain under consideration, many don't.  Thus, if you interviewed at a program, you should assume that you remain under consideration (and will be ranked) unless that program specifically informs you otherwise.

FOLLOW-UP QUESTION:  If I'm not sure whether or not I will be ranked by a particular program, should I still rank it?

ANSWER:  Probably so.  As explained previously, there is no "risk" or "penalty" to ranking a program, even if you believe that program may not have you ranked highly (or may not have ranked you at all).  So, unless you've been informed by a program that you are no longer under consideration, it's probably best to go ahead and rank that program if it is acceptable to you.


QUESTION:  What if I didn't receive an interview at a particular program, and they haven't explicitly told me that they aren't ranking me?  Should I still rank this program?

ANSWER:  The answer to this question depends on whether or not the program in question conducts interviews as part of the evaluation process.  While many programs conduct personal interviews with applicants, some programs do not interview applicants but instead rely on the written applications as the primary source of information in making their selections.  This issue will be addressed separately for programs that conduct interviews and those that do not.

FOR PROGRAMS THAT CONDUCT INTERVIEWS:  Being matched to a program that usually interviews applicants but didn't interview you is, in general, unlikely.  But, it can happen.  In our experience, most programs do not rank applicants whom they haven't interviewed.  However, a small number of programs do.  So, if you still want to attempt to be matched to a program that didn't interview you (even though you may know very little about the program), you are welcome to include it on your Rank Order List.  We recommend, however, that you very carefully consider whether you really want to be matched to a program that you may know very little about.  Remember that if you do rank that program and are matched there, you are obligated to accept the position at that program.

FOR PROGRAMS THAT DO NOT CONDUCT INTERVIEWS:  Some programs do not conduct personal interviews or only conduct Open Houses to provide information to applicants.  Thus, by definition, all of the applicants that these programs rank have not been interviewed.  For these programs, you should assume that you are still under consideration (and thus rank the program if you find it acceptable to you) unless you have explicitly been notified otherwise.

Remember that, in either case, if you do rank the program and are matched there, you are obligated to accept the position at that program.


QUESTION:  What if I have submitted and certified my Rank Order List, but then receive a rejection letter from one of the programs that I ranked?  Do I need to login again to the NMS Match System in order to remove this program from my Rank Order List?

ANSWER:  Not really, though you are welcome to do so if you wish.  If you include a program on your Rank Order List that ultimately does not rank you, the matching process will simply skip over that program on your list, without reducing your chances of being matched to any other programs.  You can go ahead and remove this program from your List before the Rank Order List deadline, if you wish, but doing so will not change your Match result (if you do decide to change your list, remember that you will have to re-certify the list in the online system by the Rank Order List deadline in order for it to be used in the Match).


QUESTION:  Does the Matching Program algorithm favor applicants' or programs' rankings?

ANSWER:  Neither.  Applicants' and programs' rankings are given equal weight in the process.  More information on this question may be found here:

The algorithm used in the APPIC Match was designed by Alvin Roth and National Matching Services (NMS) President Elliott Peranson, and was key to Roth's winning the 2012 Nobel Prize for economics.  More information about this algorithm may be found here:


QUESTION:  I heard a rumor that the Match algorithm attempts to place the greatest number of applicants into positions, even if it means placing some applicants at less-preferred programs, and thus I should rank only a few programs.  Is this true?

ANSWER:  This is absolutely FALSE.  The Match algorithm is designed to give each individual applicant and program the best possible outcome based on the rankings they submit.  It does NOT in any way attempt to maximize the number of applicants placed.  It will NOT place an applicant into a less-preferred position in order to permit other applicants to be matched.  Similarly, it will NOT place a less preferred applicant into a program in order to permit more positions to be filled in other programs.  As noted above, we strongly encourage you to rank ALL programs that are considering you and that you find acceptable.  Doing otherwise will not get you a better position, but may reduce your chances of matching.


QUESTION:  I heard a rumor that contradicts what I'm reading in this e-mail.  What should I do?

ANSWER:  Like much of what occurs online, the APPIC Match is the subject of rumors, speculation, and just plain false information posted on chat boards and elsewhere.  We strongly suggest you ignore the online postings and focus on official communications from NMS and APPIC, including this e-mail.


QUESTION:  I've heard that I should tell my "first choice" program that they are ranked as my #1 choice.  Is this true?

ANSWER:  Absolutely not, as this is prohibited by the APPIC Match Policies.  Applicants may not communicate any ranking information to sites, nor may sites communicate any ranking information to applicants (see APPIC Match Policy #7 at


QUESTION:  Is it OK to share information about my rankings and preferences with my friends on a social networking site, such as Facebook?

ANSWER:  The APPIC Match Policies prohibit you from sharing your rankings with internship sites prior to the end of Phase II.  While you are free to share your rankings with others, we strongly encourage you to be careful and thoughtful about such communications.  And, we strongly recommend that you refrain from posting your rankings or program preferences on Facebook, other social networking sites, e-mail lists, discussion boards/forums, etc., as faculty/staff from internship sites could see (or hear about) anything that you post publicly.


QUESTION:  What if I still have questions about the ranking process or other aspects of the Match?

ANSWER:  For questions about your Match registration or difficulties using the online system on the Match web site, please refer to the links to the Match web site listed below or contact National Matching Services at or (800) 461-6322.  Other questions may be directed to the APPIC Match Coordinator, Dr. Greg Keilin, at or (512) 410-0002.

Additional information about constructing and submitting a Rank Order List may be found at:


2.  For Applicants:

3.  For Programs:


MATCH NEWS: Match Update (January 19, 2025)

This e-mail describes how to obtain instructions for participating in the APPIC Match as well as how to access the lists of registered internship programs and applicants:



Starting Monday, January 20, applicants and programs will be able to submit their rankings for Phase I of the Match in the NMS Match System.  The NMS Match System is accessible from the Match web site: - Select "Log in" at the top of the page

EVERY registered applicant and program must either certify a Rank Order List or withdraw from Phase I of the Match no later than 11:59 pm EASTERN Time on Friday, February 7, 2025.  We strongly encourage you to enter and certify your Rank Order List well before the deadline.  If you do not intend to submit any rankings for Phase I of the Match, you MUST use the NMS Match System to formally notify NMS, as explained below under "NO RANKS TO SUBMIT." 



VERY important tips for applicants about how to rank programs will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS over the next few days.

This time of year, I spend an inordinate amount of time squelching rumors about the Match, especially inaccurate information about rankings and the Matching algorithm.

Please know that APPIC and NMS put a great deal of effort into providing accurate information and guidance for Match participants.  The rankings that you submit are an essential part of making the Match work for you, so please consider the guidance that we will provide later this week to be essential reading.  If you hear a rumor that contradicts our official guidance, please be skeptical, and don't hesitate to ask me for clarification (, 512-410-0002).



The Match web site provides detailed instructions for both applicants and internship programs on preparing and entering Rank Order Lists:

From the drop-down menu for either "Applicants" or "Internships" (whichever is appropriate for you) at the top of the screen, choose "Rank".  This section includes information and comprehensive user guides for submitting Rank Order Lists using the NMS Match System.

Participation instructions for Phase I of the Match have also been sent as PDF documents by e-mail from National Matching Services Inc. to all registered applicants and to Training Directors of all registered internship programs.  If you did not receive the PDF instructions, you can download the document from the Match web site. Click on either "Applicants" or "Internships" (whichever is appropriate for you) from the menu at the top of the screen, then click on the “Help” button; links to the instruction documents can be found in the "Documents" section.

The password that you previously provided in the NMS Match System (e.g., when you registered) will be required to submit your rankings for the Match and to access your Match result and other restricted information in the NMS Match System.  Be sure that you KEEP YOUR PASSWORD CONFIDENTIAL -- to prevent use by unauthorized individuals (yes, it has happened).  If you cannot remember your password, use the "Forgot Password" link on the NMS Match System login page to reset your password.



Every applicant and program registered for the Match has been assigned a unique Code Number which is used to identify the applicant and program in the Match processing.  Applicants and programs should check the Code Numbers displayed on their Rank Order Lists in the NMS Match System to verify they have ranked the correct participants.

APPLICANTS:  Applicants can search for and obtain six-digit Program Code Numbers using the "List of Participating Internships" button on the home page of the Match web site.  If you need clarification regarding the Code Number to be used for a particular program, contact the program directly.

Applicants do NOT need to take any additional steps to provide their Code Numbers to internship programs, as programs already have access to that information.

INTERNSHIP TRAINING DIRECTORS:  Programs can obtain five-digit Applicant Code Numbers:  (a) by reviewing the list of applicants who are registered for the Match in the NMS Match System (from the drop-down menu for "Internships" at the top of the screen, choose "List of Registered Applicants"), or (b) from applicants' AAPIs.  Programs that have difficulty locating the Code Number for a particular applicant should contact that applicant directly.



APPLICANTS:  Applicants who do not wish to submit any rankings of programs for Phase I of the Match MUST withdraw from Phase I using the NMS Match System.  Applicants who withdraw from Phase I of the Match may still choose to participate in Phase II of the Match and/or the Post-Match Vacancy Service.  (Consult the Match web site for more information on the implications of withdrawing from Phase I - see

INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS:  Programs that have positions available but no applicants to rank for Phase I must certify a Rank Order List with no applicants in the NMS Match System.  This will leave the program active in the Match so that its unfilled position(s) will be included in Phase II of the Match.  (Consult the Match web site for more information on certifying a Rank Order List with no applicants -  see

If a program no longer has any positions available, the program must be withdrawn from the Match via the NMS Match System.  A program that has been withdrawn from Phase I will not be included initially in Phase II, but may be reinstated for Phase II by submitting a written request to NMS.  (Consult the Match web site for more information on withdrawing from the Match -  see


MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (January 15, 2025)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1546
Site Name:  Torrance State Hospital
Location:  Torrance, Pennsylvania
Training Director:  Sheri L. Goldstrohm, Ph.D. - - 724-675-2110

Torrance State Hospital is excited to announce that our APA Accreditation Site Visit is scheduled for February.  Please be advised that there is no guarantee that we will ultimately achieve accreditation.

In addition, we would like to extend our application deadline to January 20th, 2025. 


APPIC Member #:  2643
Site Name:  Community Institute for Psychotherapy (CIP)
Location:  San Rafael, CA
Training Director:  Jeremy Mintz, PsyD -- -- (415) 459-5999 ext. 301

CIP now has two full-time internship positions available in addition to two half-time positions. We are accepting applications until January 15, 2025 and will send emails to offer interviews to all qualified applicants no later than January 17, 2025. For more information, please visit our website:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (January 6, 2025)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2631
Site Name:  The Parnes Clinic of the Ferkauf Graduate SChool of Psychology
Location:  Bronx, NY
Training Director:  William Salton, Ph.D. -

The Parnes Clinic became an APPIC member in November of 2024, and we are currently inviting applications for our 2 internship positions. We are the on-site training clinic for the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology of Yeshiva University. Interns will treat patients and perform assessments in our clinic as well participate in our subclinics that work with patients who have non-verbal learning disabilities (NVLD), medical and psychiatric conditions, and who are seeking political asylum. Interns will also evaluate patients who are pursuing gender affirming surgery at nearby Jacobi Hospital. Finally, interns will train and supervise Physician's Assistant (PA) students at Yeshiva's Katz school. The salary is 35K per year plus benefits. Application Deadline is 1.20.25.


APPIC Member #:  2601
Site Name:  Irby Psychological Services
Location:  Southaven, MS
Training Director:  Tera Bradley, Ph.D.;

Irby Psychological Services (IPS), located in the Memphis, TN metro area, is extending its deadline for internship applications to January 10, 2025 and looking to fill 3 internship positions. Interviews will take place (virtually) on January 17. Further, we are pleased to announce that we are increasing our stipend from $35,000 to $40,000 for the 2025-2026 training year. For additional information, please visit our website at


APPIC Member #:  2643
Site Name:  Community Institute for Psychotherapy (CIP)
Location:  San Rafael, CA
Training Director:  Jeremy Mintz, PsyD - - (415) 459-5999 ext. 301

As a new APPIC member, CIP is thrilled to participate in our first Match this year. We are a nonprofit community mental health agency that has been serving the Marin community for over 40 years. We provide psychotherapy and assessment services to children (ages 6 and up), teens, adults, couples, and families. Clients who receive services at CIP seek our help for a wide range of concerns, from mild mood disorders to severe, chronic mental illness. Our intensive training program is based on a contemporary psychodynamic framework which emphasizes the benefits of longer term psychotherapeutic treatment. We are open to accept applications for one full-time position and two half-time positions until January 15, 2025 and will send emails to offer interviews to all qualified applicants no later than January 17, 2025. 

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (December 22, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2637
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Pacific Region
Location:  Seattle, WA
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

The NPTC – Pacific Region sites have decided to extend their application deadline until January 5th with an interview notification deadline of January 15th.

The Pacific Region has 4 internship positions for the 2025-2026 training year all located in Washington state and ranging in experience from private practice experience, assessment, rehabilitation psychology, and traditional outpatient therapy. You can find more information about this newly created region on our website:

Additional interview resources are available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2497
Site Name:  Genesis Counseling Center
Location:  Hampton, VA
Training Director:  Candace Lassiter, Psy.D, LCP -

Genesis Counseling Center is extending the deadline for AAPI applications until 12/30/2024.  Genesis Counseling Center is a private outpatient clinic that serves a diverse community in the Hampton Roads area, and there are opportunities to work with children, adolescents, adults, and marriage/family counseling.  The internship has a heavy focus on assessment, outpatient psychotherapy, and group therapy.


APPIC Member #:  2540
Site Name:  Guam Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Tamuning, Guam
Training Directors:  Ericia Leeper, PsyD, & Mary Fegurgur,

Guam-PIC has extended our application due date from 12/15/2024 to 12/30/2024. We have also extended our interview notification date from 12/23/2024 to 1/3/2024, though we aim to notify prospective interns as soon as possible.

Additionally, due to the continued impact of inflation, especially upon the airline industry, interns matched to Guam-PIC for the 2025-2026 cohort will receive an economic impact payment of $2000 to help offset increased relocation costs. The payment shall be made within 45 days of orientation.

For additional information about Guam-PIC, please visit our website.


APPIC Member #:  2638
Site Name:  Northeast Tennessee Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Bristol and Kingsport, Tennessee
Training Director: Lori J. Klinger, Ph.D. -

Northeast Tennessee Psychology Internship Consortium (NETPIC) has extended its application deadline until 12/29/2024.  NETPIC provides interns with the training experiences of school psychology services at its Bristol Tennessee City Schools training site as well as clinic-based community mental services at Frontier Health’s Holston Children and Youth Services clinic and Frontier Health’s Forensic and Assessment Services clinic co-located in Kingsport, Tennessee. We have two training positions available and the interns’ annual stipend is $30,000. NETPIC recently gained provisional APPIC membership and. For additional information about the NETPIC program, please see the APPIC internship directory (#2638) or visit NETPIC’s website at Interested applicants are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Lori J. Klinger, NETPIC Training Director, at with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  2040
Site Name:  Liberty Healthcare Doctoral Psychology Internship Training Program at the IDHS Treatment and Detention Facility
Location:  Rushville, IL
Training Director:  Paula Lodge, PhD, LCP - - (217) 322-3204  X3512

Liberty Healthcare has extended the application deadline for our Doctoral Internship at the Treatment and Detention Facility in Rushville, Il. to January 3, 2025.  We will notify applicants if they are invited for an interview by January 10, 2025. We are also pleased to announce that we have increased the stipend for our Doctoral Internship from $50,000 to $55,000 for the 2025-2026 training year! At this time we are seeking to fill 3 Internship positions.  


APPIC Member #:  2593
Site Name:  Eastern Kentucky University Counseling Center
Location:  Richmond, KY
Training Director:  Andri Yennari, PhD, LP,, 859 622 1303

We are pleased to announce that we have extended our deadline for applications to December 30, 2024 at 11:59PM ET for our Internship program. We have 2 internship positions available. Eastern Kentucky University Counseling Center (EKUCC) currently offers the only Counseling Center Doctoral Psychology Internship in the State of Kentucky.

Please contact our Training Director, Dr. Andri Yennari at 859-622-1303 or if you have questions or concerns.  Because we have extended the deadline for applications, we will now notify individuals if they are invited for an interview by January 2, 2025.

We are also excited to share that our Eastern Kentucky University Counseling Center was awarded Full Membership in APPIC as of 11/5/2024.  We have been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025.  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation.

Please see our website to learn about our program, along with our stipend and benefits:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (December 11, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1292
Site Name:  Park Center, Inc.
Location:  Fort Wayne, IN
Training Director:  Dr. Courtney Washington -; 260-373-5650

We have extended our application deadline to 12/17/2024 by 11:59 p.m. EST. We will notify applicants of interviews on 12/20/2024, and hold interviews 1/30/24 and 1/31/24 with virtual and in person options. Additionally, we will be seeking to fill four intern positions for the upcoming 25/26 training year.


APPIC Member #:  1250
Site Name:  Kane County Diagnostic Center
Location:  St. Charles, IL
Training Director:  Elisa M. Lancaster, Psy.D.,, 630-262-4480

The Kane County Diagnostic Center (KCDC) has been working diligently to update our intern materials. We have completed our new interactive brochure and wanted to distribute this to qualified intern applicants who have an interest or passion for forensic work. You can access our brochure here: KCDC is the psychology department for the 16th Judicial Circuit Court. We conduct court-ordered psychological evaluations including Sanity, Fitness to Stand Trial, Miranda, Transfer, and Sex Offender evaluations and provide individual and group therapy. We also provide expert testimony to the Court. We have received notification of approval for an accreditation site visit by APA for Fall 2025 and welcome applications from both accredited and un-accredited doctoral programs. Please be advised that there is no assurance that we will be able to successfully achieve accreditation. Our application deadline is December 30, 2024. Please contact Dr. Lancaster if you have any additional questions or need more information.


APPIC Member #:  1781
Site Name:  Nebraska Mental Health Centers
Location:  Lincoln, Nebraska
Training Director:  Melissa Lafferty, Ph.D. -

We have extended our deadline for applications to December 30, 2024 for our Internship program.  Please contact our Training Director, Dr. Melissa Lafferty at 402-483-6990 or if you have questions or concerns.  Because we have extended the deadline for applications, we will now notify individuals if they are invited for an interview by January 10, 2025. 


APPIC Member #:  2640
Site Name:  McLaren Health Academic Health Psychology Programs
Location:  Mt. Clemens, MI
Training Director:  Jennifer Carty, PhD -

The McLaren Health Academic Health Psychology Program is excited to announce that our predoctoral internship program has received APPIC provisional membership. We are recruiting 4 interns for our inaugural 2025 cohort. Our internship program trains interns to develop competence in clinical health psychology with an emphasis in integrated behavioral health settings. Interns also benefit from training in a multidisciplinary setting alongside family medicine, internal medicine, and emergency medicine resident physicians. This robust program also offers a competitive stipend ($40,000) and benefits package. The program has been approved for a site visit by APA during the first year that two interns are on site; please be advised that there are no guarantees that we will be able to recruit two interns this year or that we will ultimately achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2488
Site Name:  Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals
Location:  Moorhead and Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Training Director:  Tessie Blake, Psy.D., L.P. - 218-844-6853 -

Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals Psychology Internship Program will be extending the Phase One application deadline until Friday, December 13th, 11:59 pm ET, in both our Detroit Lakes [MATCH ID = 248813] and  Moorhead  [MATCH ID = 248811] locations. The 2025-2026 internship stipend for both tracks is $42,500. We would be happy to answer any other questions; contact information is above and on our website


APPIC Member #:  2641
Site Name:  Gateways Hospital and Mental Health Center
Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Training Director:  Dr. Elizabeth Morris  ( )

Gateways Hospital is excited to announce its Full APPIC membership and participation in this year’s match!  We will be participating in this year’s match (Round 1 application deadline is 1/17/25) and have four internship positions available. The Gateways Internship Program provides trainees the opportunity to use and further develop their clinical skills with a variety of diverse populations within the inpatient setting. Populations served include Transitional-Aged Youth (TAY), ODR (Office of Diversion and Re-Entry), HOME Team (Homeless Outreach Mobile Engagement), as well as patients that are referred from Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), various schools within Los Angeles County, and Emergency Departments. Our population age ranges from 13-17 on the adolescent unit, and 18-59 for our adults that display a variety of DSM-5-TR diagnoses that are often found in an inpatient setting. Gateways primarily serves a diverse and underserved populations that reside within Los Angeles area.

More information about this internship opportunity is available in the APPIC internship directory (#2641) as well as on our website: . Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the training director Dr. Elizabeth Morris ( with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  1304
Site Name:  VA Eastern Kansas health Care System
Location:  Topeka, KS; Leavenworth, KS
Training Director:   Dr. Jamye Brown,  (Assistant Training Director: Dr. Danna Letsch,

We are very pleased to announce that VA Eastern Kansas is extending our application deadline through December 15 at 11:59PM ET.  We have also extended our notification deadline to December 20.  Our APA accredited internship has six open training slots with shared didactics and group supervision at both the Leavenworth and Topeka campus.  Our program offers high-quality, evidence-based treatment and assessment for a diverse population of Veterans.  VAEK is a multi-faceted program, offering opportunities for a variety of training experiences in a supportive and flexible environment.  We also value work-life balance and restrict intern work hours to 8:00 to 4:30. We are passionate about our internship and committed to training the next generation of psychologists!

Please visit our website at:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (December 2, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2342
Site Name:  VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Location:  Las Vegas, NV
Training Director:  Layne Goble, Ph.D. ( )

We’re happy to announce our new Behavioral Medicine Rotation at the VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System in Las Vegas. We also have rotations in PTSD, Primary Care Behavioral Health, Outpatient Mental Health (BHIP), and the Comprehensive Assessment Clinic. Please visit our webpage to review our brochure:

We won’t be offering rotations this year in Addictive Disorders Treatment Program, Couples and Family Services, or Geropsychology due to changes in staffing.

Please reach out to Dr. Layne Goble by email at with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  2127
Site Name:  University of Washington Tacoma Psychological & Wellness Services (PAWS)
Location:  Tacoma, WA
Training Director:  Bonnie Benson-Palmgren, Ph.D.,, 253-692-4522

UW Tacoma Psychological & Wellness Services (PAWS) has extended our application deadline to Sunday, December 15 at 11:59pm ET. We welcome applications from those interested in working with a small, warm, collegial staff; gaining experience with a highly diverse student population; and providing individual therapy, group therapy, and supervision to practicum trainees.


APPIC Member #:  1500
Site Name:  Ohio Psychology Internship (OPI)
Location:  Northeast Ohio Consortium – Akron, OH
Training Director:  Tara Toscano, PsyD

Ohio Psychology Internship (OPI) has two distinct tracks for the 2025-26 training year: Corrections (150012) and Outpatient Forensic Services (150015). We are in the process of examining our internship intervention/assessment hours requirement and will consider applications that do not meet these expectations as we evaluate how to update this. Considering, we will be extending our application deadline to 12/7.


APPIC Member #:  2468
Site Name:  JPS Health Network
Location:  Fort Worth, Texas
Training Director:  Cynthia Claassen, PhD – 817-702-5647 –

The JPS Health Network Psychology Internship Program will be extending the Phase One application deadline until Wednesday, December 11th, 11:59 pm ET, for both our General Clinical [MATCH ID = 246811] and  Integrated Primary Care [MATCH ID = 246812] internship tracks. The 2025-2026 internship stipend for both tracks will be $ $45,136, and an APA CoA accreditation site visit is now scheduled for April 2025.  Please be advised that JPS cannot guarantee success in pursuit of APA accreditation. We would be happy to answer any other questions; contact information is above and on our website --


APPIC Member #:  2180
Site Name:  Jefferson Center
Location:  Wheat Ridge, CO
Training Director:  Kirsten Kloock, Psy.D. -

We are excited to announce Jefferson Center’s APA Accredited Internship has extended our deadline to December 10! We are a community mental health center located in the Denver Metro Area and provide opportunities to work with clients across the lifespan in numerous clinical locations. We provide training through two major and three minor rotations throughout the year. Interview notifications will go out no later than December 18. For more information, visit our website at or contact Dr. Kirsten Kloock at


APPIC Member #:  2540
Site Name:  Guam Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Tamuning, Guam
Training Directors:  Ericia Leeper, PsyD, & Mary Fegurgur,

Guam-PIC has extended our application due date from 12/1/2024 to 12/15/2024. We have also extended our interview notification date from 12/15/2024 to 12/23/2024, though we aim to notify prospective interns as soon as possible.


APPIC Member #:  1231
Site Name:  Georgia State University
Location:  Atlanta, GA
Training Director:   Jenny Qin, PsyD -

Our Directory listing currently has our interview notification date set to 11/29/2024. That is in error. We will be sending interview notifications out on 12/6/2024 by 11:59PM EST.


APPIC Member #:  1296
Site Name:  Southlake Community Mental Health Center dba Regional Health Systems
Location:  Merrillville, IN
Training Director:  Valerie Perez, PsyD, HSPP -  

We are now accepting applicants for our doctoral internship from APA accredited School Psychology programs. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me.


APPIC Member #:  1657
Site Name:  Mississippi State Hospital
Location:  Whitfield, MS
Training Director:  Mary Ashley Angelo, PhD - - 601-351-8528

The Mississippi State Hospital Doctoral Internship in Health Services Psychology is extending its application deadline to Friday, December 6th.  Our notification date will be Tuesday, December 10th. Our program offers rotations with patients across the lifespan, both civilly and forensically committed, and we offer a competitive stipend of $36,000.

Applicants from under-represented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply, Please feel free to contact Dr. Angelo with any questions and see our website at for more information.


APPIC Member #:  2632
Site Name:  Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Location:  St. Paul, MN
Training Director:  Dr. Bee Xiong-Vang (

Wilder is pleased to announce the establishment of our internship program and recent obtainment of APPIC provisional membership! We will be participating in this year’s match (Round 1 application deadline is 12/20/24). Wilder has a strong commitment to diversity and providing services from a culturally-informed, whole-family approach. We provide a training experience in community mental health that is multicultural, integrated, and multilingual by design, and interns can expect to work with a client population that comprises a wide range of racial, ethnic, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds. For the 2025-2026 training year, two internship positions are offered. Interns will provide a combination of outpatient psychotherapy and psychological assessment and testing. Additionally, depending on Wilder needs and availability, interns can elect to receive additional training and supervision in group therapy, supervision and consultation, integration of alternative and indigenous healing practices, and outpatient early childhood assessment. Self-motivated interns committed to issues of social justice, health equity, and family/person-centered care would be excellent fits for our site. Interns who identify with cultural and ethnic minority communities, and who have dual language experience, are especially encouraged to apply.

More information about this internship opportunity is available in the APPIC internship directory (#2632). Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the training director Dr. Bee Xiong-Vang ( with questions and/or to receive a copy of our internship brochure. At this time, our brochure is not available on our website.


APPIC Member #:  2638
Site Name:  Northeast Tennessee Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Bristol and Kingsport, Tennessee
Training Director:  Lori J. Klinger, Ph.D.

Northeast Tennessee Psychology Internship Consortium (NETPIC) is excited to announce its provisional APPIC membership and participation in this year’s match!  NETPIC provides interns with the training experiences of school psychology services at its Bristol Tennessee City Schools training site as well as clinic-based community mental services at Frontier Health’s Holston Children and Youth Services clinic and Frontier Health’s Forensic and Assessment Services clinic co-located in Kingsport, Tennessee. We have two training positions available and the interns’ annual stipend is $30,000. The application deadline is 12/11/2024.

For additional information about the NETPIC program, please see the APPIC internship directory (#2638) or visit NETPIC’s website at Interested applicants are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Lori J. Klinger, NETPIC Training Director, at with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  2603
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Cy-Hawk Region
Location:  Ankeny, IA
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

The NPTC-Cy-Hawk Region sites have decided to extend their application deadline until December 8th. Please see more information about our region on our Cy-Hawk Region page:

You can also find more application and interview resources available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2390
Site Name: Buffalo Psychiatric Center
Location:  Buffalo, NY
Training Director:  Sigrid Pechenik, PsyD -

The Buffalo Psychiatric Center (BPC) is extending our application deadline to December 10, 2024 11:59pm (EST). BPC’s internship program is designed to provide a solid foundation on the assessment and treatment of acute and chronic severe mental illness (SMI) across the adult lifespan (18 to 65+).  ANNUAL SALARY - $39,104.  Please check out our website for additional information:


APPIC Member #:  2217
Site Name:  VA Nebraska-Western Iowa
Location:  Omaha, NE; Lincoln, NE; Grand Island, NE;  and, Norfolk, NE
Training Director: Mark Weilage, PhD –

VA Nebraska-Western Iowa is accepting applications for the 2025-26 training class; we have extended our application date for Match I to December 15, 2024 at 11:59 EST.  Our APA accredited “excellent generalist” internship currently has 6 open training slots with shared didactics and group supervision across Four VA training sites.   We have our updated brochure up at:  There are some new optional experiences available in the Omaha site. Please see the brochure for more details.


APPIC Member #:  1893
Site Name:  Dalhousie University Clinical Psychology Residency Program
Location:  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Training Director:  Cheryl Aubie, Ph.D., R.Psych.

We are excited to announce that the Dalhousie Clinical Psychology Residency Program has received Full APPIC membership and is now available in the match portal for applications. We have 4 internship positions for the 2025-2026 training year all located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The application is due no later than December 8 at 11:59pm ET.

Our program offers high-quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. We provide services to both university students and the wider community, and thus serve a diverse clientele. Delivery of equity-based and culturally competent care is central to our practice and the training objectives of our residency program.

Please email Dr. Cheryl Aubie for more information.


APPIC Member #:  2575
Site Name:  Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Location:  Neptune, NJ
Training Director:  Gina Vella, Psy.D.,

We are pleased to announce that our Internship Program has been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025. Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation. Please reach out to Dr. Vella if you have any questions at Our application deadline is December 7 at 11:59PM EST.

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (November 25, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2406
Site Name:  High Plains Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Colorado
Training Director:  Robyn S Hess PhD –

High Plains Psychology Internship Consortium is pleased to announce that Educational Service Unit #13 (240612) is recruiting for a second position. Located in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Educational Service Unit #13 (ESU13) is a nonprofit agency that provides specialized services to schools throughout the western Nebraska Panhandle. Most of the areas serviced by ESU13 are rural with limited access to community resources and a large percentage of economically disadvantaged students. The mission of the agency is to strive to achieve educational excellence for all learners through strong partnerships, services, and leadership. We are interested in individuals from school, counseling, and clinical specializations who have an interest in working in rural areas with an emphasis on child/adolescent clients.


APPIC Member #:  2558
Site Name:  Illinois Behavioral Health Group (IBHG)
Location:  Skokie, IL
Training Director:  Stacey Lipson, PsyD (

Illinois Behavioral Health Group (IBHG) is excited to announce we have submitted an accreditation self-study to APA. Please be advised there is no assurance we will be able to successfully achieve accreditation. In light of this milestone, we have extended our submission deadline to December 8.


APPIC Member #:  1143
Site Name:  Child and Family Guidance Center
Location:  Northridge, CA
Training Director:  Susan Hall-Marley, PhD,  818-739-5344

Child and Family Guidance Center in Northridge California is extending our application deadline to November 29, 2024.  We are especially interested in receiving applications from candidates who are fluently bilingual in English and Spanish and who have experience with children, adolescents, and families.


APPIC Member #:  1308
Site Name:  Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program (WCPIP)
Location:  Wichita, KS
Training Director:  Rachel Amerson: or 316-978-4792

The Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program (WCPIP) is extending our deadline for applications to December 6th, 2024! WCPIP is a consortium containing the following sites:
The Wichita State University CAPS site is recruiting 2 interns this year who are interested in college counseling, individual and group therapy experience, outreach programing, and crisis intervention. Interns at CAPS are full time, benefited employees with access to health insurance, paid time off, and will receive a $35,000 stipend for the year. match number: 130812

Prairie View  is a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) which delivers comprehensive care including treatment for mental health, substance use, crisis intervention, and primary care screening and monitoring across the lifespan. Prairie View is recruiting 2 interns, who will have access to health insurance, paid time off, and receive a $26,000 stipend as full time benefited employees. match number: 130814

University of Kansas School of Medicine - Wichita offers two tracks and is recruiting 1 intern for Clinical Neuropsychology (match number: 130816) and 2 interns for Child Psychology (130819). Neuropsychology interns can expect to gain experiences conducting evaluations across the lifespan both outpatient and inpatient, consulting at local hospitals, conducting evaluations for competency/capacity determinations and civil litigation cases, Child Psychology interns can expect to gain experiences with concluding diagnostic evaluations and treatment for children and adolescents and consultations at the local children's hospital. As full time benefited employees, interns have access to health insurance, paid time off, and a stipend of  $28,000.


APPIC Member #:  1487
Site Name:  Creedmoor Psychiatric Center
Location:  Queens Village, NY
Training Director:  Dr. Pamela Karp, Training Director,, (718) 264-5450

We are pleased to announce that the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center doctoral internship program has been granted “accredited, on contingency” status by APA.  There is now an additional training site on the admissions unit for internship placement.  The deadline date for submission of applications is December 15, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  2518
Site Name:  Jordan Valley Community Health Center (JVCHC)
Location:  Springfield, MO
Training Director:   Christopher M. Ward, Psy.D. - - 417-831-0150

In an attempt to recruit additional qualified pre-doctoral internship applicants, JVCHC has reviewed industry standards and decided to lower the overall hours requirements for our program to 400  Intervention Hours (previously 500) and 100 Assessment Hours (previously 200). We believe this is an important and beneficial change with real-world purpose. We are excited about this upcoming APPIC Match season!!!!!


APPIC Member #:  2468
Site Name:  JPS Health Network Doctoral Internship in Health Services Psychology
Location:  Fort Worth, Texas
Training Director:  Cynthia Claassen, PhD – 817-702-5647 –

The JPS Health Network Psychology Internship Program is very pleased to announce that the 2025-2026 intern stipend will be $ $45,136. JPS is also pleased to inform potential applicants that an APA CoA accreditation site visit is now scheduled for April 2025. This CoA site visit will assess accreditation for both our General Clinical Track [MATCH ID = 246811] and our Integrated Primary Care track [MATCH ID = 246812] training programs.  Please be advised that JPS cannot guarantee that we will be successful in our pursuit of APA accreditation. Our application deadline is 12/04/2024.  We are happy to answer any questions; contact information is above and on our website --


APPIC Member #:  2577
Site Name:  FamilyForward Developmental Trauma Center
Location:  St. Louis, MO
Training Director:  Jamie Scaccia, PsyD at 314-968-2350 or

We were recently notified that we were approved for a site visit by APA in the fall of 2025!  Please note that there is no guarantee that we will successfully achieve accreditation.  Please see our posting for more information about our specialty in developmental and complex trauma.


APPIC Member #:  2561
Site Name:  Essentia Health
Location:  Duluth, MN
Training Director:  Julianne Davis PsyD LP -

We have been approved for an APA accreditation site visit, projected to occur in fall 2025. A site visit is not a guarantee of accreditation. Please visit our website at to learn more about internship at our mid-size health system in northern Minnesota, where you can watch freighters on Lake Superior from the group room. Our application deadline is December 2nd 2024.


APPIC Member #:  2637
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Pacific Region
Location:  Seattle, WA
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

We are excited to announce that our newest region, National Psychology Training Consortium – Pacific Region has received provisional APPIC membership and is now available in the match portal for applications. The Pacific Region has 4 internship positions for the 2025-2026 training year all located in Washington state. Due to the late listing in match, the application deadline for the Pacific Region is December 15th and the interview notification date will be December 31st. You can find more information about this newly created region on our website:

Additional interview resources are available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2592
Site Name:  Child and Adolescent Psychology Doctoral Internship Program, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-Lubbock
Location:  Lubbock, TX
Training Director:  Tarrah Mitchell, PhD, ABPP;

We have increased our intern salary to $39,604.72. We have also successfully completed our APA accreditation site visit and hope to hear back on a decision in early 2025; however, there is no guarantee that we will receive accreditation. Lastly, we are extending our application deadline to December 6, 2024 (11:59 PM ET), given that TTUHSC websites were down during the majority of the application period. Our website is back working- for more information, please visit:


APPIC Member #:  2323
Site Name:  Nevada Psychology Internship Consortium (NV-PIC)
Location:  Las Vegas, NV
Training Director:  Shera Bradley, Ph.D. -

The Nevada Psychology Internship Consortium (NV-PIC) is extending our application deadline to December 8, 2024 11:59pm (EST). NV-PIC has 3 positions located in Las Vegas at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services (SNAMHS). We have a forensic evaluation track and an assessment & intervention track. Interns receive training in working with serious mental illness, inpatient clients, diagnostics, and clients committed to the forensic hospital for competency restoration and evaluation. Please check out our website for additional information:


APPIC Member #:  2626
Site Name:  Bridges of the Mind Psychological Services, Inc.
Location:  West Sacramento, CA
Training Director:  Dr. Erika Frieze:

We are thrilled to announce that the Bridges of the Mind Doctoral Internship Program has formally submitted our APA Self-Study, however, there is no guarantee that we will ultimately become accredited. Applications are due by December 6, 2024. For more details on our training program and the application process, please visit our website (currently being updated) or contact our training director directly for the latest information. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort committed to developing their expertise in neurodiversity and advancing inclusive mental health care! Please visit us at:


APPIC Member #:  2550
Site Name:  Department of Justice/ Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan / Psychology Services
Location:  Sheridan, OR
Training Director:  Jessica Hinman - (503) 843-6371 -

The Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan Oregon is excited to share that the program has been approved for an additional intern position (5, rather than 4, positions) for the 2025-2026 training year. Additionally, an APA accreditation site visit is scheduled for January 28-29, 2025. Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2634
Site Name:  Clarity Child Guidance Center
Location:  San Antonio, TX
Training Director:  William C. Guy, PhD;; 210-593-2157

Clarity’s Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Internship is newly and independently APA accredited as of July 2024 and recently became official as an APPIC Member. Clarity Child Guidance Center previously served as the Child, Adolescent and Family Track within the APA Accredited UT Health San Antonio Internship Program (through the 2024-2025 training year).  Applicants who were previously seeking out our program through UT Health can now apply to us directly and we welcome new and interested applicants!


APPIC Member #:  2610
Site Name:  University of Richmond CAPS
Location:  Richmond, VA
Training Director:  Rachel L. Koch, Psy.D.,

The University of Richmond CAPS is extending our application deadline to 12/1/2024 at 11:59pm EST.  We are looking to bring in our inaugural cohort of two (2) interns for the 2025-2026 academic year.  Our internship program offers all the experiences expected of a college counseling internship (individual and group counseling, outreach, supervision, etc.) and specialty tracks, including specializing in treating eating disorders, trauma, and/or working with student athletes with our embedded staff psychologist in the athletics department.  The stipend is $45,000, with options for benefits and leave in line with university policies, plus the flexibility to work remotely one day per week.  Please do consider our program during your search, review our website, and reach out if you have specific questions.


APPIC Member #:  2630
Site Name:  Texas Telehealth Internship Consortium
Location:  College Station, TX
Training Director:  Dr. Jason Hindman ( or Dr. Elizabeth Coe (

The Texas Telehealth Internship Consortium has been created, has recently been granted APPIC provisional membership, and will be participating in this year’s match! (Round 1 application deadline: 11/30/2024)   The Texas A&M University Telehealth Institute and the Baylor Scott & White Warriors Research Institute have partnered to create the Texas Telehealth Internship Consortium. Both organizations have extensive experience providing evidence-based psychotherapies in a telehealth format and have been forerunners in providing innovative, low-cost ways for Texans to access mental health care. The aim of the Texas Telehealth Internship Consortium is to educate the next generation of psychologists to provide evidence-based interventions to populations where there are voids in mental health care. In particular, we are intent on preparing entry-level psychologists to provide mental health care to rural populations, military veterans, and first responders. Interns will receive specialized training in trauma intervention and telehealth competencies. An additional aim of the Texas Telehealth Internship Consortium is to prepare trainees to provide culturally competent treatments to clinical populations that span the developmental continuum, with a robust understanding of outcomes evaluation. Interns will receive full benefits, including a $45,000 annual stipend. The “home base” for the internship will be College Station, TX to provide interns with a rich, hybrid learning environment that blends in-person mentorship and telehealth-delivered services. We seek trainees who share our passions for innovation, high-quality mental health care, and serving the underserved. We will provide ample professional development support to trainees seeking postdoctoral fellowships, employment, and licensure post-internship.

More information about this internship opportunity is available in the APPIC internship directory (#2630) and at Interested applicants are also encouraged to contact the Training Directors, Dr. Jason Hindman ( and Dr. Elizabeth Coe ( with questions.


APPIC Member #:  2602
Site Name:  Centra Behavioral Health
Location:  Lynchburg, VA
Training Director:  Emily Bradshaw -

APA has reviewed the CDPI self-study and has APPROVED A SITE VISIT (expected Fall 2025).  However, there is no guarantee that the program will ultimately achieve accreditation. Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to December 6, 2024.  Centra offers both Adult and Child Track Internship opportunities for clinical, school, and counseling psychology doctoral students. Interns will have clinical opportunities including inpatient, residential and outpatient across Centra Behavioral Health’s sites; working with a diverse group of clients.  Nestled, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lynchburg, a college town, offers many opportunities for the outdoor enthusiast.  Centrally located in Virginia within a few hours’ drive to Washington DC and the Atlantic Ocean, opportunities to explore local areas, our rich history sites, and unique restaurants abound. CDPI is not currently accredited by the APA.


APPIC Member #:  2576
Site Name:  Vantage Point Center for Psychotherapy
Location:  Sacramento, CA
Training Director:  Karen Miller, PhD;

We are very excited to announce we received notification of approval for an accreditation site visit by APA for Fall 2025. Please be advised that there is no assurance that we will be able to successfully achieve accreditation.
Due to this update, we have extended our internship application deadline to December 6, 2024.

We are a private group practice operating in the heart of Sacramento, California. We have four full-time internship spots available and offer a wide variety of clinical training, including LGBTQIA issues, and treatment of eating disorders, and OCD/anxiety. Our training program offers a dynamic blend of comprehensive clinical experiences, expert supervision, and deep exploration of therapeutic practice. With a supportive environment emphasizing growth, self-reflection, and evidence-based techniques, we prepare interns to excel as compassionate and skilled clinicians.

We hope you will consider joining us to deepen your clinical expertise, engage in meaningful mentorship, and become part of a community dedicated to transformative care.


APPIC Member #:  2473
Site Name:  Northwest Neurobehavioral Health, LLC
Location:  Meridian, ID
Training Director:  Carolyn Golden, PsyD;  208-955-7339;

Northwest Neurobehavioral Health, LLC is pleased to announce that our APA site visit has been scheduled for February 10-11, 2025.  Of course, we cannot guarantee an outcome of that site visit or that we will be accredited.  Interns with questions about our program should reach out to Dr. Golden.


APPIC Member #:  1879
Site Name:  Dr. Angela Fountain & Associates Residency Program in Clinical Psychology (Children & Adolescents)
Location:  Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Training Director:  Dr. Patricia Zimmerman, Ph.D., C.Psych. (email:; phone: (905) 655-5813)
We are excited to announce that the Residency Program in Clinical Psychology at Dr. Angela Fountain & Associates has received accreditation status with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).  As a newly accredited residency program, we have decided to extend our application deadline to December 1st, 2024 (11:59pm EST).  Please check out our website: and our training brochure for more information:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (November 17, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2001
Site Name:  University of North Dakota Counseling Center
Location:  Grand Forks, North Dakota
Training Director:  Jaryn Allen, Ph.D., LP (she/her),, 701-777-2124

The University of North Dakota Counseling Center is extending our application deadline to 12/6/2024 at 11:59pm EST. We are seeking 2 interns, offering a $40,000 stipend, for placement in our university counseling center with training in providing individual, couples, and group psychotherapy; crisis intervention; diagnostic interviews; psychological/psychodiagnostic assessments; supervision to practicum students; outreach and programming; and interventions for specialized populations such as medical, law, and aviation students working with the Federal Aviation Administration. Our Training Brochure can be obtained by contacting Jaryn Allen at or 701-777-2124 and information about our program is available on our website: and via the Match directory: . We are happy to share we received full membership status with APPIC as of 8/1/2024 and were recently included in the Princeton Review 2025 Mental Health Services Honor Roll, which selects the Top 16 (out of 250) College Campuses for Mental Health Services: Should you have any questions or wish to receive additional information, please contact Jaryn Allen, or 701-777-2124.


APPIC Member #:  2633
Site Name:  Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Psychology Internship
Location:  Sacramento, CA
Training Director:  Jarrett Takayama, PsyD, (916-478-7652)

We are delighted to announce that the South Sacramento Psychology Internship at Kaiser Permanente has just become an APPIC member and will be offering 4 internship positions for the 2025-2026 training year. Interns in our program will complete their training in Adult Outpatient Mental Health. The annual salary for the 2025-2026 internship training year is $55,324. Applications are due 12/13/2024. Please visit our website for more details or contact the training director (


APPIC Member #:  2464
Site Name:  Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
Location:  Saginaw, MI
Training Director:  Dr. Andrea Rasdale -

We are extending our internship application deadline to 11/29/24.


APPIC Member #:  1296
Site Name:  Southlake Community Mental Health Center dba Regional Health Systems
Location:  Merrillville, IN
Training Director:  Valerie Perez, PsyD, HSPP -  

Three things have changed. We are now fully accreditated. As such we have extended the internship application deadline to 12/5/2024. Additionally, it has come to our attention that there were some technical issues with viewing our online brochure. This has been rectified and our brochure is now available at


APPIC Member #:  2180
Site Name:  Jefferson Center
Location:  Wheat Ridge, CO
Training Director:  Kirsten Kloock, Psy.D. -

We are excited to announce Jefferson Center’s APA Accredited Internship has recently joined the 2025-2026 Match! We are a community mental health center located in the Denver Metro Area and provide opportunities to work with clients across the lifespan in numerous clinical locations. We provide training through two major and three minor rotations throughout the year. The deadline for applications is December 3rd. For more information, visit our website at or contact Dr. Kirsten Kloock at


APPIC Member #:  1519
Site Name:  University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (OUHSC)/Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Location:  Oklahoma City, OK
Training Director:  Amanda Cherry (

It is with great enthusiasm to announce that the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Internship Program in Clinical Psychology, in Oklahoma City, OK has received Full APA Accreditation Status. In response to this change in accreditation status, our application deadline has been extended to 11/25/2024. For more information, please visit.


APPIC Member #:  1925
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Central Region
Location:  Springfield, MO
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

The NPTC-Central Region sites have decided to extend their application deadline until November 24th. Please see more information about our region on our Central Region page:

You can also find more application and interview resources available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2288
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Great Lakes Region
Location:  Noblesville, IN
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495
The NPTC-Great Lakes Region sites have decided to extend their application deadline until November 24th. Please see more information about our region on our Great Lakes Region page:

You can also find more application and interview resources available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2603
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Cy-Hawk Region
Location:  Ankeny, IA
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

The NPTC-Cy-Hawk Region sites have decided to extend their application deadline until November 24th. Please see more information about our region on our Cy-Hawk Region page:

You can also find more application and interview resources available on our Virtual Open House page:


APPIC Member #:  2596
Site Name:  Portland Mental Health & Wellness
Location:  Portland, OR
Training Director:  Laurel Fuson-Lang -

The Portland Mental Health & Wellness doctoral internship program is adding a Latine/bilingual rotation in partnership with Raíces de Bienestar, a local nonprofit dedicated to providing culturally-grounded mental health services to the Latine community here in Oregon. Given this late-breaking update, we are extending our application deadline to December 1 and have added a 3rd intern position in our program. Applicants need to be proficient in Spanish and have culturally grounded training to qualify for the Latine/bilingual rotation.


APPIC Member #:  1415
Site Name:  Broughton Hospital
Location:  Morganton, NC
Training Director:  Kristen Payne, PsyD (

We are pleased to announce an increase in our yearly stipend to $37,500 ($18.75 an hour)! We will be extending our deadline to Monday, December 2nd, to accommodate to any one who would like to re-consider applying with this increase.


APPIC Member #:  1495
Site Name:  SUNY Upstate Medical University
Location:  Syracuse, NY
Training Director:  Michael Miller, Ph.D. -

1.  The application deadline for SUNY Upstate Medical University has been extended to 12/1/24.

2.  We are excited to announce a new training track for Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.  We will be offering two positions in the Golisano Center for Special Needs, where interns will work as part of a multidisciplinary team providing assessment and treatment to children with neurodevelopmental disorders, severe behavioral problems, and feeding disorders. Please see our updated APPIC Directory listing for more information, and contact Dr. Michael Miller at with any questions.  Please indicate in your cover letter that you are applying to this track.  If you have already applied to the general child track, but would like to be considered instead for the neurodevelopmental track, please contact Dr. Miller by email and your application will be considered for that track. No further action will be necessary on your application.


APPIC Member #: 2587
Site Name: Central Valley Behavioral Health
Location: Fresno, CA
Training Director: Jason Christopherson, PsyD, ABPP -

Central Valley Behavioral Health is excited to announce that we have recently finalized guaranteed funding in order to increase the number of available positions to 14 (6 pediatric track & 8
adult track) for this 2024-2025 application cycle for internships beginning July 2025.


APPIC Member #:  1500
Site Name:  Ohio Psychology Internship (OPI)
Location:  Northeast Ohio Consortium - Akron, OH
Training Director:  Tara Toscano, PsyD

Ohio Psychology Internship (OPI) has two distinct tracks for the 2025-26 training year: Corrections (150012) and Outpatient Forensic Services (150015). We recognize that some applicants may not meet our clinical intervention or assessment hour requirements but we will still consider applications if this is not met as long as this is discussed in your cover letter. Our application deadline will be extended to December 1, 2024.


APPIC Member #: 2593
Site Name:  Eastern Kentucky University Counseling Center
Location:  Richmond, KY
Training Director:  Andri Yennari, PhD, LP, email:, phone: 859 622 1303

We are excited to share that our Eastern Kentucky University Counseling Center was awarded Full Membership in APPIC as of 11/5/2024.  We have been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025.  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation.

Please see our website to learn about our program, along with our stipend and benefits:


APPIC Member Number:  1789
Site Name:  Southeast Human Service Center
Location:  Fargo, North Dakota
Training Director:  Nancy Hein-Kolo, PsyD - - 701-298-4547

It has come to our attention that the internship program at Southeast Human Service Center was not being identified when using the search terms Community Mental Health Center or Forensic. Southeast Human Service Center operates as a community mental health center and the internship program offers a generalist training in community mental health with a strong forensic evaluation focus. This error has been corrected. Given this error, we are extending the application deadline to December 1, 2024 at 11:59 EST.


APPIC Member #:  2547
Site Name:  LSU Health Shreveport Clinical Services – Children’s Center
Location:  Shreveport, LA
Training Director:  Adam Blancher, PhD (O) 318-813-2963 –

The LSU Health Shreveport Clinical Services – Children’s Center would like to announce that we will extend our application deadline to Friday December 6 at 11:59 PM ET. We offer excellent training in pediatric health service psychology with an emphasis on assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. This summer we were notified by APA that we have been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is expected to occur between May and August of 2025. Please be advised that a site visit authorization does not guarantee success with accreditation.  Website:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (November 13, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1495
Site Name:   SUNY Upstate Medical University
Location:  Syracuse, NY
Training Director:  Michael Miller -

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for an additional 300-500 word statement of fit is NOT permitted by the APPIC Supplemental Materials policy.  Thus, applicants should NOT upload an additional statement of fit.  We apologize for the misunderstanding.


APPIC Member #:  2534
Site Name:  University of Georgia Counseling & Psychiatric Services
Location:  Athens, GA
Training Director:  Sandrine Bosshardt, Ph.D.;; 706-542-2273

We are excited to announce that University of Georgia Counseling & Psychiatric Services has received APA accreditation.  Our application deadline is 11:59 pm on 11/30/2024. For more information about our program, please visit


APPIC Member #:  2621
Site Name:   Boston Public Schools - Behavioral Health Services
Location:  Boston, MA
Training Director:  Lisa van Luling

Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to December 1, 2024.  The Boston Public Schools - Behavioral Health Services internship program offers a comprehensive training experience within school settings and also within our central office supporting a 100+ school psychology program. BPS provides internship opportunities tailored for doctoral students in clinical, school, and counseling psychology, with both Child and Adult Track options. Interns gain diverse clinical experience by working with a wide range of students and communities, enhancing their skills in various aspects of school-based behavioral health. Boston, a vibrant city rich in history, offers an urban setting with numerous cultural and recreational activities. Interns can explore the city's unique neighborhoods, historical landmarks, and scenic locations along the coast.


APPIC Member #:  2589
Site Name:  The Jane Pauley Community Health Center
Location:  Anderson, Indiana
Training Director:  Jared Bishop, PhD –

The Jane Pauley Community Health Center has extended our application deadline to November 22, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  2586
Site Name:  Sanford Health
Location:  Moorhead, MN, Fargo, ND, and Valley City, ND
Training Director:  Jon Ulven, PhD, LP, email:, phone: 701.417.6999

We are excited to share that our Psychology Internship Consortium at Sanford Health was awarded Full Membership in APPIC as of 11/4/2024.  We have been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025.  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation.

Please see our website to learn about our program, along with our stipend and benefits:


APPIC Member #:  2537
Site Name:  Berkeley Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Berkeley, CA
Training Director:  Kate Perry, 925-324-5221

We are pleased to announce that the Berkeley Psychology Internship Consortium's APA accreditation status has changed from "on contingency" to full accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2044
Site Name:  National Psychology Training Consortium, Cascades Region
Location:  Renton, WA
Training Director:  Angela King, PsyD,, 417-812-6495

The NPTC-Cascades Region sites has decided to extend their application deadline until November 24th. Please see more information about our region on our Cascades Region page:

You can also find more application and interview resources available on our Virtual Open House page:

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (November 10, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2535
Site Name:  New Mexico Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Shiprock, NM
Training Director:  Ciara Hansen, PhD -

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for a case conceptualization is not permitted by the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy. Thus, applicants should not submit a case conceptualization. We apologize for the misunderstanding.


APPIC Member #:  2564
Site Name:  Dallas County Juvenile Department
Location:  Dallas, TX
Training Director:  Dr. Madeleine Byrne -
Dallas County Juvenile Department is pleased to announce the Commission on Accreditation (CoA) has granted our internship program “accredited on contingency” status with the initial date of accreditation as July 19, 2024. The deadline to submit applications has been extended to December 6th, 2024 (please note that this extension may not be reflected in AAPI for a few days).


APPIC Member #:  1370
Site Name:  Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
Location:  Grand Rapids, MI
Training Director:  Brant VanOrman, Psy.D. -

We have made changes to both our neuropsychology and autism rotations/tracks.  While the neuropsychology rotation was previously limited to adult evaluations, it will now be a lifespan neuropsychology rotation.  Similarly, while the autism rotation previously was devoted to children and adolescents, it will now include persons of all ages, although most will be children and adolescents. 


APPIC Member #:  2602
Site Name:  Centra Behavioral Health
Location:  Lynchburg, VA
Training Director:  Emily Bradshaw -

Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to December 6, 2024.  Centra offers both Adult and Child Track Internship opportunities for clinical, school, and counseling psychology doctoral students. Interns will have clinical opportunities including inpatient, residential and outpatient across Centra Behavioral Health’s sites; working with a diverse group of clients.  Nestled, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lynchburg, a college town, offers many opportunities for the outdoor enthusiast.  Centrally located in Virginia within a few hours’ drive to Washington DC and the Atlantic Ocean, opportunities to explore local areas, our rich history sites, and unique restaurants abound. CDPI is not currently accredited by the APA. CDPI has submitted its initial self-study for APA accreditation; however, there is no guarantee that the program will ultimately achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2447
Site Name:  Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  ANN ARBOR, MI
Training Director:  Jana Aupperlee -

The Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium (MMPIC) trainers wish to report that the number of internship training slots at Michigan Medicine will be reduced from 8 to 2 for the current 2025 APPIC match. We will still offer 3 slots at Sunfield Center and 3 slots at Thriving Minds in the current 2025 Match.


APPIC Member #:  1519
Site Name:  University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (OUHSC)/Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Location:  Oklahoma City, OK
Training Director:  Amanda Cherry (

It has come to our attention that there is some mis-information and postings discouraging applicants from applying to our internship program.  We have not withdrawn from consideration for accreditation, as are awaiting accreditation determination from the CoA. Some of the misinformation is from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center being listed as voluntarily withdrawn from accreditation on the following website: . However, the program that was voluntarily withdrawn was the previous consortium program, our current program status is “Applicant seeking full accredited status.” We have not withdrawn our application and are awaiting accreditation outcomes from the CoA, anticipated to be received by November 15th. Please be advised that we cannot guarantee that we will ultimately achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  1455
Site Name:  VA Western New York Healthcare System
Location:  Buffalo, NY
Training Director:  Denise Mercurio-Riley, PhD

VA Western New York Healthcare System has extended our application deadline. Applications are now due by 11/22/24 (please note that this extension may not be reflected in AAPI for a few days).

Review our program materials here:


APPIC Member #:  2217
Site Name:  VA Nebraska-Western Iowa
Location:  Omaha, NE; Lincoln, NE; Grand Island, NE;  and, Norfolk, NE
Training Director:  Mark Weilage, PhD –

VA Nebraska-Western Iowa is accepting applications for the 2025-26 training class; we have extended our application date for Match I to December 1, 2024 at 11:59 EST.  Our APA accredited “excellent generalist” internship currently has 6 open training slots with shared didactics and group supervision across Four VA training sites.   We have our updated brochure up at:  There are some new optional experiences available in the Omaha site. Please see the brochure for more details.


APPIC Member #:  2496
Site Name:  Family Strengthening Center at Family Programs Hawaii
Location:  Honolulu, HI
Training Director:  Cheryl K.C. Andaya, Psy.D. -

We are pleased to announce that the Family Strengthening Center at Family Programs Hawaii's Internship Training Program has received APA accreditation. This significant achievement highlights our commitment to providing a high-quality learning experience for our interns and affirms our dedication to delivering a strong, well-structured program that focuses on providing trauma-informed, culturally sensitive care with a specialization in child maltreatment.


APPIC Member #:  2544
Site Name:  FCI Danbury (BOP)
Location:  Danbury, CT
Training Director:  Carey Zimmermann, Psy.D. - 203.312.5219 -

We are pleased to announce that FCI Danbury has been accredited on contingency by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association! 


APPIC Member #:  1587
Site Name:  South Texas Veterans Health Care System
Location:  San Antonio, TX
Training Director:  Dr. Daniel Steinberg,

South Texas Veterans Health Care System is pleased to announce that we have received funding for an additional clinical psychology internship position with an emphasis in Rural Mental Health for the 2025-2026 training year!  We will be extending our application deadline through 11/15/24 to give potential applicants time to consider and apply. The Rural Mental Health Emphasis Internship has two broad objectives: to provide general training experiences which meet all APA requirements for doctoral internship training and to provide additional training experiences in the specialty area of rural mental health. The Rural Mental Health intern will spend approximately 2-3 days/week for 2-3 rotations at Kerrville VA hospital, located in the beautiful Texas hill country approximately 60 miles from our main hospital in San Antonio. The intern will benefit from training in various evidence based therapies (such as CPT, PE, MI, CBT, ACT), tele-mental health treatment to rural Veterans, administering and interpreting psychological tests, enhancing skills in supervision and teaching, working effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team enhancing Veteran patient care, gaining advanced skills in research and scholarly inquiry, expanding on areas of professional development and identity, addressing ethical and legal issues, and developing proficiency in issues related to intersectionality, diversity and multiculturalism. Please visit our website for more information at:


APPIC Member #:  2519
Site Name:  Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital
Location:  Boston, MA
Training Director:  Christopher AhnAllen, PhD ABSMIP;

The Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program has expanded to add a Gender-Affirming Care Track (1 position) for the 2024-2025 training year. We recently received funding for this new track to be established and encourage all interested applicants to apply to our program until 11:59pm on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024. Please contact Dr. AhnAllen for additional information as our website and online program brochure updates will be available shortly:


APPIC Member #:  1954
Site Name:  The University of Kansas Medical Center
Location:  Kansas City, KS
Training Director:  Edward E. Hunter, Ph.D.,, 913-588-1321

The University of Kansas Medical Center Psychology Internship is extending its application deadline to November 15, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET.


APPIC Member #:  2494
Site Name:  Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD)
Location:  Valhalla, NY
Training Director:  Trupti Rao, Psy.D.,

WIHD is excited to announce that we received notice of APA Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation, with the date of initial accreditation as July 30, 2024.    

Our website is currently in the process of being updated with this information.  Our website can be accessed at


APPIC Member #:  2617
Site Name:  Connecticut Psychology Consortium
Location:  Hampton, CT
Training Director:  Jacquelyn DuBois, PhD, NCSP

The Connecticut Psychology Consortium is extending the application deadline to 11:59 pm ET on December 1, 2024. (The extended deadline may not be reflected in the AAPI service for a few days). Please see our website for more information:


APPIC Member #:  1855
Site Name:  Surrey Place Psychology Residency
Location:  Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Training Director:  Dr. Wynsome Walker;

Pleased to announce a significant increase to the psychology residents/interns salary for the 2025/26 training year which will now be $52,000 (CND)!


APPIC Member #:  2531
Site Name:  Ochsner Psychology Doctoral Internship (OPDI)
Location:  New Orleans, LA
Training Director:  Sunni Primeaux, PhD -

OPDI will not be offering the behavioral medicine rotation for the 2025-2026 year due changes in staff availability for supervision on this rotation. However, OPDI is excited to announce a new rotation option for the adult track interns for the 2025-2026 year. Jacklyn Ruhl, PhD, will offer a rotation in manualized evidence-based psychotherapy. Interns on this rotation will see patients within the BEBP Clinic (Brief Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Clinic) to strengthen breadth and depth of time-limited manualized treatment protocols. Interns will choose two or more protocols from the following options: CBTi (CBT for Insomnia), CBT for Panic (CBT for Panic Attacks), CBT for Complicated/Prolonged Grief, Brief CBT, and CPT (Cognitive Processing Therapy).

MATCH NEWS: Interview Information (November 7, 2024)

This e-mail contains six separate items about interview notification and scheduling, applicants with disabilities, and appropriate and inappropriate interview questions.



We wanted to remind applicants that the APPIC Board has adopted an online interview scheduling system called "NMS Interview," which is available to everyone at no cost and provides substantial benefits to applicants and programs as compared to more traditional scheduling approaches.  From the applicant perspective, you will have considerable control and flexibility in the scheduling of your interviews, the ability to view and modify your interview schedule online on one platform, and the ability to import programs with which you interviewed directly into your Rank Order List.

While internship programs are not required to use NMS Interview, we expect that most will do so.  If a site to which you apply uses a different interview scheduling approach, that site should provide you with instructions.  Interviews scheduled outside of the NMS Interview system cannot be viewed or changed from within that system.

Applicant instructions for NMS Interview are available at:

Internship programs that use this system will set up their available time slots online and invite you to schedule an interview using NMS Interview.  You will receive the interview invitation by email, which will provide a link that will enable you to schedule yourself into an available time slot for that internship online.  You can book, manage, change and view your schedule online in the NMS Match System.



Most interview notifications, along with other communications from sites and the Match, will come to applicants via e-mail.  Remember that "spam" filters used by your e-mail server or program can result in your not receiving important messages from internship programs, APPIC, and/or National Matching Services.

Applicants should check their Spam and/or Junk Mail folders regularly to ensure that they do not miss any important communications during the selection process.  We recommend making any necessary adjustments to your e-mail program so that you will receive all e-mail from APPIC ( or and National Matching Services (  More information on adding specific e-mail and IP addresses to your "allow list" for NMS is available at .



We would like to remind applicants and Training Directors about the APPIC Match Policy regarding interview notification.  This policy is designed to make the interview notification and scheduling process considerably easier and less stressful for applicants.

Match Policy #6 states:

"6.  For Phase I of the Match, internship programs that conduct interviews must make a reasonable effort to notify every applicant who submits a complete set of application materials as to their interview status.

a.  Sites that conduct open houses to which all applicants are invited and conduct no other interviews are exempt from this interview notification requirement (this exemption should be clearly stated in sites' APPIC Directory listings and/or public materials).

b.  Notification of interview status for Phase I of the Match must occur no later than the interview notification date that appears in the program's APPIC Directory listing and/or other publicity materials, and may be communicated via e-mail, telephone, regular mail (to be received no later than the interview notification date), or other means.

c.  For Phase II of the Match, notification of interview status is not required."

While APPIC continues to recommend an (optional) December 15th interview notification date, each internship site ultimately determines its own date.  Thus, applicants should consult the APPIC Directory to determine the specific interview notification date for each program to which they applied.

It is important for applicants to understand that Training Directors work very hard to meet this notification date, and notifications can sometimes arrive at the last minute.  Some sites may send their interview notifications much earlier than the notification date listed in the Directory, while other sites may send them on that date.  Furthermore, some sites don't send all of their notifications out on the same day.  Applicants should never make assumptions about their interview status with a site until they have received the notification from that site.  In the event that you don't receive an interview notification in a timely manner, then (1) check your "junk mail" or "spam" folder to see if it ended up there, and (2) contact the site the day after that site's interview notification date to inquire about your status.

Please note that notifying an applicant about their interview status (i.e., whether or not they will be offered an interview) is not necessarily the same thing as inviting an applicant to a specific interview event. Many sites will notify applicants by the interview notification date of whether or not the applicant will be offered an interview, but then send invitations to specific interview events at a later date.

It is imperative that all Match participants be very familiar with the APPIC Match Policies.  The complete Match Policies may be found at



Applicants who decide to cancel or move a scheduled interview should provide as much advance notice to the site as possible.  Please don't be a "no-show" for your interview!  Most sites have a limited number of available interview slots, and unused slots can be filled with other applicants if sufficient notice is provided.



Given the shift to virtual interviews at many sites, Training Directors should be aware that the online approach (e.g., Zoom) can be challenging for some individuals with disabilities.  APPIC encourages Training Directors and training faculty/staff to educate themselves about these issues and should be proactive in offering to provide accommodations.

The APA Public Interest Directorate provides an online "Resource Guide for Psychology Graduate Students with Disabilities (2nd Edition)" which includes articles on internship selection and interviews from the student perspective:

Click the links on that page for the following articles:

"The Internship Match Process and Suggestions for Applicants with Disabilities"

"Factors to Consider in Psychology Practicum and Internship Interviews"

The APA Public Interest Directorate also provides the following articles from the Training Director perspective:

"Interviewing Applicants with Disabilities for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Internship Positions"

"The ADA and Internships:  Your Responsibilities as Internship and Postdoctoral Agency Directors"

"Providing Reasonable Accommodations to Individuals with Disabilities in Internship Sites and Postdoctoral Internship Positions"



This 2015 article in Training and Education in Professional Psychology discussed appropriate and inappropriate interview questions and explored the experiences of students who interviewed at doctoral programs and internships (thanks to Mike Parent (, Dana Weiser, Andrea McCourt, and the APA Journals Department for making this copyrighted article available to the education and training community):

The following article was published a number of years ago in the APPIC Newsletter, and addresses appropriate and inappropriate interview questions.  Please note that this article is based on U.S. law.  Individuals who are interviewing in Canada should consult the laws and regulations pertinent to their jurisdictions, and may find the following article helpful:


Questions During Interviews, Revisited

by Mona Koppel Mitnick, Esq.

As Match season approaches, the issue once more arises about the types of questions site interviewers may ask applicants.  Or, conversely, what questions either violate applicants' legal rights or infringe upon their privacy.

The issue is a recurring concern among intern applicants.  Improper or inappropriate personal questions to applicants/interviewees also should be of concern to Training Directors and their staffs because such questions, ultimately, could have legal consequences.  Even questions that are not inherently illegal may raise the specter of an illegal motive or action.  This article is another attempt to provide guidance, both to interviewers and interviewees about permissible and non-permissible (or non-recommended) questions.

A general rule for interviewers is to ask only questions directly relevant to the applicant's qualifications; or to the internship position and duties.  When in doubt, don't ask! 

In particular, improper or inappropriate areas of questioning relate to areas in which applicants presumably have some interest in protecting their privacy, e.g., their physical or mental status or health; their marital, familial, or other close personal relationships; religion, etc.  Generally, it is inappropriate - and possibly even illegal - to ask questions in these areas unless they directly relate to the internship or the applicant raises the issue first.

As I stated in my previous article:

• Generally, you may ask questions about an applicant/interviewee's education, language proficiency (if directly relevant to the requirements of the position), training and experience in psychology/mental health areas, past practice and placement, career interests and goals, professional memberships, and any other subjects directly related to the internship and the psychology profession.  Ask the same basic questions of all applicants/interviewees insofar as possible.

• Conversely, you may not ask personal questions before hiring (i.e., either on an application or during an interview) unless, either, they relate to bona fide qualifications; or the applicant first raises such issues him/herself.  For example, you should not ask questions about a candidate's marital or family status, religion, or physical conditions or limitations.  An exception to this rule is that Federal government agencies, states and municipalities, and many state universities generally require an employee to be a U.S. citizen.  They also may require some explanation of any criminal record other than misdemeanors.  While it is not always clear whether an intern is an employee or a student, such questions may be permissible when the internship center is a government agency or government-affiliated entity.

Notwithstanding the above guidance-

• [E]ven impermissible questions sometimes may become permissible if the applicant first raises the issue.  For example, if an applicant/interviewee asks questions about the hours of work and mentions family responsibilities or [their] religion and requests accommodations in work hours; or asks about the physical demands of the position and mentions physical limitations, the interviewer may follow up on such questions.

• Other questions, which may be impermissible on an application or during an interview, may become permissible after the intern is hired.  For example, proof of age and marital or parental/relationship status may become relevant, after hiring, for tax, insurance, and emergency contact purposes.  Photographs also may be required after hiring for identification cards.  Some questions are almost never permissible.  For example, you should never ask questions about sexual preference or whether someone has a particular disease, such as AIDS.

Interviewers, however, continue to ask inappropriate or improper questions.  While they may view these questions as establishing rapport with, or expressing personal concern about, the applicants, many applicants take offense at such questions.  The following were samples of interview questions recently submitted to APPIC by unhappy applicants:

• In what ways do you think your older age will make it hard for you to fit in with the other interns?

• Do you have a partner/spouse and, if that person won't move, can you manage being parted from that person?

• Who will care for your children?

• Who is your therapist, and what specific issues have you worked on?

• Will a nose ring (an indicia of religion on someone from India) be problematic?

As mentioned above, while these questions may not be inherently illegal, they may suggest to some applicants improper motivation by the interviewer:  The question about being older may make the applicant suspect that being older is a disadvantage, creating a possible allegation of age discrimination.  The question about child care may make the applicant suspect that being married or involved in a relationship, or having children will place him/her at a disadvantage.  Of course, the question would become a permissible one if the applicant first raised the issue of the hours and concern about child care.

The question about the name of the therapist and the specific issues worked on relate to an area in which an applicant may be presumed to have a significant privacy interest, so that he/she is unwilling to disclose that information.  The applicant may feel pressured to disclose the information and may believe that, if he/she refuses to do so, he will be at a disadvantage in the selection process.

Note:  The information in this article merely is intended to provide practical guidance.  It is not intended to be definitive or to be relied on without first consulting your legal counsel.


MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (November 3, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member # 1475
Site Name: New York University Langone Medical Center: Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
Location: New York, NY
Training Director: Dr. Felicia Connor-

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for a case conceptualization is not permitted by the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy. Thus, applicants should NOT submit a case conceptualization. We apologize for the misunderstanding.

Pediatric Rotation Updates: Our pediatric rotation now offers expanded training that includes lifespan experiences. Interns will have the opportunity to engage in neuropsychological assessments, cognitive remediation, and both individual and group therapy, as well as psychotherapy, within the Adult Rusk Rehabilitation Acute Ambulatory Unit.


APPIC Member #:  2540
Site Name:  Guam Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Tamuning, Guam
Training Directors:  Ericia Leeper, PsyD, and Mary Fegurgur, PsyD,

To be consistent with the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy, we are no longer asking applicants to send a one-page clinical case conceptualization. Thus, applicants should NOT submit a case conceptualization.  We apologize for the trouble.


APPIC Member #:  2384
Site Name:  Hofstra University / Student Counseling Services
Location:  Hempstead, NY
Training Director:  Fernando Cavalcante Krause, Ph.D.,

The Student Counseling Services Internship Program at Hofstra University is extending the application deadline to 11:59pm ET on November 15, 2024. (The extended deadline may not be reflected in the AAPI service for a few days).


APPIC Member #:  2217
Site Name:  VA Nebraska-Western Iowa
Location:  Omaha, NE; Lincoln, NE; Grand Island, NE;  and, Norfolk, NE
Training Director:  Mark Weilage, PhD –

VA Nebraska-Western Iowa is accepting applications for the 2025-26 training class; we have extended our application date for Match I to December 1, 2024 at 11:59 EST.  Our APA accredited “excellent generalist” internship currently has 6 open training slots with shared didactics and group supervision across Four VA training sites.   We have our updated brochure up at:  There are some new optional experiences available in the Omaha site. Please see the brochure for more details.


APPIC Member #:  1176
Site Name:  University of Denver (DU), Graduate School of Professional Psychology (GSPP), Internship Consortium
Location:  Denver, CO
Training Director:   Carrie Landin, Psy.D.,, 303-871-5156

The DU, GSPP Internship Consortium site, Nicoletti Flater and Associates, will not participate in the Match this year. We apologize for the late notice. Due to budget and organizational reasons, NFA withdrew from the DU Consortium for the 25-26 training year.


APPIC Member #:  1614
Site Name:  Salem VA Medical Center
Location:  Salem, VA
Training Director:  Dana R. Holohan, Ph.D.,, (540) 982-2463 x2934

Please see the change to our LGBTQ+ Mental Health Long-term Rotation.
Our new supervisor is Deanna Dragan, PhD (she/her).  This is not a clinical experience rotation.
This rotation will offer protected time dedicated to the area of LGBTQ+ psychology and healthcare. Interns will engage in activities or projects that aim to increase their knowledge of best practices in working with LGBTQ+ individuals within the VA Healthcare System. Intersectionality with other social identities (race and ethnicity, SES, ability, spirituality, age, etc.) should be highlighted on all completed projects or research activities. This experience is designed developmentally with each intern, with purposeful consideration of the individuals’ experience, previous training, and interests. Supervisor and intern will collaborate to identify appropriate milestones for successful completion of the rotation. The experience is designed to work across disciplines, with collaboration in social work, psychiatry, and specialty and primary care. Examples of projects include: development and presentation of trainings for staff on best practices in LGBTQ+ Healthcare; research on quality improvement for delivery of services, consultation efforts aimed at increasing staff competence on affirming practices in LGBTQ+ mental health; and design and delivery of psychoeducation workshops to LGBTQ+ veterans.

In addition, due to some staffing changes, the Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Team (EBP)/ Outpatient Psychological Services Major rotation will be available to 1 intern. The other interns may select it as a Minor rotation (8 hours a week) or a Long-term rotation (4 hours a week for the year).


APPIC Member #:  2069
Site Name:  Central Virginia VA Health Care System
Location:  Richmond, Virginia
Training Director:  Thomas Campbell, PhD, ABPP (

We will not be able to offer the PTSD/SUD rotation for the 2025-2026 training year. We are still offering both our PTSD and our Substance Use Disorders Treatment rotations. We are also adding the ability to train in an Intensive Ouptatient PTSD Treatment Program as an additional optional training experience within our PTSD rotation.


APPIC Member #:  2626
Site Name:  Bridges of the Mind Psychological Services, Inc.
Location:  West Sacramento, CA
Training Director:  Dr. Erika Frieze:

We are thrilled to announce that the Bridges of the Mind Doctoral Internship Program has achieved APPIC membership for the 2025-2026 training year! Our program offers two intern positions focused on assessment and therapy, providing the opportunity to work with a diverse neurodiverse client population in an enriching and supportive setting.

For the 2025-2026 training year, interns will receive an annual stipend of $40,000, along with access to additional benefits, including funds for professional development, comprehensive supervision, and weekly didactic seminars. Applications are due by December 6, 2024. For more details on our training program and the application process, please visit our website (currently being updated) or contact our training director directly for the latest information. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort committed to developing their expertise in neurodiversity and advancing inclusive mental health care! Please visit us at:


APPIC Member #:  1134
Site Name:  UCLA Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Training Director:  Patricia Walshaw Ph.D.,, Associate Training Director: Emily Ricketts Ph.D.,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the UCLA Semel Institute’s Clinical Psychology Internship Program regretfully announces that the Cultural & Bilingual Neuropsychology Lifespan track (#113411) will not be accepting applications for the 2025-2026 training year. Please visit our website for more information:   


APPIC Member #:  1344
Site Name:  Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Dept of Behavioral Psychology & Neuropsychology
Location:  Baltimore, MD
Training Director:  Alicia Sullivan, office# 443-923-748,

Due to unforeseen changes in staffing and resources we are making a change for the upcoming training year and will not be offering the Child and Family Therapy/ Neuropsych Rehab 6-month split rotation (track previously labeled 134420). We encourage applicants to consider our various remaining tracks which include other options with the Child and Family Therapy clinic as well as our still available other Neuropsych Rehab track options.


APPIC Member #:  1167
Site Name:  Federal Bureau of Prisons, FCI Terminal Island
Location:  San Pedro, CA
Training Director:  Mariah Shaver, Psy.D. (

Unfortunately for the 2025-2026 cohort, FCI Terminal Island will not be accepting applications. We anticipate participating in the match for the 2026-2027 cohort. Any questions or concerns, please contact Terra Follick, Psy.D at


APPIC Member #:  1645
Site Name:  Linden Oaks Behavioral Health
Location:  Naperville, IL
Training Director:  Kelly Ryan, PsyD;; and Meghan Kennedy, PsyD; (630-305-5138);

We are changing our application deadline date to Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 11:59pm to allow more time and not interfere with the Thanksgiving Holiday. Our initial date was Friday, November 29th.


APPIC Member #:  1180
Site name:  Institute of Living/ Hartford Hospital
Location:  Hartford, CT
Training Director:  Mara De Maio, PhD,

The Institute of Living Psychology Internship Program is pleased to announce that we have added a new optional rotation to the Adult and Child CBT tracks entitled “Equity-focused Recovery and Community Engagement.” Please see website for a more detailed description:


APPIC Member #:  2341
Site Name:  Columbus VA HCS
Location:  Columbia, OH
Training Director:  Dr. Jennifer Finnerty,, 614-257-5861

We regret to announce we will not offer the following major rotations for the 2025-2026 training year: Medical Weight Management and Neuropsychology.


APPIC Member #:  1416
Site Name:  Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology
Location:  Lincoln/Omaha, Nebraska
Training Director:  Beth Doll,, 402 472 1152

Due to staffing changes, the NICPP’s Munroe Meyer Institute site has reduced the number of positions from 3 to 2 positions in its IABA Assessment and Treatment Program (Match code: 141615); and renamed its Autism Diagnostic and Outpatient Services Program (Match code: 141622). More information on these tracks is available at


APPIC Member #:  2493
Site Name:  New Alternatives for Children (NAC)
Location:  New York, NY
Training Director:  Shauna Balch, Psy.D. –

New Alternatives for Children (NAC) is excited to announce that we were granted accreditation, on contingency in October 2023. We want to ensure that this information is clear to prospective candidates as our internship webpage is currently not fully updated. Please also note that we have extended our notification date to 12/20 .

MATCH NEWS: IMPORTANT AAPI Reminders (October 29, 2024)


Greetings Internship Applicants! 🎃

I want to share some important internship application tips as we approach our first application deadline this Friday, 11/1.  Please take a few minutes to read each section closely, EVEN if you have already submitted an application. Also, if you know of someone who is applying this cycle and may not be subscribed to MATCH-NEWS, please forward this email to them and ensure they subscribe themselves (see


We don't want you to miss any deadlines so please triple-check the published application deadline for each of your internship sites on their program material pages in your AAPI portal.  It is critical to know that ALL internship sites' portals will close on 11:59pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME on their specified deadline date in the AAPI portal.  This may differ from the information you originally gleaned from an internship site's training brochure in which they may have mistakenly specified a different portal closure time based on their time zone.  

We strongly recommend that you submit your applications prior to the day each site has specified as their application deadline. Almost all applicants aspire to submit early, but many still end up fine-tuning until the last minute. If there are any technical difficulties when you submit at the deadline, this allows minimal or no time to address them, which can cause a lot of stress at 11:55PM (EST).  Most particularly, if you click submit with only a few minutes to spare, you might miss the deadline because the credit card processing may not complete until a couple minutes after the portal closure at 11:59PM EST.  No one thinks this will be them, but it happens every year!


APPIC established a universal standard of three Standardized References for each site. Please check each program's brochure for their specific recommendation requirements before submitting your application as some sites request letters from a specific type of mentor, such as a Dissertation Advisor.

It is not uncommon at this stage for your AAPI to be ready to submit except for a missing reference.  Don’t freak out!  If you are missing a reference (or references) but your application is otherwise ready to go, definitely go ahead and submit your application. The internship training directors will still be able to view your application even though it is technically incomplete. They will be able to easily see that the only thing missing is your reference and most (but not all) are able to be flexible about those elements of your application that are not 100% in your control. (Nevertheless, you should encourage and remind your references to meet the published deadlines). Once the reference is uploaded into the system, it will automatically get attached to your AAPI and be immediately available to sites where you have already applied.


For Time2Track users, although your practicum hours can be imported directly into your AAPI, you will need to complete the Adult and Child/Adolescent Assessment Instruments sections of your application by entering the names of each assessment instrument you administered and/or used to write assessment reports. 


Please don’t wait to submit for DCT Verification until all your cover letters, CVs, essays, and supplementals are in perfect condition. Although the core of the AAPI (including your hours) is "locked" and no longer modifiable after you submit to your DCT for verification, you can still revise and upload cover letters, essays, your CV, and supplemental materials after verification.


The AAPI requires an official copy of all Canadian and U.S. graduate-level transcripts including those from other disciplines (e.g., medical school, law school, etc.).  If you ordered your transcripts more than 10 days ago and they are not showing as received in your AAPI transcript status dashboard, please contact the AAPI technical support team (see contact information below) for assistance if your deadlines are imminent. Once the transcript is uploaded into the system, it will automatically get attached to your AAPI and be immediately available to sites where you have already applied. There are extra staff working during this crunch time to process and upload the transcripts that are still rolling in. They are usually uploaded within 24-48 hours of receipt. 

AAPI Technical Support Team
617-612-2899 or 

Please note, if your transcripts are missing but your application is otherwise ready to go, definitely go ahead and submit your application.  Internship training directors will still be able to view your application even though it is deemed incomplete.  They will be able to easily see that the only thing missing are your transcripts, and most (but not all) are able to be flexible about those elements of your application that are not 100% in your control. 


If an internship site does not identify any treatment summaries or assessment reports in their application checklists, you can safely assume that these supplemental materials are not required.  No need to reach out to the Training Directors to inquire about any supplemental materials.  

Please triple-check that you have thoroughly deidentified any case material used in your application.  Every year there are students who have to withdraw from the match for insufficiently deidentifying case material in their application. Here is a great link with de-identification methods:


•  All the portals associated with the AAPI function best on Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.  If you run into any technical difficulties on another browser, we recommend closing that browser and logging in using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

•  For all uploads (CV, essays, cover letter, tx summary, assessment reports), we strongly recommend uploading them as pdfs to preserve your beautiful formatting.  

•  In the stress of the final packaging, sometimes it isn’t easy to figure out how to upload your essays.  You need to create a single pdf with all four of your essays and upload it rather than look for a location to upload 4 different essays. 

•  You don’t have to submit all your applications in one batch.  You can submit one at a time, five at a time, etc.   

•  PLEASE double-check that you selected the right program by crosschecking their APPIC Program Member Number under your designations.  Every year there are some devastated students who realize, after the deadline, that they erroneously submitted their application to the wrong program with a very similar name. 


After each application you submit, you will receive confirmation that your application was submitted successfully.

Worried that your verified hours didn't transfer over to your AAPI? Once a student's data is successfully transferred to AAPI from T2T, a checkmark will appear next to "Psychology Training Experiences" in your AAPI. Until that point, there is no checkbox. In the T2T AAPI Dashboard, you can download a PDF of your T2T data that was transferred to your AAPI. Although you can download the pdf in your T2T AAPI Dashboard, you won't have that extra anxiety-reducing verification of actually seeing that the information back in your AAPI environment - just that check mark that it has been integrated into your AAPI. 

When you submit your application, your core AAPI transfers immediately into the TD Admissions portal and is deemed "complete" with a timestamp. It is important to recognize that it can take up to a few hours for all parts of your application to arrive into the TD Admissions portal. 


Reach out to the AAPI technical support and Time2Track customer support teams via 24/7 email ( or 24/7 chat (look for the chat icons within the AAPI portal)!

I will gladly answer content questions about the AAPI and help as I am able, but unfortunately I cannot access your individual accounts to investigate or resolve technical concerns (e.g., missing transcripts, inability to log in, difficulty uploading documents).  Those are best handled by the technical support team.

Sending good vibes and stamina for the final stretch!!! 

Kimberly Hill

Kimberly Hill, PhD
AAPI Coordinator

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (October 27, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2622
Site Name:  Alicia's Place
Location:  Chesapeake, VA
Training Director:  Annie Levin, Psy.D.,

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for a case conceptualization is not permitted by the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy.  Thus, applicants should NOT submit a case conceptualization.  We apologize for the misunderstanding.


APPIC Member #:  2487
Site Name:  Utah Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  American Fork, UT
Training Director: Cathie Fox, Ph.D.

Due to administrative issues, we regret that our Utah Tech University track will not be accepting an intern for the 2025-2026 training year. We will continue to offer internship positions at 3 other active training tracks within our consortium: Intermountain Psychiatry & Counseling – Park City, Intermountain Psychiatry & Counseling – St. George, and Solstice Counseling & Wellness. More information can be found on our website


APPIC Member #:  2442
Site Name:  California State University, Monterey Bay - Personal Growth and Counseling Center
Location:  Seaside, CA
Training Director:  Dr. Amy Miller, 831-582-3879 or

We are pleased to share that our internship program has received additional funding and we will be increasing the number of interns at our site from 2 to 3. We hope that applicants interested in high quality training with a University Counseling Center will consider us!


APPIC Member #:  2629
Site Name:  Akron Childrens Hospital Pediatric Psychology Residency Program
Location:  Akron, Ohio
Training Director:  Jeannette Iskander, PhD;; (330) 543-8284

The Pediatric Psychology Residency Program at Akron Children’s Hospital is thrilled to announce that we will be recruiting interns for the 2025-2026 training year. Our program offers training within a hospital setting and will include inpatient, outpatient, C/L, and assessment experiences. Applications are due by 11:59pm EST on November 25, 2024 to give applicants time to review our materials and prepare their applications. Our stipend will be $50,000. Please reach out to our training director, Dr. Jeannette Iskander, with any questions or concerns! 


APPIC Member #:  1125
Site Name:  VA San Diego Healthcare System/University of California, San Diego Psychology Internship Program.
Location:  San Diego, CA
Training Director: Christina Wierenga ( & Elizabeth Wrape (

We have learned of an error in the APPIC Directory that included a link to an outdated program brochure from 2024-2025. Given several changes in rotation pairings and the addition of specialized training in rehabilitation psychology, geriatric psychology, and severe mental illness we would like to ensure that applicants access the updated 2025-2026 brochure. The link has been updated in the APPIC directory and can be accessed directly ( Please outreach with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  1401
Site Name:  Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System (GCVHCS)
Location:  Biloxi, MS
Training Director:  Jeffrey S. Lawley, Ph.D. (

After an unfortunate delay, we are happy to inform potential applicants that we have successfully updated our training program’s website and brochure for the 2024-2025 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2265
Site Name:  California State University San Marcos -  Student Health and Counseling Services (CSUSM SHCS)
Location:  San Marcos, CA
Training Director:  Dr. Leah Tappero,

The Doctoral Internship Program in Health Service Psychology at California State University San Marcos Student Health and Counseling Services (CSUSM SHCS) has decreased one of its eligibility criteria. A minimum requirement of 475 doctoral level intervention hours must be completed by October 1, 2024. Hours accrued in terminal master's programs will be considered after the minimum of 475 doctoral hours are met. For additional questions or information about our APA-accredited program, please contact the Training Coordinator, Dr. Leah Tappero via email.


APPIC Member #:  1277
Site Name:  Lake Forest College Health and Wellness Center
Location:  Lake Forest, IL
Training Director:  Dr. Kasey Schultz-Saindon -

The Lake Forest College Health and Wellness Center is happy to announce a significant increase to our intern stipend for the upcoming training year. The new intern stipend will be $36,000 (increased from $30,600) for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2605
Site Name:  University of Oklahoma Department of Athletics, Psychological Resources for OU Student-Athletes (OU PROS)
Location:  Norman, OK
Training Director:  Dr. Dolores Christensen,

OU PROS is happy to share that we have been granted a site visit from APA’s Commission on Accreditation. We are scheduled for the Spring 2025 window. Please note that we cannot make any guarantees about our accreditation status.


APPIC Member #:  2084
Site Name:  Lifestance Health
Location:  Portland, OR
Training Director:  Joni Moon, Psy.D. -

Due to staffing and organizational issues, Lifestance Health will not be accepting internship application for the 2025-2026 training year and we have been withdrawn from the match.


APPIC Member #:  1193
Name of Site:  Washington DC VA Psychology Internship Program
Location of Site:  Washington, DC
Training Director: Candace Tomes, PsyD;

We have had difficulty updating the website for our training program and are working quickly to do so.  In the meantime, prospective applicants can email Dr. Tomes for an updated brochure.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


APPIC Member #:  2294
Site Name:  University of Texas Health Science Center Houston
Location:  Houston, TX
Training Director:  Katherine A Loveland PhD  -

We are pleased to announce that our stipend has increased from $30,000 to $35,000.


APPIC Member #:  1384
Site Name:  Canvas Health
Location:  Oakdale, Minnesota
Training Director:  Morgan Krause, PsyD, LP []     

It has been brought to our attention that the Canvas Health website stated that the internship program was not accepting new applicants after August 2024. This is incorrect and has been remedied. Canvas Health is accepting applicants for the 2025-2026 training year. Our application due date is 11/22/2024 at 11:59pm ET.


APPIC Member #:  1444
Site Name:  North Bronx HealthCare Network: Jacobi Medical Center/North Central Bronx Hospital; NYC Health and Hospitals
Location:  New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA
Training Director:  Tiffany Rodriguez, PsyD (

Announcement: The Psychology Internship Program at Jacobi Medical Center/North Central Bronx Hospital is happy to announce an intern salary increase from $50,000 to $53,174 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2627
Site Name:  Kaiser Permanente West Bay Psychology Doctoral Internship Consortium
Location:  Redwood City & South San Francisco, CA
Training Director:  Michael Sasiain, PsyD; (650-299-6097) and Thalia De Herrera, PhD; (650-746-1625)

We are delighted to announce that the West Bay Psychology Doctoral Internship Consortium at Kaiser Permanente has just become an APPIC member with 7 intern positions across two programs for the 2025-2026 training year. The Redwood City medical center is offering training in 3 separate tracks (1 intern per track): Adult Outpatient Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and Addiction Medicine & Recovery Services. The South San Francisco medical center is offering training in 4 separate tracks (1 intern per track): Adult Outpatient Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine & Recovery Services, and Behavioral Medicine Services.

The annual salary for West Bay Consortium interns is $55,324 for the 2025-2026 training year. Applications are due 12/13/2024. Please visit our consortium websites for more details or contact the local training directors directly.

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (October 20, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  2255
Site Name:  Hawaii Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Waimea, HI
Training Director:  Dr. Mike Taylor -

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for a case conceptualization is not permitted by the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy.  Thus, applicants should NOT submit a case conceptualization.  We apologize for the misunderstanding.


APPIC Member #:  2324
Site Name:  Colorado Psychology Internship Consortium (CO-PIC)
Location:  Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, CO
Training Director:  Dr. Paige Baker-Braxton -

We have been advised by APPIC that our requirement for a case conceptualization is not permitted by the APPIC AAPI Supplemental Materials policy.  Thus, applicants should NOT submit a case conceptualization.  We apologize for the misunderstanding.


APPIC Member #:  2127
Site Name:  University of Washington Tacoma, Psychological & Wellness Services
Location:  Tacoma, WA
Training Director:  Bonnie Benson-Palmgren, Ph.D. -

Psychological & Wellness Services at the University of Washington Tacoma has completed an APA accreditation site visit. The program is awaiting a decision on accreditation. Please be advised that there is no guarantee the program will successfully achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2512
Site Name:  Easterseals Rehabilitation Center
Location:  Evansville, IN
Training Director:  Jim Schroeder, Ph.D., HSPP;

Easterseals Rehabilitation Center is excited to announce a significant increase to our trainee stipends for the upcoming training year. The new intern stipend will increase from $30,000 to $34,000 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  1821
Site Name:  Saskatoon and Area Psychology Residency Program
Location:  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Training Director:  Dr. Fern Stockdale;

Saskatoon and Area Psychology Residency Program is pleased to announce an additional Neuropsychology Major Rotation has been added to our Neuropsychology Track for the 2025-2026 training year.  Dr. Terry Levitt will be offering a Neuropsychology Rotation at the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford, a provincial hospital that serves clients with long-term severe mental illness.  Applicants to our Neuropsychology Track will now have opportunity to tailor their training across three Neuropsychology Rotations (Adult General, Epilepsy, and SHNB).  Please note our updated brochure also includes new wording on immunization requirements and that the Child & Youth Rotation with Dr. Ari Shortt is now a minor rotation.  Our updated brochure is available here:


APPIC Member #:  2254
Site Name:  Brattleboro Retreat
Location:  Brattleboro, VT
Training Director:  James Benton,, (802) 258-6925

The Brattleboro Retreat is pleased to announce an expansion of the Adolescent Inpatient Internship rotation.  We recently opened a second adolescent inpatient unit with 11 beds, in addition to the existing 11 bed unit.  This increases opportunities for working with adolescents on the inpatient units.  We continue to offer six other positions which include two on our Adult Inpatient units and four in our Hospital Outpatient Program.

Please visit our program’s website for more information (, or contact me directly.


APPIC Member #:  2494
Site Name:  Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD)
Location:  Valhalla, NY
Training Director:  Trupti Rao, Psy.D.,

Please note that an accreditation site visit by APA occurred in July 2024 and we are currently awaiting final decision on accreditation.  Please note that there are no guarantees that the program will be approved for accreditation.  For more information, please visit our website at


APPIC Member #:  2594
Site Name:  University of Arizona Counseling & Psych Services
Location:  Tucson, AZ
Training Director:  Joel Gaffney, PhD -

The University of Arizona CAPS Doctoral Internship Program, located in enchanting Tucson, Arizona, has two exciting announcements!

First, after having submitted our initial APA accreditation self-study, we have been approved for a site visit in 2025 sometime between March and August! While we are hopeful, please be advised that that we cannot offer any guarantee about being successfully accredited.

Second, we are pleased to have received funding to add an internship position starting with the 2025-2026 cohort. This addition will result in us having three internship positions.


APPIC Member #:  2172
Site Name:  Madison VA Hospital
Location:  Madison, WI
Training Director:  Amanda Bohlig, Ph.D. - - 608-256-1901 Extension 11935

The Madison VA Psychology Training Program would like to announce the following changes for the 2025-2026 internship year:

1. Due to changes in supervisor availability and organizational structure, the Neuropsychology and GRECC Connect rotations described in our brochure will not be available this coming year.

2. Due to these shifts in rotation availability, our Geropsychology track (match # 217212) will not be offered this coming year and will be withdrawn from the Match.

We welcome outreach from interested applicants! Please be in touch with Dr. Bohlig via email (


APPIC Member #:  1450
Site Name:  Kings County Hospital / NYC Health + Hospitals
Location:  Brooklyn, NY
Training Director:  Jean Kaluk, Ph.D. (

The Psychology Internship Training Program at Kings County Hospital is pleased to announce an intern salary increase from $50,000 to $53,174 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2066
Site Name:  Charles George (Asheville) VAMC
Location:  Asheville, NC
Training Director:  Lauren Milner, Ph.D.,

The Clinical Psychology Internship Program at the Charles George (Asheville) VA Medical Center would like to announce that there will be no change to available clinical opportunities or rotations as a result of the impact of Hurricane Helene in our area. We are excited for the 2025-2026 training year. Please see our brochure for details about specific training opportunities!


APPIC Member #:  1710
Site Name:  IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital
Location:  Muncie, IN
Training Director:  Josh Rainey:

We have made the difficult decision to halt recruitment for the 25-26 training year. We are undergoing a faculty transition and have a vacant supervisory position open. While we hope to fill that position quickly, we cannot be certain we would have that position filled by the start of the training year, and therefore would be a disservice to the incoming class. We will restart recruitment again the following year.


APPIC Member #:  1316
Site Name:  Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Location:  New Orleans, LA
Training Director:  Dani Archie, PhD

Due to staffing and organizational issues, the Pediatric Track (match# 131614) will not be offered and has been withdrawn from the 2025 match.


APPIC Member #:  2550
Site Name:  Department of Justice/ Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan / Psychological Services
Location:  Sheridan, OR
Training Director:  Jessica Hinman - (503) 843-6371 -

The Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan Oregon has an APA accreditation site visit scheduled for January 29-30, 2025. Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  1329
Site Name:  Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital
Location:  Boston, MA
Training Director:  Susan Sprich, Ph.D. -

We will continue to offer 16 internship positions for the 2025-2026 training year.  Due to funding shifts, we will no longer be offering the Public and Community Psychology Internship elective track and we will have 3 positions in the CBT elective track instead of 4.  We have added internship positions in the Behavioral Medicine and Child and Adolescent elective tracks, so we will be offering 3 positions in each of these tracks for the upcoming training year.


APPIC Member #:  2263
Site Name:  Biola University/Biola Counseling Center
Location:  La Mirada, CA (Southern California)
Training Director:  Brady Goss, PsyD - - (562) 903-4800

The Biola Counseling Center at Biola University is pleased to announce a significant increase to our trainee stipends for the upcoming 2025-26 training year.  The stipend is increasing from $36,669 to $43,680.


APPIC Member #:  1165
Site Name:  Children's Hospital Stanford/Children's Health Council
Location:  Palo Alto, CA
Training Director:  Carlina R. Wheeler, Ph.D.;

Eligibility requirements have changed such that US citizenship is no longer required.  Authorization to work or engage in Practical Training in the US is required.  Also, applicants from PCSAS-Accredited programs are welcome to apply.


APPIC Member #:  1832
Site Name:  Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Location:  Toronto, ON
Training Director:  Dr. Niki Fitzgerald -

The CAMH is residency is happy to announce the return of the Youth Concurrent Disorders rotation in the Child, Youth, and Family Track. Please see the updated brochure for a full description of the rotation.


APPIC Member #:  1792
Site Name:  Allina Health Psychology Internship Program
Location:  Fridley, MN
Training Director:  Patricia Castellanos, PhD - - 952-428-0558

We are excited to announce that our stipend increased from $34,500 to $40,000 for the 2025-2026 internship year. Previously, there was a clerical error in our internship materials that incorrectly stated that our stipend amount was $44,000.


APPIC Member #:  1552
Name of Site:  Charleston Consortium Internship Program
Location of Site:  Charleston, SC
Training Director: Daniel W. Smith, Ph.D.,

The Charleston Consortium is excited to announce the availability of a new rotation that will be available for the upcoming (2025-26) training year. The Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Research Clinic (BTRC) is an integrative outpatient clinic specializing in the treatment of bipolar spectrum disorders and related co-occurring psychopathology across the lifespan. The full rotation description, complete with learning objectives and faculty, is now posted on our website, so please find more details there. Please let us know if you have any questions!


APPIC Member #:  2524
Site Name:  Counseling & Psychological Services - San Diego State University
Location:  San Diego, CA
Training Director:  Todd Carson, Psy.D. - - 619-594-5220

We are excited to announce that our accreditation site visit has been scheduled for February 13th and 14th 2025!!!  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation. Additionally, our stipend has increased to $40,000. Please see our website for more information.


APPIC Member #:  1530
Site Name:  Geisinger Health System
Location:  Danville, PA
Training Director:  Jessica Sevecke-Hanrahan, PhD (; (Covering Training Director) Megan MacDougall, PhD (

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there has been a delay in updating information on the Geisinger Internship website ( The information in the APPIC Directory and Match Portals is accurate for the 2025-2026 recruitment year. One significant change is that we will no longer have a Geisinger NE track available. Instead, interested applicants for our Adult Health Psychology track should consider applying to match number 153013. While there will no longer be a major rotation/ primary track in psycho-oncology, we plan to offer a rotation in this area. 

Additionally, Jessica Sevecke-Hanrahan, PhD (Training Director) will be on medical leave until mid-January. If you have questions regarding this training site, please contact Dr. Megan MacDougall at


APPIC Member #:  2343
Site Name:  Southern California DOC and Rehabilitation Consortium
Location:  Corona/Chino, California
Training Director:  Jennifer Foote, Psy.D.

Rotation Update:  Minor update to rotations.  SCDCRC continues to provide interns experience in both inpatient and outpatient areas.  However, instead of primary and a minor and rotation at CIW, there will be a primary and secondary rotation.  In addition, CIM has an additional outpatient program that interns may be place in (EOP).  Therefore, interns placed at CIW or CIM will both have a primary and secondary rotation.  Interns are still afforded additional opportunities to work and have exposure in other mental health areas. Please refer to handbook on explanation of various mental health areas with in CDCR.

SCDCRC Internship Rotations Updates:  Rotations are dependent on the site location the intern has chosen as a placement.  Each site agency has an institutional rotation plan that incorporates both inpatient and outpatient experiences in two rotations (a primary and a secondary).  Interns spend the first half of their internship year in their primary rotation and then switch to their secondary rotation. 

Primary & Secondary Internship Rotation Specific CIW
•    Inpatient Rotation:  Psychiatric Inpatient Program
•    Outpatient Rotation:  Enhanced Outpatient Program

Primary & Secondary Internship Rotation Specific CIM
•    Inpatient Rotation:  Mental Health Crisis Bed
•    Outpatient Rotation: Enhanced Outpatient Program or Correctional Clinical Case Management System


MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (October 13, 2024)

Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1508
Site Name:  Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Location:  Cleveland, OH
Training Director:  Angela Kuemmel, Ph.D., ABPP (Rp) – - (216) 938-3944

We are working closely with IT staff to post our updated brochure for the 2025-2026 Internship year online to our website but having difficulties and delays.  Please contact Dr. Kuemmel personally for a copy of the updated brochure.  We are working diligently to get this situation rectified and apologize for any inconvenience.

Also, please note, our application deadline is November 1, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  1305
Site Name:  Kansas State University, Counseling and Psychological Services
Location:  Manhattan, KS
Training Director:  Ryan Staley, PsyD - - 785-532-6927; Stephanie Jacobs, PhD - - 785-532-6927

Due to staffing losses and changes, our site will be in "inactive status" for the 2025-2026 training year and, consequently, will not be participating in the current recruitment cycle. Our plan is to fill the staff positions and prepare for a return to active status for the 2026-2027 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2535
Site Name:  New Mexico Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Shiprock, NM
Training Director:  Ciara Hansen, PhD -

New Mexico Psychology Internship Consortium is thrilled to announce that we were granted accreditation on contingency status with an initial date of accreditation of March 15, 2024. We welcome applications from qualified applicants until 11:59pm ET on Sunday, December 1, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  1851
Site Name:  Horizon Health NB Residency in Clinical Psychology
Location:  Fredericton and Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Training Director:  JoAnne Savoie -

HHNB is pleased to announce that a new generalist lifespan track (185113) has been added to our program in the Saint John area.  This new Track will include rotations in Adult Oncology, Pediatric Assessment in a health care context, and Pediatric Mental Health in our community-based child and youth mental health services.  For more information, check out the brochure addendum online at or contact Dr. Savoie at for more detail on this new training opportunity.


APPIC Member #:  1877
Site Name:  OCDSB Internship Program in School Psychology
Location:  Ottawa, ON, Canada
Training Director:  Dr. Gillian Stanley,

We would like to announce that we are adjusting the clinical structure of our internship program to allow for more integrated focused clinical opportunities.  These experiences will be matched to your training goals and integrated into school supports rather than offered as separate rotations.  In line with this, program evaluation will no longer be offered during the year but will still be available as an opportunity in the summer.  This adjustment will allow for focused experiences in areas such as early years, behaviour, autism, and developmental disabilities, complementing the diversity of clinical opportunities in assessment, interdisciplinary consultation, and intervention/therapy.  Our stipend has also recently been increased to $46,000 CDN.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  2596
Site Name:  Portland Mental Health & Wellness
Location:  Portland, OR
Training Director:  Laurel Fuson-Lang, PsyD -

The start date for the 2025-2026 training year at Portland Mental Health & Wellness has been changed to August 18, 2025. Our doctoral internship program will now run 8/18/25 through 8/17/26.


APPIC Member #:  2207
Site Name:  Fargo VA Health Care System
Location:  Fargo, ND
Training Director:  Dr. Jessica Dathe – or 701-239-3700 Ext. 3125

We are pleased to share that our program has added an elective Military Sexual Trauma (MST) minor rotation to our list of training offerings. Working alongside our MST Coordinator, interns can partake in MST-related administrative tasks such as needs assessments, facility-specific process improvement projects, data tracking, reporting new action plans to facility leadership, staff trainings, community collaboration, and outreach. They can assist with the planning and implementation of the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) Campaign, and collaborate with the Fargo VA IPV Coordinator, Women Veterans Program Manager, and Veteran volunteers. Finally, opportunities to co-facilitate MST Aftercare Groups may also be available.

Further information about our programming is available at our program’s website:

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Training Director at or 701-239-3700 ext. 3125 if you have any questions.


APPIC Member #:  1741
Site Name:  White River Junction (Vermont) Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Location:  White River Junction, VT
Training Director:  Carrie Lukens, PhD,

The White River Junction VA Medical Center is excited to announce a significant increase to our trainee stipends for the upcoming training year. The new intern stipend increased from $33,891 to $38,775 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  1176
Site Name:  University of Denver, Graduate School of Professional Psychology Internship Consortium
Location:  Denver, CO
Training Director:  Carrie Landin, Psy.D.,, 303-871-5156

The DU GSPP Internship Consortium is pleased to announce that we are increasing our stipend amount to $40,000 for the 2025-2026 internship year. Please see our directory listing for this change and information on our benefits package. Unfortunately, due to budget changes, our Kaiser Permanente Colorado site will be eliminating the Integrated Care Specialist, Pain Psychology Track for the 2025-2026. They will keep their Gender Health track open for applications.


APPIC Member #:  2024
Site Name:  Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Location:  Waianae, HI
Training Director:  Kristy Sakai-Costigan, Psy.D.;

Our training website address has been changed and the new URL has been updated on our APPIC listing (­). We apologize if anyone had been unable to access our program brochure. Please also note that our minimum intervention, assessment, and integrated reports requirements are flexible at this time.


APPIC Member #:  2586
Site Name:  Sanford Behavioral Health
Location:  Moorhead, MN, Fargo, ND, and Valley City, ND
Training Director:  Jon Ulven, PhD, LP,, 701.417.6999

We are excited to share that our Psychology Internship Consortium at Sanford Health has been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025. Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation. For more information, please see our website:


APPIC Member #:  1317
Site Name:  Tulane University School of Medicine
Location:  New Orleans, LA
Training Director:  Valerie Wajda-Johnston, Ph.D.

The Clinical Psychology Internship at the Tulane University School of Medicine would like to announce the following changes to the 2025-2026 training year:

1. Child: Pediatric Track (match # 131712) Due to staffing and organizational issues, the Child: Pediatric Track (match # 131712) will no longer be offered and has been withdrawn from the Match.

2. Adult: Forensic Track (match # 131711) Due to staffing changes, the Adult: Forensic the outpatient rotation at Tulane University will no longer be a training site withing the Adult: Forensic Track. The track training will take place at Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System in Jackson, LA.

For questions or additional information about our APA-accredited program, please contact the Training Director, Dr. Valerie Wajda-Johnston, via email.


APPIC Member #:  2171
Site Name:  Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center
Location:  Tuscaloosa, AL
Training Director:  Martin Morthland (

During this application cycle (2025-2026), there was confusion that our site had withdrawn from APPIC/NMS. We identified our error late in the process and were able to resolve it.  We are pleased to announce that the Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center IS currently accepting applications to our Psychology Internship site for 2025-2026.


APPIC Member #:  2608
Site Name:  Quintessential Health
Location:  Warrington, PA
Training Director:  William La Valle, Psy.D. / / 833-742-2737

We are delighted to announce that Quintessential Health has submitted their self-study for APA Accreditation and in response to our submission, was approved for a site visit for Spring 2025.

Please note that there is no guarantee that we will ultimately achieve accreditation. 


APPIC Member #:  2481
Site Name:  University of Arkansas Counseling and Psychological Services
Location:  Fayetteville, AR
Training Director:  Ashley Coleman, PhD,

University of Arkansas CAPS is excited to announce an increase in stipend to $43,923 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2546
Site Name:  Federal Detention Center-Philadelphia
Location:  Philadelphia, PA
Training Director:  Beth Daniels,, (215) 521-7215

The Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia has an APA accreditation site visit scheduled for March 18-20, 2025. Please note that there is no guarantee the program will be able to achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2474
Site Name:  University of Vermont Medical Center, Psychological Services
Location:  Burlington, VT
Training Director:  Tara McCuin,

The Clinical Psychology Internship at the University of Vermont Medical Center would like to announce the following change to the 2025-2026 Pediatric and Child clinical track. Due to staffing changes, we will no longer be training in our Transgender Youth Clinic. In replacement of this training opportunity we will be offering a year-long exposure in Liberation Psychology and rotations in either our Endocrine/Diabetes or Behavioral Sleep Medicine clinics. You will find an updated Intern Handbook on our website:  For additional questions or information about our APA-accredited program, please contact the Training Director, Dr. Tara McCuin via email.


APPIC Member #:  1391
Site Name:  Roo Wellness Counseling Services at University of Missouri—Kansas City
Location:  Kansas City, MO
Training Director:  Teresa Huff-Pomstra, PhD - - 816-235-5248

We are happy to announce that we are increasing our stipend from $31,200 to $39,000 for the 2025-2026 training year.


APPIC Member #:  2623
Site Name:  Birmingham VAHCS
Location:  Birmingham, AL
Training Director:  Misti Norton, Ph.D.;, 205-957-5891

We are excited to announce that the Birmingham VAHCS Clinical Psychology Internship Program was granted "accredited, on contingency" status with an initial date of accreditation as January 26, 2024 by the American Psychological Association's Commission on Accreditation (CoA). Applications are due by 11:59pm ET on Friday, November 1st, 2024. We will be offering 3 slots in our general track and 1 slot in our neuropsychology track.


APPIC Member #:  2610
Site Name:  University of Richmond CAPS
Location:  Richmond, VA
Training Director:  Rachel L. Koch, Psy.D.,

We’re thrilled to announce the University of Richmond CAPS doctoral internship program for the 2025-2026 training year. The UR CAPS staff are a cohesive, dynamic, and fun team that is committed to serving the needs of our community as best as we can, as evidenced by our recent ranking #1 ranking for student support and counseling services by the Princeton Review, and we are excited to add full-time interns to our team.  Our internship program offers all the experiences expected of a college counseling internship along with providing ADHD assessments and specialty tracks, including specializing in treating eating disorders and/or working with student athletes with our embedded staff psychologist in the athletics department.  The stipend is $45,000, with options for benefits and leave in line with university policies, plus the flexibility to work remotely one day per week.  Please do consider our program during your search, review our website, and reach out if you have specific questions.


APPIC Member #:  2261
Site Name:  SSM Health
Location:  Fond du Lac, WI
Training Director:  Evelyn Schaefer, PsyD

The training committee at SSM Health has changed our interview dates to either January 15, 2025 (afternoon) or January 16, 2025 (morning).  Interview format of either virtual or in-person remains the same and the APPIC Directory has been updated.  Looking forward to interview season!

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (October 6, 2024)


Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1361
Site Name:  Battle Creek VA Medical Center
Location:  Battle Creek, MI
Training Director:  Jessica Kinkela, PhD, ABPP-CN,

Due to improved staffing, we are pleased to announce we are resuming our Primary Care and Health track. See our website/brochure for updated health psychology rotations. The “PCMHI & Health” track replaces last year’s “PCMHI & Geropsychology” track. 


APPIC Member #:  2528
Site Name:  Oklahoma Private Practice Internship Consortium (OPPIC)
Location:  Yukon, Edmond, Midwest City, and Tulsa, Oklahoma
Training Director:  Mary Ann Shepherd -

OPPIC is pleased to announce that we have received APA Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation effective March 28, 2024.  Questions regarding accreditation can be directed to the CoA at the contact information below.  OPPIC is also pleased to announce we will be increasing our Internship Stipend from $28,000 to $30,000 for the 2025-2026 training cohort. 


APPIC Member #:  1588
Site Name:  University of Texas Health San Antonio
Location:  San Antonio, TX
Training Director:  Cindy McGeary, PhD,

The Clinical Psychology Internship at the University of Texas Health San Antonio would like to announce the following change to the 2025-2026 training year. Due to staffing changes, the Center for Health Care Services will no longer be a training site within the Integrated Primary Care Behavioral Health Track. Instead of having one intern train at Family and Community Medicine for 12-months, we will have two interns at this site for the 2025-2026 training year. For questions or additional information about our APA-accredited program, please contact the Training Director, Dr. Cindy McGeary via email.


APPIC Member #:  1458
Site Name:  Mount Sinai Services/Elmhurst Hospital Center
Location:  Elmhurst, NY
Training Director:  David Block, PsyD;; 718-334-3913

We are pleased to announce the addition of a 3rd track to our internship program: The Adult Correctional/Forensics Track.  After partnering with Riker's Island jail and expanding services available within our own hospital, we will now have an opportunity to train 2 interns within adult correctional and forensic settings for the 2025-2026 internship year.  Please refer to our website ( for further details of rotation, outpatient and didactic experiences offered through this track.  Interested applicants should apply using our match number 145813.   Please feel free to contact Dr. Block at for further information. 


APPIC Member #:  1597
Site Name:  The Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI; formerly UNI)
Location:  Salt Lake City, UT
Training Director:  Allison Smith, PhD - - 801-587-7755

Huntsman Mental Health is pleased to announce that our stipend has increased to $41,600.


APPIC Member #:  2624
Site Name:  UAB Clinical Psychology Internship Program
Location:  Birmingham, AL
Training Director:  Tiffany Nowell, PhD;

We are thrilled to announce that the UAB Clinical Psychology Internship Program was granted "accredited, on contingency" status with an initial date of accreditation as October 3, 2023 by the American Psychological Association's Commission on Accreditation (CoA). Applications are due by 11:59pm on Friday, November 1st, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  2536
Site Name:  Federal Correctional Complex Tucson
Location:  Tucson, AZ
Training Director:  L. Unruh-Parker,, 520-663-5000 x 6382

We are pleased to announce the FCC Tucson Psychology Internship Training Program was granted an "accredited, on contingency" status with an initial date of accreditation as February 21, 2024, by the American Psychological Association's Commission on Accreditation (CoA). Applications from qualified applicants are welcome until 11:59pm EST on November 1, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  1174
Site Name:  Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center, Eastern Colorado Health Care System
Location:  Aurora, CO
Training Director:  Jake Farnsworth, PhD (, 720-723-7337)

The Rocky Mountain VA Medical Center Psychology Internship is thrilled to offer for the 2025-2026 training year a brand new Neuropsychology Specialty Track (1 slot) designed to prepare interns for APPCN-accredited postdoctoral residencies and future board certification in neuropsychology.  We will also offer an expanded Behavioral Medicine Track (1 slot) that will provide interns with a variety of health psychology-related experiences in both primary and specialty settings (e.g., chronic pain, palliative care, psycho-oncology, primary care and others). For more information, please see our brochure online or reach out to me directly.


APPIC Member #:  1660
Site Name:  Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Location:  Plymouth, MN & Center City, MN
Training Director:  Erin M. Miers, PsyD LP;

Hazelden Betty Ford will not have any openings for internship in the upcoming 2025-2026 year due to choosing to sunset their internship program. This is relevant for both the Center City, MN and Plymouth, MN sites; our adult and child tracks respectively.


APPIC Member #:  2586
Site Name:  Sanford Health
Location:  Moorhead, MN, Fargo, ND, and Valley City, ND
Training Director:  Jon Ulven, PhD, LP, email:, phone: 701.417.6999

We pleased to announce that we have increased our stipend for our predoctoral internship to $51,000. For more information, please see our website:


APPIC Member #:  1764
Site Name:  Minnesota Department of Corrections Lino Lakes Sexual Offense Treatment Program (SOTP)
Location:  Lino Lakes, MN
Training Director:  Adam Piccolino, Psy.D.,

Due to anticipated staffing and organizational changes, the Minnesota Department of Corrections will be discontinuing our internship offering at the Minnesota Correctional Facility (MCF) Lino Lakes-SOTP site for the 2025-2026 training year. We continue to offer internship positions at our other three training sites: MCF-Stillwater, MCF-Oak Park Heights, and MCF-Shakopee. These programs remain committed to providing high-quality training experiences for our interns in a correctional setting.


APPIC Member #:  2622
Site Name:  Alicia's Place
Location:  Chesapeake, VA
Training Director:  Annie Levin, Psy.D.,

Our site is now an APPIC Member and we are accepting 2 interns for the 2025-2026 training year.  Our application deadline is November 1, 2024.  We are very excited to work with our future interns!


APPIC Member #:  1416
Site Name:  Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology
Location:  Lincoln / Omaha Nebraska
Training Director:  Beth Doll,, 402 472 1152

Applicants are now welcome to apply to up to 6 tracks in the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology. The earlier APPIC directory information had limited applicants to applying to only 5 tracks.

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (September 29, 2024)


Below is the latest list of "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals during the internship application process in order to provide applicants with important updates about programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1460
Site Name:  Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS)
Location:  Hartsdale and Yonkers, NY
Training Director:  Liane Nelson, Ph.D. - - 914-949-7699 x2475

We are delighted to announce that our stipend will increase from $30K to $58,656 as of 1/1/25.  We will not have a psychoeducation and ADOS assessment rotation (Learning Center) as of 7/1/25.


APPIC Member #:  2519
Site Name:  Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital
Location:  Boston, MA
Training Director:  Christopher AhnAllen, PhD ABSMIP;

We are very pleased to announce that the Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program was granted an "accredited, on contingency" status with an initial date of accreditation as March 5, 2024 by the American Psychological Association's Commission on Accreditation (CoA). Applications from qualified applicants are welcome until 11:59pm on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024.


APPIC Member #:  1416
Site Name:  Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology
Location:  Lincoln / Omaha, Nebraska
Training Director:  Beth Doll,, 402 472 1152

The Counseling and Psychological Services track of the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (141611) was recently approved to raise the an annual stipend to $44,000 in 2025-2026. The earlier APPIC directory information for this track had posted a smaller stipend.


APPIC Member #:  2206
Site Name:  Sioux Falls VAMC
Location:  Sioux Falls, SD
Training Director:  Emily Blegen, Psy.D., ABN;

The Sioux Falls VA will be switching the Health Psychology major rotation to a minor rotation for the 2025-2026 internship training year due to a staffing transition. The Sioux Falls VA will continue to offer major rotations in General MH Outpatient OR General MH Outpatient Telehealth Focus, Posttraumatic Stress OR Posttraumatic Stress Telehealth Focus, and Rehabilitation and Extended Care in Behavioral Recovery Outreach and Community Living Center Psychology. The program will continue to offer minor rotations in Administration, Group Psychotherapy, Military Sexual Trauma, Primary Care MH, and now Health Psychology. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Blegen with any questions!


APPIC Member #:  2569
Site Name:  Rockland Psychiatric Center
Location:  Orangeburg, NY
Training Director:  Dr. Katherine Velez,

Rockland Psychiatric Center has an APA accreditation site visit scheduled for November 19-20, 2024. Please note that there is no guarantee the program will be able to achieve accreditation.


APPIC Member #:  2451
Site Name:  Wake Forest University Counseling Center
Location:  Winston-Salem, NC
Training Director:  Chris Wilson;

The Wake Forest University Counseling Center is very pleased to announce a stipend increase from $35,568 to $46,000. We are excited to be participating in the APPIC match this year and welcome applications from individuals interested in receiving strong generalist training in a UCC environment with opportunities for special emphasis training in sport psychology, trauma informed care, and clinical supervision.


APPIC Member #:  1810
Site Name:  University of Manitoba, Student Counseling Centre
Location:  Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
Training Director:  Timothy A. G. Osachuk, Ph.D., C.Psych., , (204)474-8614

We are thrilled to announce addition of a one-day per week placement to our Internship/Residency Programme through a partnership with New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families .  New Directions is a large social services agency in downtown Winnipeg.  The one-day per week placement at New Directions is within the Multidisciplinary Assessment and Consultation Centre (MACC).  MACC supports individuals across the lifespan and opportunities will be developed based on the interest of the Residents (e.g., working with children and youth, families, and couples; working with children and adults with disabilities;  consultation opportunities with staff teams; psychological assessment etc.).

You are welcome to contact Dr. Tim Osachuk directly if you have any questions.


APPIC Member #:  1821
Site Name:  Saskatoon and Area Psychology Residency Program
Location:  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Training Director:  Dr. Fern Stockdale;

Saskatoon and Area Psychology Residency Program IS offering 5 tracks in the 2025-2026 training year:  Pediatric, Adult, Operational Stress Injury, Neuropsychology, and Forensics.  An error in the system last week resulted in our program being temporarily unavailable to match applicants and/or being mis-represented with an incorrect banner name.  The error has been corrected so applicants should now be able to add our program.  Note that the Operational Stress Injury Clinic is a new track being offered this year and the Neuropsychology track is again available in the 2025-2026 training year.  Contact the Training Director, Dr. Fern Stockdale, with any questions.


APPIC Member #:  2617
Site Name:  Connecticut Psychology Consortium
Location:  Hampton, CT
Training Director:  Jacquelyn DuBois, PhD, NCSP, 

The Connecticut Psychology Consortium is now an APPIC member. We have five intern positions. Deadline for application submission is November 3.  Please see our website for more information:


APPIC Member #:  1771
Site Name:  UC Davis Children’s Hospital CAARE Center
Location:  Sacramento, CA
Training Director:  Dawn Blacker Ph.D. – - 916-761-6713

The TAMI (2 Positions) and TAMI System Tracks (1 Position) have been discontinued for the 25-26 Training year due to organizational and structural changes in the Department of Psychiatry and Pediatrics.


APPIC Member #:  2384
Site Name:  Hofstra University / Student Counseling Services
Location:  Hempstead, NY
Training Director:  Fernando Cavalcante Krause, Ph.D.,

We are happy to announce that as of the 2024-2025 training year, the Student Counseling Services Doctoral Internship Program now offers access to opt-in health benefits.


APPIC Member #:  2543
Site Name:  Children's Program
Location:  Portland, OR
Training Director:  Rose Eagle, Ph.D.,

We are excited to share that Children's Program has been authorized for an APA accreditation site visit, which is projected to occur between April and August of 2025.  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for accreditation. 

Additionally, Children's Program is pleased to offer a new training rotation in Early Childhood Mental Health, focused on assessment and treatment of early childhood populations, ages 0-6, and their families. Rotation may include opportunities for trauma assessment, developmental evaluation (e.g., cognitive functioning, ASD), behavior intervention (e.g., Incredible Years, PCIT, PC-CARE, behavior parent training), individual therapy with family involvement for anxiety, emotion dysregulation and other emotional challenges (e.g., Being Brave curriculum, family-based CBT).

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates (September 21, 2024)

MATCH NEWS: Late-Breaking Internship Program Updates - September 21, 2024


This message is the first in a series of e-mails over the next several months that will provide "late-breaking" news items from internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  These announcements will be distributed via MATCH-NEWS at regular intervals (approximately every 7-10 days) in order to provide applicants with important updates about internship programs that they may be considering.  Training Directors who wish to submit news items for future announcements should refer to the information at the end of this message.


APPIC Member #:  1984
Site Name:  Children’s Institute Inc.
Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Training Director:  Irma Ocegueda, Ph.D. - /323-491-4587

Children’s Institute Inc (CII) Doctoral Psychology Internship will not have any openings for internship in the upcoming year given that the program has elected to focus alternatively on Doctoral psychology practicum trainees.


APPIC Member #:  1389
Site Name:  University of Missouri Counseling Center
Location:  Columbia, MO
Training Director:  Jenny Lybeck-Brown, Ph.D.,

We are thrilled to announce a significant increase in our intern stipend (previously $40,000) for the upcoming training year in which interns will now be paid $45,000 plus benefits.


APPIC Member #:  1521
Site Name:  Northeastern Oklahoma Psychology Internship Program (NOPIP)
Location:  Tulsa, OK and Tahlequah, OK
Training Director:  Robin Aupperle,, 913-708-4766

There have been changes to the consortium sites, stipend levels, and leadership for the APA-accredited clinical internship, Northeastern Oklahoma Psychology Internship Program (NOPIP). The NOPIP consortium is now focused on three sites, including (1) Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) and Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital (LPCH), (2) Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health (CNBH), and (3) Indian Health Care Resource Center (IHCRC). The Oklahoma Forensic Center and the University of Tulsa are no longer active sites. The NOPIP Training Director and Co-Director are now Robin Aupperle, Ph.D. and Evan White, Ph.D. Training experiences offered at the three active NOPIP sites include but are not limited to work with underserved populations, involvement in clinical research and research-based programming, and implementation of empirically supported treatment of anxiety and mood, trauma-related, substance use, and eating disorders within outpatient and inpatient programs, specialized clinics and/or integrated health contexts.

In addition, the minimum stipend for NOPIP interns has increased by more than 25% from prior years, with the 2025-2026 stipends now ranging from $37,950 to $38,000 across all sites. See the NOPIP website for more information:


APPIC Member #:  1559
Site Name:  University of Memphis Student Health and Counseling Services
Location:  Memphis, TN
Training Director:  Linh P. Luu, Ph.D., HSP,

The University of Memphis Student Health and Counseling Services APA-Accredited Internship Program has increased psychology interns’ salary from $37,734 to $43,888. We have four psychology intern positions. Deadline for application submission is November 30. 


APPIC Member #:  2584
Site Name:  Wexford Health Sources, Inc. at the Joliet Treatment Center (JTC)
Location:  Joliet, IL
Training Director:  Kimberly Briney, Psy.D., - (224) 205-0755

We have significantly increased the doctoral internship stipend to $65,000.  In addition, we are excited to share JTC has submitted its APA self-study.  Please note, there are no guarantees the program will be approved for a site visit or accreditation.  You are welcome to contact Dr. Kimberly Briney directly if you have any questions. 


APPIC Member #:  2567
Site Name:  Western New York Children’s Psychiatric Center
Location:  Amherst, NY
Training Director:  Dr. Kimberlee Hubbard,

The site has an APA accreditation site visit scheduled for October 15-16, 2024. Please note that there is no guarantee the program will be able to achieve accreditation.


MATCH NEWS: Match Announcements (September 19, 2024)

MATCH NEWS: Match Announcements - September 19, 2024

This announcement contains the following items:

[1]  Guidance on Virtual Interviews
[2]  APPIC Match Policies and Match Dates
[3]  APPIC Directory Internship Listings
[4]  Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border for Internship
[5]  Statistics from the APPIC Directory
[6]  Information about Military Internships
[7]  Information and Support for the APPIC Match



The APPIC Board continues to strongly recommend that doctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship programs utilize virtual formats for recruitment and selection.



The 2024-25 APPIC Match Policies are essential reading for all Match participants and may be viewed here:

The complete schedule of dates for 2025 may be found here:



Training Directors are annually required to update their programs' information in the APPIC Directory, and the majority of internship programs have updated their Directory information (and web sites) to reflect the 2024-25 training year.  If you notice any out-of-date information in the APPIC Directory or in a program’s public information (e.g., web site or brochure), please contact the Training Director to request the most current information.



If you are a Canadian citizen who is considering attending a U.S.-based psychology internship, or a U.S. citizen who is seeking a placement in Canada, APPIC wants you to be aware of the potential legal and political challenges that currently exist when attempting to cross the border for internship.  In recent years, some students were not permitted to cross even when possessing what they believed to be valid visas and appropriate documentation.  In many cases, these students were unable to attend their internships -- often resulting in a year-long delay in their education while they participated in the Match a second time.

Issues faced by students have included:

1.  Challenges in obtaining a visa in a timely manner.

2.  Lack of clarity in U.S. immigration law as to which visas, if any, are appropriate for students to enter the United States and complete their psychology internships.  In fact, some attorneys have told us that NO such visa currently exists.

3.  This lack of clarity can result in differential interpretations at the border.  In other words, two people with the same type of visa may experience very different outcomes at the border.

While a number of professional organizations in psychology (including APPIC, APAGS, CCPPP, CPA, and APA) continue to work on developing a legitimate and reliable pathway for the future, APPIC strongly encourages students who are considering a cross-border internship experience to familiarize themselves with the issues and the risks involved.



The "Directory Statistics & Trainee Stipends" page on the APPIC web site provides aggregated information from the APPIC Directory, including mean stipends and mean numbers of applications received per program and per position. This information is provided for all programs that are listed in the APPIC Directory, classified by agency type.  This page may be accessed at - from the “Directory” pull-down menu, or via this direct link.

As of September 16, 2024, here are the changes in mean internship and postdoctoral stipends compared to March, 2023 (18 months ago):

Internships:  Mean stipend of $38,900 - Up 15.1%

Postdocs:  Mean stipend of $59,500 - Up 12.1%



Students who may be interested in an internship with the U.S. military are strongly encouraged to review APPIC's military information page that summarizes the procedures and questions that many students have about these programs.

This information was provided to us by the Army, Navy, and Air Force internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match, and was developed in order to avoid misunderstandings and to address some of the common questions that many students have about these programs.  In particular, students should understand that the approval and clearance process for military internship positions is lengthy, and those who are interested in such positions should initiate contact with a recruiter from the Service(s) in which they are interested (i.e., Army, Navy, and/or Air Force) as soon as possible.

APPIC wishes to thank our military Training Directors and leadership for their support and contributions to this effort!



Complete information about the APPIC Match may be found at both:

•  The Match Web Site hosted by National Matching Services, Inc.
•  The "About the APPIC Match" section of the APPIC web site

Contact information for questions:

•  APPIC Match Coordinator:  Dr. Greg Keilin - 512-410-0002 -
  National Matching Services, Inc. - 800-461-6322 -

Support for the AAPI Application Service:

•  See this link

MATCH NEWS: Drug Testing and Pre-Employment Screenings (September 15, 2024)

MATCH NEWS: Drug Testing and Pre-Employment Screenings

What follows is essential reading for all students, doctoral program DCTs, and internship program Training Directors about drug testing and other pre-employment requirements.  If you think you already know the issues, you could be mistaken, as things have changed significantly just in the past few years (e.g., over-the-counter availability of certain products which, if consumed, could lead to failure of a drug test and termination from an internship).  We ask that all DCTs discuss these issues with their students who are seeking internship this year.


Some internship programs perform drug testing prior to and/or during the internship year.  One of the most misunderstood issues in this area is with regard to the recreational and medical use of marijuana (cannabis) as well as products containing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (Cannabidiol).  Some students assume that having a prescription for marijuana/cannabis, being matched to an internship program that is located in a jurisdiction that allows the recreational use of marijuana/cannabis, or obtaining a medicine over-the-counter (e.g., CBD oils) means that their use of these substances will be acceptable to internship programs.  However, this is a very risky and potentially incorrect assumption, as some internship programs prohibit the use of marijuana/cannabis, THC, and/or CBD in SOME or ALL circumstances, and will refuse to hire a student who tests positive regardless of medical need, the presence of a prescription, the fact that it was obtained over-the-counter, or its legal status.

STUDENTS:  If you use any of these substances, regardless of its purpose or legal status, you should carefully review sites' materials to ensure that you apply to sites that will allow you to use such substances.  If a site's materials are unclear, you should consult with sites' HR departments to get clarification of their policies.  We strongly encourage you to get such clarification in writing.  While we appreciate that asking for clarification can feel difficult or risky to do, the consequences of not being clear can be devastating.

INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS:  We recommend that you consult regularly with your Human Resources department in order to stay aware of any changes that have occurred to relevant policies.  Please ensure that your public materials are as clear and accurate as possible in terms of any drug testing that is performed and the expectations for employees and interns as far as drug use is concerned.  In particular, please be aware that the medical use of marijuana/cannabis has become increasingly common among the general population, and thus clearly articulating your policies regarding the medical and recreational use of marijuana/cannabis, THC, and CBD would be helpful to applicants.


APPIC Match Policy # 8b states, "Appointments of applicants to internship positions may be contingent upon the applicants satisfying certain eligibility requirements. Such eligibility requirements must be clearly specified in the internship programs' written materials and provided to applicants in advance of the deadline for submitting rankings for the APPIC Match."  

STUDENTS:  It is important to understand that most sites consider interns to be employees, which means that they have the same expectations of interns as they do of any other employee.  Many sites now conduct background checks, drug testing, or other pre-employment screenings that a student must pass in order to be employed as an intern. Remember that the APPIC Match Policies allow you to be denied appointment or dismissed if you fail any pre-employment screenings.  Thus, careful attention to sites' pre-employment requirements is essential as you decide where to apply and which programs to rank.  If in doubt, don’t make assumptions — ask the site for clarification (you can ask to speak to the Training Director or to an HR representative).  Keep in mind that, in some cases, criminal records that have been sealed or expunged may be included in these background checks.  Failure to fully and accurately disclose background information may also be deemed to be a failure resulting in denied employment.

In order to be employed as an intern, you will be required to provide documentation of your identity as well as your authorization to work in the U.S. (for U.S. internships) or Canada (for Canadian internships).

INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS:  Match Policy #8b requires the advance disclosure of your site's eligibility requirements so that students can understand these requirements and make informed decisions about whether or not to apply to or rank your site.  Most importantly, it minimizes the possibility of your program being matched to an applicant who is ineligible for hire.  Thus, if your site has such pre-employment requirements, please ensure that your public materials (web site, brochure, APPIC Directory listing, etc.) are as clear and detailed as possible.  Specifically:

a.  Please be clear about your eligibility requirements and, as much as possible, what constitutes a "pass" and a "fail."  For example, it is generally not enough to simply say that you conduct a "background check," since that doesn't tell the applicant what past behavior is and is not acceptable (e.g., will a misdemeanor constitute a pass or a fail?). Similarly, saying that you conduct "drug testing" doesn't clearly specify what your expectations are of the applicant in terms of their drug use (e.g., is marijuana/cannabis/THC/CBD use acceptable?  If so, under what circumstances?).  The goal here is to be as disclosive as possible in order to minimize the possibility that an ineligible student will apply (or, worse, get matched) to your site.

b.  We recognize that, in some circumstances, HR policies are vague and it can be challenging to meet what is outlined in the previous paragraph.  Thus, it is essential that you work closely with your Human Resources department in order to craft wording that is clear and covers all of your institution's policies and eligibility requirements for employees.  We have seen a number of situations where HR determines that the student has failed a requirement that wasn't disclosed in advance, often because the Training Director wasn't aware of the requirement or how it would be administered, interpreted, or enforced.


Most (if not all) Federal internship positions in the U.S., including those sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), require males (based on sex assigned at birth) to register with the Selective Service System by the age of 26.  Applicants can confirm registration at; FAQs are at  Applicants should check directly with each site for details about their Selective Service registration requirements prior to submitting their internship applications.
With regard to the VA requirement for Selective Service registration, past experience with this issue would suggest that exceptions to this policy are extremely rare.  Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and it can take months to obtain a decision.


While the COVID pandemic appears to have eased for now, many sites continue to have vaccination requirements of employees, including interns.  These requirements may include both COVID and non-COVID (e.g., measles, rubella, tuberculosis) vaccinations.  Training Directors are reminded to please keep their public materials updated to reflect policy developments in this area.  Applicants who are unable or unwilling to be vaccinated may need to make some difficult choices with regard to their participation in the upcoming Match process, and we would like to provide the following guidelines for these students:

1.  Most importantly, don't make assumptions about any site.  If a site's published materials are silent on its vaccination policies, you should not assume that you will be allowed to work at the site without being vaccinated.  Nor should you assume that a policy won't be established in the coming weeks and months. 

2.  For sites that require vaccination of its employees, you should not assume that you will be granted an exemption, nor should you assume that certain accommodations will be provided.  This includes individuals who are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.

3.  It is imperative that you talk directly with the site to understand their current policies as well as the possibility of policies changing in the future.

4.  Students seeking internship should only rank sites for which they have confirmed that their vaccination status will be acceptable to those sites.  Individuals seeking postdoctoral positions should only accept a position if they have confirmed the acceptability of their vaccination status with that site.

5.  If a site's vaccination polices change after you have been placed at that site, you will likely be required to conform to the site's new policy.  Failure to do so may result in being terminated from the training program.  While APPIC can assist in attempting to negotiate solutions in such situations, vaccination policies are often established at the Federal, State, or Provincial level and thus there may be little to no flexibility.


At this unique period in history, some individuals have exercised their constitutional right to engage in peaceful protests, an activity that occasionally results in arrest and conviction. Given that criminal convictions must be disclosed on the AAPI, we have heard from a number of psychology graduate students who have expressed concern about how recent convictions for peaceful protests might affect their ability to secure an internship.

APPIC strongly encourages training programs to be thoughtful in reviewing any conviction information within an application and to consider the circumstances as well as the relevancy to the position.  The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) notes that the arrest and incarceration records are much higher for certain groups of people and that “national data supports a finding that criminal record exclusions have a disparate impact based on race and national origin” (EEOC Enforcement Guidance, 2012).  Thus, automatically eliminating an applicant from consideration based solely on the existence of a criminal conviction is potentially discriminatory and should be avoided.

For further background and perspective, The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) released a document, “AAMC Guidance on Peaceful Protests by Medical Students and Residents” which provides that organization’s viewpoint and an interesting summary of the issues.

MATCH NEWS: AAPI Update (September 7, 2024)

Message from the AAPI Coordinator, Dr. Kimberly Hill (

This message contains important information related to the APPIC Application for Psychology Internships (AAPI):

1.  Internship Application Process: Step-by-Step Guide
2.  Accessing the AAPI and the APPIC Directory
3.  Important AAPI Enhancements for 2024-2025
4.  AAPI Q&A Zoom Sessions
5.  AAPI Resources
6.  Accessing AAPI Help



Don't get lost in the moving parts of the internship application process!  In this step-by-step guide, you will find a general timeline of the major application tasks along with the corresponding links for each step.



The APPIC Application for Psychology Internships (AAPI) must be used by students to apply to internship programs that participate in the APPIC Match.  Applications must be submitted online, and no site may request a printed copy of students' application materials. The Applicant AAPI portal can be accessed here.

If you participated in the application process last year, you will find that most of the data you entered last year still exists in the AAPI portal. Details about what information is retained for re-applicants can be found in the Reapplication Process page in the Help Center.

Each internship program establishes its own eligibility requirements and application deadline for the Match. Students should reference the APPIC Directory and each internship program’s public materials for this information. The Directory should now be fully updated by all programs.  If you notice any outdated information in the APPIC Directory or in a program’s public information (e.g., website or brochure), please contact the Training Director directly to request the most current information.  Participating internship programs will become visible to students within the AAPI portal on September 16. 



Several enhancements were made to the AAPI including:


New Citizenship Item
New Selective Service Registration Item
Relocated Non-Practicum Clinical Experience Item
Universal Number (3) of Standardized Reference Forms (SRF)


Revised DCT Verification item: Strengths and Growth Areas
Redesign of the DCT Verification Screens
Cross-Platform Compatibility
New Onscreen AAPI Submission Report


PDF Content Controller
Improved PDF format and length
Refined Internship Track label
Bulk Email Feature Improvement
Blank/Missing Response Protection

To see the details about the AAPI enhancements for the 2024-25 application cycle for applicants, DCTs, and Internship TDs, please click here



Throughout the 2024-25 application cycle, we will be offering AAPI Q&A sessions targeted for each user group (students, academic DCTs, and internship TDs) to answer questions about each respective portal and internship application process.

Zoom links for the above sessions will be posted in the APPIC training calendar.  All sessions will occur at 12pm PST/3pm EST.

AAPI Q&A for Students (DCTs welcome): 
•  Friday, September 13 
•  Thursday, September 26 
•  Thursday, October 8 

AAPI Q&A for DCTs:
•  Wednesday, September 18 
•  Thursday, October 16 

Internship Training Director Webinar: 
•  Friday, October 25 



Here are several helpful AAPI resources including recordings from prior applicant webinar sessions along with corresponding FAQs.
•  AAPI Resources for Applicants (including overview video, sample AAPIs, essay prompts, FAQs, supplemental materials policy, etc)
•  AAPI Resources for DCTs (Doctoral Program Directors)
•  AAPI Resources for Internship Training Directors
•  AAPI Resources for Recommendation Letter Writers



Detailed AAPI instructions for applicants can be found at the AAPI Help Center. The relevant help center information is also embedded on each page of the AAPI, accessible using the "Click here for more information" button. These instructions address the majority of applicant questions; applicants are strongly advised to carefully review this information prior to reaching out to AAPI support.

Couldn't find your answer in the AAPI Help Center?
• For AAPI technical questions or difficulties (e.g., transcript issues, log in difficulties, username/password issues, uploading, submitting applications, etc.), please contact the AAPI technical support team via the chat feature at the bottom right of your AAPI screen, email at, or by phone (617) 612-2899 (phone hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm EST), 
• For technical questions or difficulties with the AAPI Tab in Time2Track, please contact email or call 800-940-5095 ext. 0. 
• For content-related questions about the AAPI, please contact Dr. Kimberly Hill, Interim AAPI Coordinator, at


Wishing you all a smooth application process!

Kimberly Hill, PhD
AAPI Coordinator

MATCH NEWS: 2025 APPIC Match Registration (July 31, 2024)

Registration for the 2025 APPIC Match is now open.  The following provides Match registration information for applicants, internship programs, and doctoral programs:


Applicants who are applying to APPIC-member internship programs must register for the APPIC Match.  Before you register, review the information provided on the applicant registration page on the Match web site.


•  Before registering for the Match, you must verify with your DCT that you have permission from your doctoral program to apply for and attend an internship for the 2025-26 training year.  The Match registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and is not transferable to future Matches or other applicants.

•  Only students who are from eligible doctoral programs listed on the National Matching Services' (NMS) web site may register to participate in the Match.  If your school or doctoral program does not appear in the NMS list, please follow the instructions provided on that page on the Match web site under the link “What if a school or doctoral program does not appear in this list?”  More information about applicant eligibility may be found on the APPIC web site

•  You must accurately identify your doctoral program during the Match registration process.  If you are not certain whether the program type, degree sought, and Director of Clinical Training (DCT) as shown in the Match registration system accurate identify your academic program, please check with your DCT before completing the Match registration.

•  Please note that APPIC Match registration is a completely separate process from the AAPI ("APPIC Application for Psychology Internships") registration -- in other words, applicants must register separately for both the AAPI AND the APPIC Match.

•  When you register for the Match, you should use the same email address that you use for your AAPI.

•  Upon registering for the Match, you will receive a 5-digit Match Code Number to use during the process.

•  Your 5-digit Match Code number is a required field in your AAPI.  You must register for the Match and enter your 5-digit Match Code Number on your AAPI before your application is considered to be complete and can be submitted to your DCT for verification.


Only APPIC-member internship programs (including Provisional and Full members) may participate in the 2025 APPIC Match.  To be eligible to participate in the Match, internship programs must satisfy the membership status and accreditation criteria established by APPIC.

Match registration instructions have already been sent by e-mail to Training Directors of all active APPIC-member internship programs that are eligible to participate.  The e-mail sent to each site contains a unique link for the training site that must be used to launch the online registration process for that site. 

If you are an internship Training Director (i.e., the person who oversees all training activities, programs and/or tracks at the internship site) and have not received the registration e-mail for your site, please check your e-mail program's "spam" or "junk mail" folder to see if the e-mail was directed there.  If you did not receive the registration e-mail, contact NMS directly at to arrange for NMS to send you the registration instructions.

Internship programs should complete the online registration process by August 31, 2024.


Academic programs do NOT register directly with NMS for the Match.  NMS has previously sent e-mails to all active APPIC Doctoral Program Associates (DPAs) to acknowledge their DPA status and confirm their contact information for the 2025 Match.  Access credentials for the NMS Match System will be sent soon by e-mail to all DPA programs eligible to send students into the Match. DCTs will be able to view updated lists of their students who are registered for the Match as well as reports of their students' results for both Phase I and Phase II of the Match.