The Outstanding Contribution Award in Training and Education in Professional Psychology Presented by the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers

Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP) is a publication of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and the American Psychological Association (APA). TEPP is dedicated to enhancing supervision and training provided by psychologists. The journal publishes manuscripts that contribute to and advance professional psychology education.
The TEPP Outstanding Contribution Award is given to stimulate, recognize, and reward contributions to scholarly and applied knowledge related to psychology education and training. The award represents a collaborative effort between APPIC and TEPP. The monetary prize for the Award ($500) is provided by the APPIC Board and is awarded to the author(s) of the article as a $500 check and a plaque that is presented to the first author. Criteria
1. This annual Award is for exceptional scholarship within a particular volume year of TEPP, rather than for recognition of continual or accumulative scholarship over time.
2. An outstanding contribution is broadly defined to include exceptional empirical, theoretical, conceptual, applied, and/or methodological contributions that substantially and significantly advance a particular topic or area within psychology education or training.
3. The Award is designed to honor major contributions to the literature, such as a major paper on a topic, an article that significantly advance a topic, or a major integrative review on a topic or line of research pertinent to psychology education or training.
4. The Award honors outstanding and major contributions to the literature, which may involve one or more authors, but is limited to one paper.
5. Nominations from the TEPP Editorial Board may be given to any person or persons who have published in TEPP during a particular year. Age, specialty designations, and years in the profession are not considerations.
6. Current voting members of the APPIC Board of Directors as well as the current TEPP editor and associate editors are not eligible for the award during the time they serve APPIC or TEPP.
7. Although the Award can be given annually, the Award Selection Committee and/or the APPIC Board may elect not to give an Award in any given year.
1. The Award Selection Committee will consist of the current TEPP Editor, who will Chair the Committee, and the TEPP Associate Editors.
2. The members of the Award Selection Committee will nominate contributions that merit considerations from the TEPP volume for the year preceding the announcement of the Award,. Nominations should be based on: (a) the unique contributions of the articles, and (b) the anticipated or experienced impact of the article on psychology education and training.
3. The TEPP Editorial Board will discuss the nominations and send to the APPIC Board one nomination.
4. The APPIC Board will select the Outstanding Contribution by majority vote, and the APPIC Chair will notify the Award recipient/s and the TEPP Editorial Board.
5. Award recipient/s will be publically recognized at the annual APPIC Business Meeting where the check and plaque will be presented and by comments on the TEPP and APPIC websites. In cases of multiple authorship, the check will be made out to the primary author, and the article title and authors as published in the journal will be listed on the plaque.
(Note: The criteria for this award are based on criteria for the outstanding contribution award in The Counseling Psychologist)