About APPIC / Accreditation Readiness Project (ARP)

Accreditation Readiness Project (ARP)

Last Updated: April 2024

APPIC encourages member programs to seek accreditation, especially given APPIC’s policy requiring internship programs be accredited to access the APPIC Match (https://www.appic.org/About-APPIC/APPIC-Policies/Policy-on-Full-Member-Internship-Accreditation-Requirement-for-APPIC-Match-Eligibility).

As a result, unaccredited internship programs are encouraged to be part of the next phase of APPIC’s Accreditation Readiness Project (ARP). Over 100 internship programs have completed previous phases of the ARP. The target audience is programs prepared to write the accreditation self-study as required by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Commission on Accreditation.

ARP recruitment for internship programs who wish to receive free hands-on support and consultation around developing a self-study for APA accreditation takes place between April and June. APPIC is committed to supporting a group of up to 18 internship programs who wish to receive support around developing their self-study at no additional financial cost to the member program.

APPIC has contracted with Clover Educational Consulting Group (Clover) to administer the ARP. Specifically, Clover will select up to 18 programs to receive monthly consultation and support in the development of a self-study for accreditation between the months of July and June. Selected programs will participate in Clover-administered Learning Communities, which will include monthly teaching and technical assistance calls. Clover also will provide instructional webinars related to the accreditation process, tailored consultation to individual programs, and feedback on self-study documents.

Please note that engagement in this initiative indicates a readiness and willingness to participate in a structured program with monthly tasks, to receive a high level of consultative support, and to complete a self-study for accreditation within the designated timeline. Participants will be selected based upon several criteria. Because participant slots are limited, submitting an application for inclusion does not guarantee selection.

Applications will be accepted through May 24, 2024 and programs will be notified of their application status by June 7, 2024. The ARP will begin in July 2024 and end in June 2025.

If you are interested in taking part in this program or have other questions about the timeline or goals of the project, please email Dr. Jenna Symons at jenna.symons@clovered.org. If you have questions about APPIC’s involvement in this program, please contact Dr. Shiloh Jordan at shilohjordan@appic.org.


Accreditation Readiness Project (ARP)

Last Updated: April 2024

Accreditation Readiness Project for Canadian Programs (ARP-C) - Click Here


Shiloh E. Jordan, Ph.D., ABPP
APPIC Board Member