About APPIC / Member & Surveys / 2023 Survey Results

2023 Survey Results

2023 Survey Results


Postdoc Surveys

(Click on the link below to access the survey results)

Survey of Clinically Focused Postdoc Applicants

Survey Table of Contents
Applicant Information (p. 2)
Postdoc Selection Process and Decisions (p. 9)
Impressions/Satisfaction with the Postdoc Selection Process (p.15)
Offers and Outcome (p. 26)
Data on Respondents Who Applied to Jobs (p. 39)

Survey of Clinically Focused Postdoc Programs

Survey Table of Contents
Program Sample Characteristics (p. 2)
Supply/Demands & Selection Outcomes (p. 13)
Offer, Hold & Acceptance Timing (p. 17)
The Selection Standards (p. 19)
Unfilled Positions (p. 27)
APPIC Postdoc Committee – Resources (p. 32)
APPIC Membership (p. 34)
APPA CAS (p. 37)

*** Unfortunately, the response rates for neuropsychological applicants and programs with only neuropsychological specialties or focus areas was very low so we were not able analyze those results. The same was true for research applicants and programs.