About APPIC / Member & Surveys / Current Survey Links

Current Survey Links

Postdoc Committee Surveys

The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee wants to learn about your experiences with postdoctoral selection as well as current interns' post-internship plans. Our goal is to further our understanding about postdoctoral training and selection and the impact of recent efforts to improve the process, including but not limited to the new APPIC Selection Standards and Common Hold Date, the UPPD (Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory), APPA CAS, and the APPIC Postdoctoral Committee’s efforts to educate applicants and programs. We also want to learn about other (non-postdoc) post-internship plans or jobs. Our ultimate goal is to better organize postdoctoral selection and training to the benefit of both programs and trainees.  
Please use the links below only if you have not already responded to direct email invitations.  

If you are Postdoctoral Program Training Director, please follow this link:  https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Po9EUnDjhmOEw6 

If you are a current intern who applied to positions for after internship, please follow this link:   https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3eIShLLRi5hmS34

The surveys will remain open until March 25th, 2024, and aggregate results will be shared later this spring or early summer.  

The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee thanks you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Applicant Survey Link 

The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee wants to learn about your post-internship plans, including applying to postdoctoral programs and other post-internship opportunities (jobs). We want to further our understanding about postdoctoral training and selection and the impact of recent efforts to improve the process, including but not limited to the new APPIC Selection Standards and Common Hold Date, the UPPD (Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory), APPA CAS, and the APPIC Postdoctoral Committee’s efforts to educate applicants and programs. We also want to learn about other (non-postdoc) post-internship plans or jobs. Our ultimate goal is to better organize postdoctoral selection and training to the benefit of both programs and trainees.  

A request to complete this survey has been sent to all current APPIC interns through direct emails. 


Please use the links below only if you have not already responded to direct email invitations.  


The surveys will remain open until March 25th, 2024, and aggregate results will be shared later this spring or early summer.  

The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee thanks you for taking the time to complete the survey.