Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

Anxiety Solutions of Denver Postdoctoral Fellowship Specializing in Anxiety and OCD

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Anxiety Solutions of Denver
Denver, Colorado

Starts on Monday, September 2, 2024

Applications due Friday, December 15, 2023

This training experience will NOT follow the APPIC Selection Standards with Common Hold Date (CHD) and may not allow applicants to hold offers until the CHD. Applicants may need to respond to an offer for this position prior to completing interviews or knowing their standing with other positions.

Elements of quality clinically focused postdoctoral training

This training experience is a planned and programmed sequence of training that aims to ensure preparation for advanced practice rather than one that is focused on providing supervised hours for licensure. Not Updated

This training experience ensures that training takes precedence over service delivery regarding the nature, content, volume, and quality of the postdoc’s activities. Not Updated

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the duration oof the experience. Not Updated

This training experience is administered by a doctoral-level licensed psychologist who directs and organizes the training experience and its resources, is responsible for the selection of postdocs, and monitors and evaluates the goals and activities of the experience. Not Updated

This training experience has two or more psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training.   Not Updated

This training experience includes regularly scheduled structured educational activities that help postdocs meet defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities. Not Updated

This training experience has two or more psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training. Not Updated

This training experience includes regularly scheduled structured educational activities that help postdocs meet defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities.  Not Updated

This training experience has written Due Process and Grievance procedures. Not Updated

This training experience has the stable and necessary financial (e.g., stipend) and physical resources (e.g., computers, physical space) needed for effective training. Not Updated

Firstly, Anxiety Solutions of Denver is serious about embracing diversity and equal opportunity. We are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better we will be at our core values of being effective therapists and making top-quality care for anxiety and OCD available to all.

We are a private practice based in Denver, Colorado. We are highly specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders, OCD, and other related problems. We practice behavior therapy with a strong emphasis on exposure therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness.

Our postdoctoral fellowship position is an excellent opportunity for those interested in a career specializing in treating anxiety and OCD. Fellows will receive extensive training and supervision in assessment of anxiety disorders, treatment plan formulation, behavioral theory and its application, exposure therapy techniques, ACT, and other topics related to behavior therapy and the treatment of anxiety disorders. Fellows will carry a caseload of roughly 25 hours per week seeing adult, teen, and child clients and will also receive weekly supervision and consultation, as well as some guided self-study on research literature about anxiety and OCD. Your client load will be almost entirely clients with anxiety disorders and OCD. A small percentage of your caseload will also be working with PTSD, trichotillomania, and skin picking disorder. Clients will be mostly adults (age 18 and up), though you would also be seeing some child and adolescent clients (and if you are more interested in specializing in children, more of your caseload can be comprised of kid clients).

We have a dedicated administrative staff that handles scheduling and billing, so administrative work for our therapists is kept to a minimum. 

We believe our practice is a fun place to work! You will be around good, low-BS people in a collegial environment. Our organizational philosophy is that happy therapists lead to happy clients, so we pay well and are big promoters of good self-care, burnout prevention, time off, and not having to take work home. Your total work time per week should be around 35 hours, certainly no more than 40. The things we are seeking in applicants for this position are, in order of importance: – Passion for treating anxiety and OCD and strong desire to spend your career in this area. – Behavioral theoretical orientation – Training in and experience using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Specialized experience working with anxiety and OCD – Comfort using a straightforward, direct therapeutic style –Training in and experience using exposure therapy (this is lower on the list because doing exposure therapy is the bulk of what we’re going to teach you anyway). 

Feel free to email any questions to Dr. Michael Stein at drstein@anxietysolutionsofdenver.com.  We are excited to hear from you!

Additional Information

Agency Type
Private Practice Clinic
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Other Emphasis
Anxiety disorders and OCD
Research Time
No research time
Training Director
Michael Stein, Psy.D.
Contact Email
Contact Phone
303-940-7740, extension 2
Virtual Interviews
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Estimated offer date
Friday, February 9 2024
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
6 weeks PTO and in addition to the stipend, fully employer-paid health insurance plan (or the option to opt out of the health plan and instead receive an additional stipend in the amount of the cost of the health plan, which should be about $4000).
Research opportunities
No research component.
Application Instructions
Initial application materials must include a CV, cover letter, doctoral program transcript, 3 letters of recommendation (at least 2 should be from direct clinical supervisors), a brief statement regarding your theoretical orientation, and a brief statement regarding your career goals. Please send application materials to DrStein@anxietysolutionsofdenver.com. Interviews can be done in-person or virtually.

This record was last updated on Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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