Internships / Match / Match Statistics / Applicant Survey 2008 Part 3

Applicant Survey 2008 Part 3

2008 APPIC Match: Survey of Internship Applicants
Part 3: Comparison of Applicants Based on Degree Type

September 1 , 2008

This report is the third of three parts of the results from the survey of applicants who were registered for the 2008 APPIC Match, and provides a comparison of applicants based on type of doctoral degree sought (Ph.D. and Psy.D.).

Please note:

   1.  Many of these characteristics are likely to be correlated
       (e.g., having children, being older, geographic restrictions).
       One should not assume cause-and-effect relationships based on
       this data.

   2.  No significance testing has been performed on this data.
       Thus, one should not assume that differences are significant.

All 3,759 applicants who registered for the APPIC Match were sent an e-mail message (along with two reminder e-mails) about the availability of the survey at a specific internet address. A total of 2,637 internship applicants (70%) completed some or all of the survey.


1.  Training model of doctoral program:
                                 Ph.D.     Psy.D.
    Scientist-Practitioner        80%        7%
    Practitioner-Scholar or        9%       78%
    Practitioner                   0%        3%
    Clinical Scientist             8%        0%
    Local Clinical Scientist       0%        5%
    Other                          3%        7%
2.  Years enrolled in current doctoral program (includes the
    current academic year; excludes other graduate programs;
    does not include year of internship):
                    Ph.D.     Psy.D.
    2nd year          1%        1%
    3rd year          8%       21%
    4th year         33%       55%
    5th year         37%       17%
    6th year         14%        3%
    7th or later      7%        2%
3.  Status prior to entering current doctoral program:
                                              Ph.D.    Psy.D.
    No prior graduate training                 61%      55%
    Master's degree in psychology              22%      25%
    Master's degree in mental health            9%       8%
       field other than psychology
    Master's degree in unrelated field          3%       4%
    Enrolled in Master's program in             2%       3%
       psychology but did not receive
       a degree
4.  Size of doctoral class (i.e., number of students who
    began doctoral program in the same year as respondent)
                           Ph.D.     Psy.D.
    1 - 10 students        74%         8%
    11 - 20 students       17%        21%
    21 - 30 students        4%        26%
    31 - 40 students        2%        10%
    41 - 50 students        2%         9%
    51 or more              2%        26%
5.  Debt accrued to date as a consequence of attending
    GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PSYCHOLOGY, including tuition, fees,
    living expenses, books, etc.  Includes all forms of
    debt; does not include undergraduate debt or debt that
    is unrelated to graduate training.
       Ph.D.  Median =  $  40,000
              Mean =    $  51,117
              S.D. =    $  53,036
       Psy.D. Median =  $ 110,000
              Mean =    $ 109,534
              S.D. =    $  58,460
    Percent of applicants with:
       No debt           Ph.D. = 22%     Psy.D. =  7%
       Debt <= $50,000   Ph.D. = 62%     Psy.D. = 17%
       Debt >= $100,000  Ph.D. = 19%     Psy.D. = 64%
6.  Types of internship programs that would be considered
    acceptable by applicant’s doctoral program.
    Accredited internship           Ph.D. = 99%   Psy.D. = 97%
    APPIC-member, not accredited    Ph.D. = 34%   Psy.D. = 81%
    Not accredited, non-APPIC       Ph.D. = 17%   Psy.D. = 36%
    Unpaid internship               Ph.D. = 19%   Psy.D. = 45%
7.  Match Rate
                           Ph.D.    Psy.D.
    Matched                 84%      76%
    Not Matched             14%      20%
    Withdrew or did not      2%       5%
       submit rankings
8.  Times participating in the APPIC Match:
                           Ph.D.    Psy.D.
    First time              91%      91%
    Second time              9%       8%
    Third time               0%       0%
    Fourth time              0%       0%
9.  Percentage of matched applicants that were placed at an
    APA- or CPA-accredited program:
    Ph.D.  = 95%
    Psy.D. = 71%
10. Practicum hours and testing reports reported on the AAPI:
                                    Ph.D.    Psy.D.
    Intevention & Assessment Hours
       Median                        833      726
       Mean                          943      799
       St. Dev.                      616      383
    Supervision Hours
       Median                        390      313
       Mean                          428      354
       St. Dev.                      221      192
    Adult Testing Reports
       Median                          6        6
       Mean                           21       20
       St. Dev.                       78       74
    Child/Adolescent Testing Reports
       Median                          5        5
       Mean                           14       13
       St. Dev.                       33       39
11. Number of applications submitted:
       Ph.D.  Median = 13.0
              Mode   = 15.0
              Mean   = 13.2
              S.D.   =  5.0
       Psy.D. Median = 15.0
              Mode   = 15.0
              Mean   = 15.0
              S.D.   =  6.3
12. Number of interviews offered:
       Ph.D.  Median =  7.0
              Mode   =  6.0
              Mean   =  6.8
              S.D.   =  3.7
       Psy.D. Median =  5.0
              Mode   =  4.0
              Mean   =  5.9
              S.D.   =  3.9
13. For matched applicants - setting to which they were
    matched (respondents were instructed to check all
    that applied):
                                            Ph.D.   Psy.D.
       Armed Forces Medical Center            1%      4%
       Child/Adol. Psychiatric/Pediatrics    18%     16%
       Community Mental Health               12%     26%
       Consortium                            12%      7%
       Medical School                        20%      7%
       Prison / Other Correctional            3%      7%
       Private General Hospital               6%      7%
       Private Outpatient Clinic              3%      7%
       Private Psychiatric Hospital           3%      5%
       Psychology Department                  2%      2%
       School District                        5%      2%
       State / County / Other Public Hosp.   11%     13%
       University Counseling Center          15%     13%
       VA Medical Center                     21%     11%
       Other                                  3%      5%
14. Rank of program to which applicant was matched:
                               Ph.D.     Psy.D.
       #1 choice                50%        44%
       #2 choice                21%        24%
       #3 choice                12%        13%
       #4 choice                 7%         8%
       #5 choice                 4%         5%
15.  Age of applicant:
       Ph.D.  Median =  30.3
              Mode   =  29.0
              Mean   =  28.0
              S.D.   =   5.5
       Psy.D. Median =  30.8
              Mode   =  28.0
              Mean   =  26.0
              S.D.   =   7.1
     Percent of applicants who were:
        Age 25 or less    Ph.D. =  6%     Psy.D. = 13%
        Age 40 or older   Ph.D. =  6%     Psy.D. = 12%
        Age 50 or older   Ph.D. =  2%     Psy.D. =  4%
16.  Gender
     Female      Ph.D. = 79%     Psy.D. = 79%
     Male        Ph.D. = 21%     Psy.D. = 21%
17.  Racial / Ethnic identification:
     African-American/Black     Ph.D. =  7%     Psy.D. =  5%
     American Indian/Alaskan    Ph.D. =  2%     Psy.D. =  1%
     Asian/Pacific Islander     Ph.D. =  7%     Psy.D. =  6%
     Hispanic/Latino            Ph.D. =  6%     Psy.D. =  9%
     White (non-hispanic)       Ph.D. = 78%     Psy.D. = 78%
     Bi-racial/Multi-racial     Ph.D. =  3%     Psy.D. =  3%
     Other                      Ph.D. =  2%     Psy.D. =  3%
18.  Sexual Orientation:
     Heterosexual        Ph.D. = 92%     Psy.D. = 93%
     Gay Male            Ph.D. =  2%     Psy.D. =  2%
     Lesbian             Ph.D. =  3%     Psy.D. =  2%
     Bisexual            Ph.D. =  3%     Psy.D. =  3%
     Other               Ph.D. =  1%     Psy.D. =  0%
19.  Disability:
     None           Ph.D. = 94%     Psy.D. = 93%
20.  Geographic restriction on internship search:
     None                           Ph.D. = 50%     Psy.D. = 50%
21.  Of those who reported a geographic restriction, the reason
     for the restriction:
     Due to significant family,     Ph.D. = 35%     Psy.D. = 46%
        financial, and/or health
     Due to personal preference     Ph.D. = 61%     Psy.D. = 52%