Internships / Match / Match Statistics / Clearinghouse Statistics

Clearinghouse Statistics

APPIC Clearinghouse Statistics

  1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Total Applicants Registered in Clearinghouse 65   76 95   151 321 277 269 297 489 470    
Applicants from APA-Accredited Programs               239 235 239 416 404    
Applicants from Non-Accredited Programs               38 34 58 73 66    

Total Internship Positions in Clearinghouse 79   84 106   85 86 79 57 68 53 43 101 157
Positions at APA-Accredited Programs               22 15 18 14 9 18 60
Positions at Non-APA Accredited Programs               57 44 50 39 34 83 97


  1. The APPIC Clearinghouse operated from 1976 through 2010. Beginning with the 2011 Match, the Clearinghouse was discontinued and replaced by Phase II of the Match and the Post-Match Vacancy Service.
  2. The data in this table reflect Clearinghouse operation from 1986 through 1999, during which internship programs with unfilled positions and unplaced applicants looking for positions registered with the Clearinghouse. Beginning in 2000, applicants and programs no longer registered with the Clearinghouse, and thus no data is available about Clearinghouse participation.
  3. Data from 1987 and 1990 are not available.
  4. For 1991 through 1997, all data is taken from the second or third week following the opening of the Clearinghouse.
  5. For 1998 and 1999, the vacancy numbers reflect all vacancies posted while the Clearinghouse was open (approximately a six month period). In these years, applicants did not register for the Clearinghouse, and thus no applicant data is available.