112 | Overall positive comments about the process |
111 | Reported difficulty accessing Match results / Request to fix web site access problems |
68 | NMS did a great job / helpful / responsive |
65 | Expressions of appreciation to APPIC / "Great Job" / "Thanks!" / "Well done" |
56 | Concerns about diversity and lack of flexibility / Less able to get a diverse class / less control / would like "if-then"s |
49 | Prefer the Match to UND / Keep the Matching Program / Glad we're doing this |
49 | Liked Match Day: Quicker / Easier / Lack of being "on hold" / No UND "gridlock" / Less stress |
41 | Would like to have known where other students on my list ended up |
41 | Didn't like less personal contact on Match Day / Too impersonal |
36 | Experienced less stress and anxiety overall |
33 | Our results from the Match were worse this year compared to previous years |
24 | APPIC Match Committee did a good job / helpful / responsive |
21 | Would have liked more information / Clearer information / Request for specific info |
19 | February 3rd Rank Order List deadline was too early |
17 | Less "game-playing" / "cleaner" / fewer "first choice" problems / "more ethical" |
16 | Length of time between Rank Order List deadline and Match Day was too long |
16 | Problems with Match Policy regarding notification of rejected applicants 10 days prior / Need to change this Policy |
14 | Applicants appeared to experience less stress / anxiety |
14 | Liked APPIC-MATCH-NEWS e-mail updates |
13 | Liked not having to make telephone calls / not having to call unmatched applicants |
12 | Information / materials were clear and well-organized |
12 | Overall negative comments about the process |
10 | Liked ranking "true" choices / Liked not worrying about who was likely to accept |
10 | Perception that applicants' preferences have priority over sites' preferences |
10 | Concerns about continued violations of Match Policies / Not sure Match solves this |
9 | Policies too rigid / unclear re: communication between sites and applicants / Would like to see more open communication |
9 | Liked the statistics provided / Liked getting statistics so quickly |
9 | Match Day seemed "anti-climactic" |
9 | Interns weren't home on Match Day / Difficulty contacting new interns at noon EST |
9 | Miscellaneous comments regarding the Clearinghouse |
8 | Miscellaneous comments regarding the AAPI |
8 | Concerns regarding Supply & Demand issues / Number of applicants or applications |
8 | I don't like the Matching Program / Go back to UND-based selection process |
8 | Problems submitting Rank Order Lists / Problems getting through via fax |
8 | Received mail notification of results late or not at all |
8 | Request for additional statistics / site-specific statistics |
7 | Concerns about the Match fee / Match is too expensive |
7 | I experienced some anxiety with the new Matching Program |
5 | Our results from the Match were better this year compared to previous years |
5 | Liked NMS' focus on accuracy / Appreciated NMS calling to ensure my complicated Rank Order Lists were accurate |
5 | Required more work to prepare ranking lists / Required extra work to ensure accuracy |
5 | Request that we keep the fax option - some sites have limited internet access |
5 | Request to change the timing of the entire selection process |
4 | Match Policies were effective |
4 | I experienced more anxiety with the new Matching Program than in previous years |
4 | Problems with mailing to Canada / Two addresses confusing |
4 | Concerns / questions about how the algorithm works |
4 | There was too much information / information overload / too many e-mail lists |
4 | Miscellaneous concerns about the selection process |
3 | Applicants appeared more stressed / anxious compared to previous system |
3 | Difficulties getting through to NMS via phone |
3 | Liked getting the "best possible match" from the Matching Program |
3 | Would like more time for verification of Rank Order List(s) on web site |
3 | Would like to be able to select no more than two per school |
2 | Received more diversity in internship class this year |
2 | Prefer old "Early Notification" selection process |
2 | Difficulty calling NMS due to international calling limitations |
2 | Would like to submit Rank Order List(s) via web / e-mail |
2 | Would like to know applicants' rankings of our site |