Keynote - Twenge

Keynote - Twenge

Understanding generational differences: Improving teaching and training in psychology

Jean Twenge, Ph.D 


Learning objectives: 

1. Describe the generational trends shaping iGen and Millennials, including growing up slowly, optimism, and technology use.

2. Describe the generational differences in attitudes toward work.

3. State ways to better teach and train iGen’ers and Millennials.



Campbell, S. M., Campbell, W. K., & Twenge, J. M. (2017). Fuzzy but useful constructs: Making sense of the differences between generations. Work, Aging, and Retirement, 3, 130-139.

Twenge, J. M., Martin, G. N., & Spitzberg, B. H. (in press). Trends in U.S. adolescents’ media use, 1976-2016: The rise of digital media, the decline of TV, and the (near) demise of print. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Twenge, J. M., & Park, H. (2019). The decline in adult activities among U.S. adolescents, 1976-2016. Child Development, 90, 638-654.