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August 28 - 3pm Central Time - APPIC Webinar - Understanding Generational Differences: Improving Teaching and Training in Psychology (Dr. Jean Twenge)

Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Drs. Twenge and Sanchez were keynote and plenary speakers planned for the conference and we are delighted to welcome them to provide these 90 minute webinars. Information speakers and learning objectives for the webinars to follow. We will be offering additional programming that was to be presented at the conference in the form of webinars through the winter and the spring. Continuing Education credit is only available to registered participants at live webinars. We hope to gather in 2022 for our next in-person conference.

Learning objectives: 

1. Describe the generational trends shaping iGen and Millennials, including growing up slowly, optimism, and technology use.

2. Describe the generational differences in attitudes toward work.

3. State ways to better teach and train iGen’ers and Millennials.



Campbell, S. M., Campbell, W. K., & Twenge, J. M. (2017). Fuzzy but useful constructs: Making sense of the differences between generations. Work, Aging, and Retirement, 3, 130-139.

Twenge, J. M., Martin, G. N., & Spitzberg, B. H. (in press). Trends in U.S. adolescents’ media use, 1976-2016: The rise of digital media, the decline of TV, and the (near) demise of print. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Twenge, J. M., & Park, H. (2019). The decline in adult activities among U.S. adolescents, 1976-2016. Child Development, 90, 638-654.    


Recording of webinar can be found on APPIC Member's Only page - here