Dear Colleagues,
The Council of Chairs of Training Councils, representing 16 member training councils governing doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral training in Health Service Psychology in the United States and Canada (, has developed three guidance documents that we hope will be useful to the education and training community as we respond to the challenges and opportunities that 2020 has created for us in admissions/selection processes at the doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral levels. Please distribute these documents to your education and training communities and to anyone else you think may find them informative.
- CCTC Recommendations on Incorporating COVID-Affected Training Experiences Into Letters of Reference and Training Attestations
This statement contain recommendations for addressing COVID-related training/experience modifications in letters of reference for trainees applying for internship, postdoctoral fellowship, or licensure. The statement provides suggested letter language and specific areas to consider including in reference letters.
- CCTC Recommendations for Trainee Admission/Selection Processes: 2020/2021 and Beyond
This document provides recommendations regarding interviews and other admission/selection processes to address potential health-related or finance-related travel restrictions, as well as other potential barriers to students/trainees in their applications for doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral training programs. The statement focuses on the 2020/2021 cycle, but also makes recommendations for using the current cycle to provide data to be used when considering ways to increase equity and access in admission/selection practices in future years.
- CCTC Recommendations for Use of the GRE in Admissions for 2020/2021
This document provides guidance regarding use of the GRE test in doctoral program admissions, in the context of health/safety and equity/inclusion issues that have become increasingly salient in 2020. This document focuses on 2020/2021 admission cycle, but encourages programs to consider the role of the GRE in their admissions processes moving forward.
Thanks to the members of the CCTC and our liaisons and partners across the education and training community for their work to craft these documents!
Chair, CCTC