Special Section of Training and Education in Professional Psychology
Answering the Call: Training and Educating Antiracist Psychologists
Special Section Editors: Stevie N. Grassetti, Ph.D., José A. Soto, Ph.D., Ana J. Bridges, Ph.D.
(Guest Editors), and Debora J. Bell, Ph.D.
Letter of Intent Deadline: January 15, 2021
Manuscript Submission Deadline: May 1, 2022 (for LOIs invited to move forward only)
We are living in a racism pandemic and the effect of continuous racial trauma is taking a major psychological toll. In response, the Health Service Psychology training community has been called to act to promote social responsiveness and antiracist training (Galan et al, 2021). Many training programs have already begun to do so, and a recent toolkit has provided a useful framework for engaging in socially responsive and antiracist education, research, and practice (Council of Chairs of Training Councils, 2021).Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP) is strongly committed to this issue. This special section will highlight programs’ efforts, outcomes, and important next steps in advancing antiracist training in health service psychology.
Suitable submissions to this special section may address (but are not limited to) training, education methods, pedagogies, and initiatives that center on: recruiting, retaining, and
promoting the advancement of talented graduate students, faculty, and staff who are Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC), promoting inclusive cultures within health service training programs, protecting trainees from the harmful effects of racism experienced in training and professional settings, and preparing students to address the mental health needs of clients who are experiencing racism. We welcome manuscripts that frame work within topics or strategies recommended in the CCTC toolkit, and are especially interested in empirical manuscripts that examine outcomes of program initiatives; quantitative and qualitative empirical studies as well as program development and evaluation studies are appropriate.
Submission Timeline: Authors should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by January 15th, 2022, at 11:59PM. LOIs should be emailed directly to Dr. Stevie Grassetti ( with the subject line TEPP Special Section.The LOI should be no more than 1 page in length and should summarize the main questions/ purpose of the manuscript, how antiracism is defined by the author(s), the nature of the sample, methods, analytic approach, and the main findings (if an empirical manuscript). Relevance to the special section theme and implications for psychology training also should be discussed. LOIs will be reviewed for overall quality and fit with the purpose of this section. A subset will be invited by February 15th, 2022 to move forward with development and submission of a full manuscript.
Manuscripts for invited LOIs should be prepared in compliance with TEPP’s Instructions for Authors, and submitted through the Manuscript Submission Portal. All submitted manuscripts will undergo masked peer review prior to a final decision on publication. Manuscript submissions for invited LOIs will be due May 1, 2022. Please note that LOIs and manuscripts that are not appropriate for inclusion in this special section may be rerouted (with the authors’ consent) for consideration for publication in TEPP as regular papers.
Contact Information: Please direct all inquiries and letters of intent to the TEPP lead special section editor, Dr. Stevie Grassetti:
Council of Chairs of Training Councils (2021). CCTC 2020: Social Responsiveness in Health
Service Psychology Education and Training Toolkit
Galán, C. A., Bekele, B., Boness, C., Bowdring, M., Call, C., Hails, K., ... & Yilmaz, B. (2021). A
call to action for an antiracist clinical science. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent
Psychology, 50, 12-57.