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AAPI News - AAPI 24-25 Enhancements

Published on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

AAPI Enhancements for the 2024-2025 Application Cycle



New Citizenship Item

There is a new item in both the US and Canadian Citizenship section to capture students who are in the process of securing work eligibility status in these countries.

New Selective Service Registration Item

There is a new item about selective service registration status to prevent students from matching at a federal site at which they are not eligible

Relocated Non-Practicum Clinical Experience Item

As a “Non-Practicum” clinical experience question, this item was moved out of the Summary of Practicum Experiences section into the Supporting Information section.

Universal Number of Standardized Reference Forms (SRF)

Tracking how many SRFs (e.g., 2, 3, 3-4, etc.) to submit for each site is burdensome for applicants. After conducting an analysis of the SRF requirements listed in APPIC member internship brochures, it was determined that the vast majority of sites require a minimum of three SRFs. Thus, three SRFs for each site are now the universal standard. Applicants are still able to input a different combination of three references for each site if they wish. Although applicants know they will need to submit three SRFs for each site, it is still recommended that they review the application requirements in each internship brochure to make sure there are not any site-specific requirements about the evaluators (e.g., two SRFs from clinical supervisors and one from their dissertation chair).



Redesign of the DCT Verification Screens

The DCT screens have been redesigned to enhance the user experience, but there are no functional changes. The workflow remains the same as before.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

DCTs will be able to verify their students AAPIs successfully across various devices such as laptops, desktops, and tablets.

New Onscreen AAPI Submission Report

A new Student Submission Report screen has been added. DCTs can now view a list of sites each of their students has applied to directly on-screen. Downloading the report remains an option if needed.

Revised DCT Verification item: Strengths and Growth Areas

Internship Training Directors have reported that while DCTs regularly highlight the strengths of their students, they often lack detailed information about the students' growth areas, or such information is buried in lengthy text blocks. To address this issue, the existing "DCT Summary of Applicant's Strengths and Areas for Further Development" has been revised. It is now divided into two separate items: one for detailing strengths and another for growth areas. The question remains unchanged, but the format has been adjusted to improve clarity and accessibility. Each text box has a 5,000 character limit including punction and spaces.




PDF Content Controller

Training Directors are now able to create a custom pdf template by selecting the variables of interest.

Improved PDF format and length

The AAPI PDF is being further pared down this coming cycle through the removal of extraneous information such as the European Union Data Protection and Privacy information sections. Tables in the AAPI PDF, such as the Assessment Instrument tables, are also being reorganized for readability.

Improved Internship Track label

In order to more easily find the internship track variable in the Outcomes dashboard, the data label was changed from "Internship Program Selection" to “Internship Track”.

Bulk Email Feature Improvement

Liaison has made back-end server and process changes with regard to email functionality to ensure that emails sent from Outcomes get delivered regularly.

Universal Number of Standardized Reference Forms (SRF)

As described above in the For Applicants section, three SRFs for each site are now the universal standard and the AAPI portal will not allow applicants to input less or more than three references. Training Directors are still able to list any specific requirements about the three SRFs for their site (e.g., two SRFs from clinical supervisors and one from their dissertation chair, three clinical supervisors, etc.).

Blank/Missing Responses

To avoid missing data, all key items have been converted into forced response, some of which were previously possible to leave blank.


FOR RECOMMENDERS (SRF - LettersbyLiaison Portal)

There are no revisions to the SRF for the 2024-25 application cycle


Please direct any questions about these AAPI enhancements to Dr. Kimberly Hill at