Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

Atlanta VA Healthcare System Psychology Postdoctoral Residency

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Atlanta VA Healthcare System
Decatur, Georgia

Starts on Monday, August 12, 2024

Applications due Friday, December 15, 2023

The Atlanta VA Healthcare System has three permanently funded postdoctoral resident positions in Health Service Psychology. We have recently been awarded a 4th position for 2023-2024. All positions are generalist in nature, with approximately 50-80% of time spent in an area of focus and the remaining time spent in generalist clinical activities including general/long-term psychotherapy, optional elective rotations, psychological assessment, supervision training, and didactics. Residents choose one of the following available focus areas: Health Psychology, outpatient General Mental Health, Women’s Wellness Primary Care Mental Health Integration (PCMHI), PTSD Clinical Team, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy. [IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to staffing changes the Women's Wellness PCMHI focus is not available for 2024-2025. We hope to reinstate it next year.] The residency is a one-year, full-time training program with an expected workload of approximately 40 hours per week of direct service delivery and other training activities. Residents successfully completing the program will meet the requirement for the Post-Doctoral Supervised Work Experience needed for professional licensure as a Psychologist in the State of Georgia.

The Atlanta VA Health Care System serves a highly diverse veteran population. The training program is deeply committed to the appreciation of diversity and development of multicultural competence/cultural humility through a variety of experiences. These include diversity-focused presentations, readings, and learning activities; discussions with supervisors, peers, and other clinical staff; and direct provision of services to veterans from diverse backgrounds. The overall goal of diversity-related training activities is the promotion of social justice and multicultural competence/cultural humility within the mental health profession and society as a whole.

Additional Information

Agency Type
VA Medical Center
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Other Emphasis
Health Psychology, PTSD (trauma), DBT, Women Veterans Primary Care, General Outpatient Mental Health
Research Time
No research time
Training Director
Andrea Burns, Ph.D.
Contact Email
Contact Phone
770-492-2748, ext. 424234
Virtual Interviews
Virtual Only
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Estimated offer date
Friday, February 2 2024
Created Date
Friday, July 1 2016
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
VA Health Professions Trainees are eligible for medical insurance for self, married partner, and dependents. Trainees receive federal holidays and paid leave for professional development.
Research opportunities
Postdoctoral residents are required to give two presentations during the training year, at least one of which must have a significant research component. Residents have the option to propose a research elective as an element of their training plan for the year. Didactics and certain elective clinical rotations also offer journal clubs and similar avenues for critical evaluation of research.
Additional Comments
The Atlanta VA has two unfilled positions for 2024-2025 following our initial round of applications. We will leave these positions open until they are filled or until June 15, 2024, whichever comes first. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, diversity statement, and letters of reference as described in our brochure to the Director of Training, Dr. Andrea Burns, via email at andrea.burns@va.gov. Please reach out to Dr. Burns with any questions.
Application Instructions
All submissions received from applicants meeting the eligibility criteria for VA training outlined below will receive a full review. Best fit qualities include high quality generalist doctoral and internship training, as well as interest and experience consistent with at least one of the available focus areas. Prior VA training is a plus, but not a requirement. It is expected that most applicants will still be on internship at the time of application, and that some will still be working on other graduate program requirements (e.g., dissertation); however, all requirements for the doctoral degree, including internship, dissertation defense and edits, and acceptance of all documentation by the doctoral program, MUST be completed successfully prior to the start of the residency. Selection for the residency is considered provisional until all requirements for the doctoral degree are met. Offers will be revoked if the degree requirements are not completed in a timely fashion (including the time required for onboarding through Human Resources prior to the start date). Applicants must submit their materials online via APPIC’s centralized application service (APPA-CAS). Completed applications must include: 1. A cover letter that describes your postdoctoral training goals, perceived fit with our program, internship completion date, and clear identification of the focus area(s) to which you are applying. Applicants may request consideration for more than one focus area but should take care to apply only to areas believed to be a strong fit. In your letter, please describe your previous educational and clinical experience relevant to the training offered in our program, your assessment of your training needs, and your general career goals. Please review our complete brochure thoroughly before applying. 2. A current curriculum vitae. 3. An official transcript from your doctoral program. 4. Three (3) letters of recommendation from supervisors who are directly familiar with your clinical work. At least one letter must be from an internship supervisor. 5. A letter from the Chair of your Dissertation Committee describing the progress of your dissertation and anticipated defense date (if not yet complete) or confirming successful completion. If your Chair is also a clinical supervisor providing one of your three letters of recommendation, the Chair may address your dissertation status in the same letter. A separate letter on that subject is not required under that circumstance. 6. A short essay (not to exceed one page) describing your training and experience working with diverse patient populations, particularly populations whose identity variables differ from your own. Your discussion should clearly convey the manner in which diversity issues influence your clinical case conceptualization and practice. Please share any other professional training and experience you have in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the goals you have for your continued growth and development in this area. The Atlanta VA is committed to the recruitment and training of diverse postdoctoral residents. Consistent with the APA Commission on Accreditation, we define cultural and individual differences and diversity as including, but not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, national origin, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. Applications from qualified minority/diverse individuals are encouraged. Deadlines: Applications must be received online in the APPA-CAS system by 11:59pm EST on December 15, 2023, to receive consideration. The Director of Training, members of the Core Postdoctoral Training Committee, and current residents will review all submitted applications in detail and will select candidates for interviews. Interviews will be conducted in late January/early February 2024. All applicants will be notified of their interview status by e-mail at the address provided in the APPA-CAS system at least two weeks prior to the interview date. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that correct and up-to-date contact information is supplied in the online application. All interviews are anticipated to be conducted virtually. The VA Office of Academic Affiliations requires that all VA postdoctoral training programs abide by the APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines. Accordingly, we will abide by the Postdoctoral Selection Standards and Common Hold Date (CHD) for the 2023-2024 selection cycle. The designated CHD for 2024 is Monday, February 26, 2024. The program will begin extending offers upon completion of our interview and ranking process, which is expected to take place between January 30, 2024 – February 2, 2024. Applicants receiving an offer may accept or decline the offer when made, or they may hold an offer until the CHD on February 26th. Applicants can hold only on offer at a time. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the details of the APPIC Selection Guidelines, available for review at https://www.appic.org/Postdocs/Postdoctoral-Selection-Standards. For questions about the application process or the training program please contact the Director of Training at andrea.burns@va.gov.

This record was last updated on Tuesday, February 20, 2024

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