Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

CLOSED: Advanced Fellowship in Interprofessional Mental Health - Geropsychology, Health Psychology, or SMI Focus

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Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Elements of quality clinically focused postdoctoral training

This training experience is a planned and programmed sequence of training that aims to ensure preparation for advanced practice rather than one that is focused on providing supervised hours for licensure. Yes

This training experience ensures that training takes precedence over service delivery regarding the nature, content, volume, and quality of the postdoc’s activities. Yes

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the duration oof the experience. Yes

This training experience is administered by a doctoral-level licensed psychologist who directs and organizes the training experience and its resources, is responsible for the selection of postdocs, and monitors and evaluates the goals and activities of the experience. Yes

This training experience has two or more doctoral-level licensed psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training.   Yes

This training experience includes regularly scheduled structured educational activities that help postdocs its defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities. Yes

This training experience has written Due Process and Grievance procedures. Yes

This training experience has the stable and necessary financial (e.g., stipend) and physical resources (e.g., computers, physical space) needed for effective training. Yes

The TVHS Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship program receives funding through the Interprofessional Mental Health Education initiative. Fellows may follow a Generalist course or may choose one of three emphasis areas: Health Psychology, Serious Mental Illness (SMI), or Geropsychology. Fellows completing training in one of the three emphasis areas will spend approximately 40% of their time in rotations directly related to the emphasis area. In Health Psychology, rotations may include Pain Psychology, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, and Primary Care-Mental Health Integration. Rotations may include the Veterans Recovery Center and Acute Psychiatric Unit for those choosing an SMI emphasis, and Fellows electing a Geropsychology emphasis may rotate through the Community Living Centers and the Geriatric Evaluation Clinic. Fellows will also be afforded explicit training in supervision through tiered supervision with practicum students and/or interns.

Our model of professional training is best described as practitioner-scientist. This model simultaneously encourages scholarly inquiry to inform clinical practice, and for clinical practice to shape future research questions. Fellows will be required to participate in a research and/or program evaluation project during the training year, typically related to the functioning of the interprofessional teams and/or patient outcomes associated with team-based care. This project is aimed to support the practitioner-scientist training philosophy.

Fellows will also be involved in clinical education through supervision and direct educational presentations to trainees and staff in other disciplines, such as Psychiatry, Pharmacy, Nursing, etc. Additionally, fellows will lead a weekly Practicum Didactics series throughout the year. 

Additional Information

Agency Type
VA Medical Center
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Recognized Specialty
Clinical Psychology
Emphasis or focus area
Health Psychology
Other Emphasis
Interprofessional Mental Health
Research Time
Less than 25%
Training Director
Maria Cottingham
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Virtual Interviews
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Estimated offer date
Wednesday, January 31 2024
Created Date
Friday, July 1 2016
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
Health Insurance, Paid Sick and Annual Leave, Professional Leave
Research opportunities
Each fellow is required to participate in either a research or quality improvement project. The project selected should have an interprofessional focus and may be completed with trainees from other health professions.
Application Instructions
***UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in our program. We are no longer accepting applications for the 23-24 training year at this time.*** APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: • Cover letter describing your experiences working with interprofessional teams and your career goals and detailing how the Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Alvin C. York VAMC will help you achieve those goals. Interest in a particular emphasis area should also be included in this letter. • Updated Curriculum Vita. • Three letters of recommendation from psychologists. Applicants who are currently on internship should include an additional letter from their Director of Internship Training verifying their standing in the internship program and the expected date of completion. • Copies of graduate transcripts. APPLICATION SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: • All application materials should be submitted through the APPA CAS online portal. • Letters of recommendation should be submitted through the APPA CAS system as well. RECRUITMENT/SELECTION PROCEDURES: Review of applications will begin immediately following the January 2, 2023 deadline. All applications will be reviewed by at least three members of the postdoctoral training committee using an application review form. Based on application review scores, invitations for interviews will be extended to selected applicants. Interviews will be conducted virtually via video conference using Microsoft Teams. Interviews will last for approximately 1 hour and will include faculty from the Postdoctoral Training Committee. The final evaluation of applications and supporting documents will take place when interviews have been completed. We plan to follow the guidelines suggested by APPIC, adhering to the Common Hold Date.

This record was last updated on Wednesday, September 6, 2023

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