Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

University of Michigan - CAPS

Print Record

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Elements of quality clinically focused postdoctoral training

This training experience is a planned and programmed sequence of training that aims to ensure preparation for advanced practice rather than one that is focused on providing supervised hours for licensure. Yes

This training experience ensures that training takes precedence over service delivery regarding the nature, content, volume, and quality of the postdoc’s activities. Yes

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the duration oof the experience. Yes

This training experience is administered by a doctoral-level licensed psychologist who directs and organizes the training experience and its resources, is responsible for the selection of postdocs, and monitors and evaluates the goals and activities of the experience. Yes

This training experience has two or more doctoral-level licensed psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training.   Yes

This training experience includes regularly scheduled structured educational activities that help postdocs its defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities. Yes

This training experience has written Due Process and Grievance procedures. Yes

This training experience has the stable and necessary financial (e.g., stipend) and physical resources (e.g., computers, physical space) needed for effective training. Yes

Our Post-Doctoral Fellowship is a twelve-month, full-time experience. (Full Michigan licensure requires 2000 post-doctoral hours.) The intent of this program is to support new professionals during the transition from internship to licensure. Fundamental to this program is our value of working in multicultural, multi-disciplinary and multi-theoretical environment, which we believe enriches us both personally and professionally. We strive to create a micro-community at CAPS that reflects the university and mental health fields at large. Post-Docs are expected to value and respect collaboration, teamwork, effective conflict processes, self-awareness, and openness to learning. Post-Doctoral Fellows receive supervision, mentoring, and participate in a weekly seminar. Post-Docs provide service in: intake evaluation; individual counseling and psychotherapy (both brief and longer when appropriate); crisis intervention and emergency services; third party consultation; outreach; program development; group interventions (structured, semi-structured or process groups); and supervision of practicum students. Opportunities are available to conduct clinical screening assessments of substance use/abuse, and eating issues. Fellows also serve on agency committees. In addition, Post-Doctoral Fellows will choose an area of specialization. Examples include but are not limited to: 1. Administration (clinical, training, or outreach) 2. Clinical Practice (anxiety; eating disorders; multicultural counseling, etc.) and 3. Outreach (to specific campus communities, campus substance abuse network or eating issues network, etc.). Additional program information and learning supports are described on our web site: https://caps.umich.edu/topic/post-doctoral-fellowship-professional-psychology

Clinical services offered both in person and remotely. Currently, fellows are given the option of working 2 days from home and 3 days in the office. This is subject to change in accordance with University of Michigan policies.

Additional Information

Agency Type
University Counseling Center
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Other Emphasis
College Mental Health
Research Time
Less than 25%
Training Director
Todd Sevig, PhD
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Created Date
Friday, July 1 2016
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
- $47,000 annual salary - 24 days vacation/sick leave (earned as 2 per month worked) - Health benefits (low monthly fee) - 10 paid holidays - Private offices with access to the University of Michigan libraries and technologies - Recreational facilities and parking available on a fee basis
Research opportunities
Post-Doctoral Fellows may choose clinical scholarship/writing as a specialty area. Please note that research projects are largely dependent on the ongoing projects of our research coordinator. Additionally, most research time would occur during the spring/summer terms of the post doc year when the clinical demand is smaller.
Application Instructions
Applications should include: A letter of introduction, A current vita, two letters of recommendation, one of the two being the internship supervisor, and an official graduate school transcript submitted via email to amscott@umich.edu. Applications are due. Official transcripts need to arrive in order to make the offer for the position, but can arrive separate from the cover letter and CV, as they are likely coming from a third party distributer.

This record was last updated on Wednesday, November 9, 2022

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