Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

University of Iowa Benton Postdoctoral Program in Neuropsychology

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University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

This training experience is not an APPIC Member program and is not APA Accredited. Applicants should be aware that this training experience has not undergone a formal external quality review process.

Elements of quality clinically focused postdoctoral training

This training experience is a planned and programmed sequence of training that aims to ensure preparation for advanced practice rather than one that is focused on providing supervised hours for licensure. Not Updated

This training experience ensures that training takes precedence over service delivery regarding the nature, content, volume, and quality of the postdoc’s activities. Not Updated

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the duration oof the experience. Not Updated

This training experience is administered by a doctoral-level licensed psychologist who directs and organizes the training experience and its resources, is responsible for the selection of postdocs, and monitors and evaluates the goals and activities of the experience. Not Updated

This training experience has two or more doctoral-level licensed psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training.   Not Updated

This training experience includes regularly scheduled structured educational activities that help postdocs its defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities. Not Updated

This training experience has written Due Process and Grievance procedures. Not Updated

This training experience has the stable and necessary financial (e.g., stipend) and physical resources (e.g., computers, physical space) needed for effective training. Not Updated

Please see URL for complete Program description.

Additional Information

Agency Type
Medical School/Health Science Center
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Recognized Specialty
Clinical Neuropsychology
Emphasis or focus area
Research Time
Training Director
Daniel Tranel
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Virtual Interviews
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Estimated offer date
Wednesday, February 21 2024
Created Date
Wednesday, October 16 2019
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
health/dental insurance, etc.
Research opportunities
The Benton Neuropsychology Clinic maintains a registry of individuals representing different lesion sites and neuropsychological manifestations. In addition to access to patients with focal lesions, there are numerous opportunities to study patients with specific neurological and medical conditions (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, TBI, neuropsychiatric disorders, temporal lobectomy). In the Benton Clinic, patients who may be of special interest to research studies are identified daily in the outpatient clinics and in the inpatient Stroke Rounds and Morning Report. The availability of cooperative and well-studied patients has permitted a fundamental departure from the traditional orientation of neuropsychological studies: rather than studying interesting, isolated cases as they happen to occur, investigators are able to accrue and use extensive data about many neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Moreover, for the past 35 years, all of the patients seen through the Benton Neuropsychology Laboratory have been coded and classified according to basic demographic information, neuropsychological syndrome (e.g., aphasia, amnesia, dementia) and neurologic disease (e.g., stroke, traumatic brain injury), permitting instant access to specific patient types. The neuropsychological data derived from assessment of these individuals are stored in permanent form and are available for research studies.
Application Instructions
The application process includes submission of the following components: •Statement of Purpose •Curriculum Vitae •Three Letters of Reference •Two Sample Case Reports •Graduate School Transcripts Our Program participates in the APPCN Match Program. The APPCN match number for our Program is 9812. We rank all competitive applicants. Applicants are provided feedback about their status vis-à-vis our Program in accord with APPCN guidelines. The match process ultimately dictates which applicant(s) are accepted to our Program. Materials should be submitted online through the APPA CAS application portal below.

This record was last updated on Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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