Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory

Ethan D. Schafer Center for Learning Differences -Child & Adolescent Assessment Fellowship

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Schafer Center for Learning Differences at Lawrence School
Cleveland, Ohio

Starts on Thursday, August 1, 2024

Applications due Friday, December 15, 2023

Elements of quality clinically focused postdoctoral training

This training experience is a planned and programmed sequence of training that aims to ensure preparation for advanced practice rather than one that is mainly focused on providing supervised hours for licensure: No Response

This training experience ensures that training takes priority over service delivery regarding its nature, content, volume, and quality of training activities. No Response

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the program's duration. No Response

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the program's duration. No Response

This training experience ensures that postdocs receive at least two hours of individual supervision per week for the program's duration. No Response

This training experience is administered by a doctoral-level licensed psychologist who directs and organizes the training experience and its resources, is responsible for the selection of postdocs, and monitors and evaluates the program's goals and activities. No Response

This training experience has two or more psychologists who have sufficient time to provide quality supervision and training. No Response

This training experience includes regularly scheduled, structured educational activities that help postdocs meet your program’s defined goals. These activities may include didactics, seminars, case conferences, and/or research activities. No Response

This training experience has written Due Process and Grievance procedures. No Response

The Schafer Center for Learning Differences at Lawrence School is pleased to offer a one year, full-time fellowship in child clinical psychology. This fellowship provides rigorous training focused on the assessment and diagnosis of children referred for possible developmental concerns, learning disorders, ADHD, Anxiety, Mood/Depression, and other general mental health concerns. 

The fellow will conduct diagnostic and psychoeducational evaluations for children ages 4-17 and provide a written report and feedback under the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist. A comprehensive and collaborative approach is emphasized in the training of assessment. The fellow will utilize evidence-based methods of identifying children with complex learning and mental health needs. Assessments will be used to help plan school interventions and accommodations; and provide recommendations for psychological treatment. The fellow will expand their knowledge in the identification of and treatment for learning disorders, intellectual disability, ADHD, anxiety, mood/depression, and other disorders commonly identified in childhood. Other areas of focus include involvement in the graduate student practicum program by way of group supervision, journal article discussion, and providing umbrella supervision to individual graduate students in the provision of psychological testing.  The fellowship starts on/before August 1, 2024 (start date can be negotiated). 

Additional Information

Agency Type
Private Practice Clinic
APPIC Membership
APA Accredited
Recognized Specialty
Clinical Child Psychology
Emphasis or focus area
Other Emphasis
Research Time
Less than 25%
Training Director
Kelly M. Christian, Ph.D.
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Virtual Interviews
Duration in Months
Hours Per Week
# of Licensed Supervisors
Number of Positions
Applications recieved last year
Will follow APPIC Selection Standards
Estimated offer date
Friday, February 2 2024
Created Date
Wednesday, November 2 2022
Unfilled Positions
Fringe Benefits
The fellow is eligible for Full Time benefits which includes (health, dental, and vision) insurance, retirement, and paid time off (10 vacation days and 8 sick days).
Research opportunities
Research and community outreach opportunities will develop over the course of the academic year. Research activities may include conducting original research examining the sample of children assessed through the Schafer Center, conducting data analysis, and preparing manuscripts and posters for publication and presentation at national conferences. The fellow will also be involved in conducting educational workshops for the community and work with the Director to provide professional development materials and talks for area clinicians, mental health providers, and school staff.
Additional Comments
The fellowship is a full-time, 32-hour per week position. The fellow has flexibility to pursue other areas of clinical training or teaching outside of this fellowship for either a day or two half-days/week. Relationships with area clinics and universities are established with our program and we can help support you in finding that position, if desired. For special cases if the fellow has an interest in assessment only, a 40-hour per week position can be negotiated.
Application Instructions
Interested applicants should submit, via email, a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and 3 letters of reference to: Kelly M. Christian, Ph.D. at kchristian@lawrenceschool.org If applicant is offered an interview, a report writing sample will be requested. Please note: Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or a Psy.D. from an APA-accredited graduate program and APA-accredited pre-doctoral internship. Experience administering, scoring, and interpreting intellectual and diagnostic assessment for children is also required. Excellent written communication, interpersonal skills, and clinical skills are important.

This record was last updated on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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