About APPIC / APPIC Training Awards

APPIC Training Awards

APPIC Connie Hercey Distinguished Service Award:

This award was established to honor Connie Hercey’s 20+ years of service to APPIC as Executive Director before her retirement in 2010. The award is not given every awards ceremony and will be presented as qualified recipients are identified, with preference given to those who have served APPIC well over time in a meaningful way through service, projects, and leadership roles. The award recipient is nominated by the APPIC Awards Committee.



This award is given to stimulate, recognize, and reward contributions to scholarly and applied knowledge related to psychology education and training, and is a collaborative effort between APPIC and TEPP. An outstanding contribution is broadly defined to include exceptional empirical, theoretical, conceptual, applied, and/or methodological contributions that substantially and significantly advance a particular topic or area within psychology education or training. The TEPP editorial staff nominates one paper per TEPP publication volume years since last membership conference to be considered by the APPIC Board of Directors.


APPIC Committee Service Award:

This award recognizes outstanding psychologists who demonstrate a history of excellence in innovative training and teaching in APPIC member internship and postdoctoral training programs and have a history of outstanding work on an APPIC standing Committee. The award recipient is nominated by the APPIC Awards Committee.



APPIC Membership Nominated Awards

APPIC Award for Excellence in Training

The APPIC Board of Directors offers an Award for Training Excellence. This award provides recognition of individuals for distinguished achievement in training and teaching in APPIC Member internship and postdoctoral training settings.

Eligibility: Nominees must be affiliated with an APPIC Member training program. Any individual who makes outstanding contributions to training is eligible; nominees do not have to be a Training Director. Any individual or group can submit nominations, but the nominator(s) must be a faculty, staff member, administrator, Training Director, or trainee at an APPIC member internship or postdoctoral training program. Self-nominations are not permitted. Nominees for the APPIC Excellence in Training Award should be outstanding psychologists who demonstrate: [1] a history of excellence in innovative training and teaching in APPIC member internship and postdoctoral training programs, and/or [2] a history of administrative activities that support and advance exceptional training and teaching in APPIC member programs. 


APPIC Award for Excellence in Diversity Training

The APPIC Board of Directors offers an Award for Excellence in Diversity Training. This award recognizes outstanding psychologists who demonstrate a history of excellence in diversity training and teaching in APPIC member internship and postdoctoral training programs, and/or a history of administrative activities that support and advance innovative diversity training and teaching in APPIC member programs. 

Eligibility: Nominees must be affiliated with an APPIC Member training program. Any individual who makes outstanding contributions to diversity training is eligible; nominees do not have to be a Training Director. Any individual or group can submit nominations, but the nominator(s) must be faculty, staff member, administrator, Training Director, or trainee at an APPIC member internship or postdoctoral training program. Self-nominations are not permitted. Nominees for the APPIC Excellence in Diversity Training Award should be outstanding psychologists who demonstrate: [1] a history of excellence in innovative diversity training and teaching in APPIC member internship and postdoctoral training programs, and/or [2] a history of administrative activities that support and advance innovative diversity training and teaching in APPIC member programs.


Selection and Presentation of Award Winners

The awards call for nominations is announced in the spring prior to the APPIC Membership Conference that occurs every two years. The APPIC Awards Committee reviews the nominations and then makes recommendations to the APPIC Board of Directors. The Board of Directors determines the final award recipients.

The award recipients will be announced and recognized at the APPIC Membership Conference. Each winner receives a plaque, a check for $500, and an award citation to be published in the APPIC Newsletter. Although APPIC enthusiastically welcomes the attendance of the award recipients at the APPIC Membership Conference, there is no requirement that the winner be present to accept the award.


Please contact Shiloh Jordan, Ph.D., ABPP, APPIC Awards Chair, at shilohjordan@appic.org.