Postdocs / Postdoctoral Selection Standards - Applicants

Postdoctoral Selection Standards - Applicants



APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Standards and Common Hold Date (CHD);

February 26, 2024     

Applicant Version


Core Principles

  Prior to the CHD On the CHD
  Acknowledging Receipt of Offers Important Considerations
  Accepting Offers Acting on Previously Held Offers
  Holding Offers Making Offers
  Declining Offers Acknowledging Receipt of Offers
  Communication Accepting Offers
    Holding Offers
    Declining Offers and Program Re-Issuance

Core Principles 

  1. The Selection Standards help ensure that the national postdoctoral selection system unfolds fairly and fluidly; applicants and programs all have a part to play in creating and maintaining an effective system.   
  2. Effective training is maximized in a context in which there is a mutually beneficial arrangement between the program and the applicant and when both parties feel that the selection process was professional and ethical.    
  3. Programs need to respect the interests of applicants and not create a context in which applicants feel unduly pressured to accept offers.   
  4. Programs that agree to abide by the Standards in their public materials and in their UPPD listing(s) agree to adhere to all of the components listed in the Standards.  

The Standards cannot fully address all situations that may arise throughout the postdoctoral selection process. It is expected that applicants and programs will use sound professional and ethical judgment in circumstances that are not specifically addressed by the Standards below. The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee and APPIC Board are available for consultation

Standards for Applicants Prior to the CHD 

Acknowledging Receipt of Offers 

Applicants should acknowledge receipt of offers via email within 24 hours of receiving the offer (exclusive of weekends and federal holidays), including if they choose to hold or decline the offer. Verbal acknowledgments should be followed with an email. Failure to do so could result in the program rescinding the offer and issuing it to another applicant. See Templates for responding to various offer scenarios. 

Accepting Offers 

  1. Applicants can accept a program’s offer at any point (i.e., if an applicant receives an offer from their top-ranked program, they should accept the offer promptly upon making that decision). Applicants should then immediately notify all programs for which they are still under consideration that they have accepted a position and are withdrawing from further consideration (see Template - Accepting an offer and Template – Withdrawing from consideration). 
  2. Once an offer has been accepted, it is considered binding to the extent that it is a professional commitment for the applicant and program; barring extreme and rare circumstances, reneging on an acceptance would likely result in negative consequences for the applicant, the program, and other applicants. 

Holding Offers

  1. Applicants can hold only one offer at a time until 10:00 AM EST on the CHD of 2/26/24, regardless of when the offer was made, if the offer is not from their top-ranked program or they have not completed all of their interviews.  
    • Applicants can hold only one offer at a time.  
    • Applicants should communicate the intent to hold the offer to the program promptly and within 24 hours of receiving the offer exclusive of weekends and federal holidays (see Template – Holding an offer).
    • Applicants should promptly withdraw from consideration from all other programs that are lower on their rank list than the offer being held (see Template – Withdrawing from consideration). 
  2. Applicants who are holding an offer are encouraged to update that program with any relevant developments about their decision-making timeframe during the hold period. Applicants should be aware that programs may also periodically check in with applicants who are holding offers to confirm intent to continue to hold or for updates on their decision-making process.  However, programs are not to pressure applicants to hasten their decision-making or accept the offer. Offers made to applicants are considered binding until 10:00 AM EST on the CHD of 2/26/24.  If an applicant does not communicate their acceptance or declination by 10:00 AM EST on the CHD of 2/26/24, the program can rescind the offer via email. 

Declining Offers 

An applicant can decline a program’s offer at any point after receiving it (see Template – Declining an offer).  


There may be scenarios in which applicants want to check in with higher-ranked programs about their status, particularly if they are holding an offer from a program that is not abiding by the Standards and CHD. Applicants holding an offer may reach out to higher-ranked programs to ask about their standing, when the program plans to extend offers, or where the program is in the offer process, but not to specifically request an offer from the program (see Template – Checking in with a higher-ranked program) and FAQs for additional information.

Standards for Applicants On the CHD 


Acknowledging Receipt of Offers on the CHD

Applicants should acknowledge receipt of offers by responding through email or phone on the CHD within 30 minutes of receiving the offer even if they choose to hold the offer (for two hours, or longer if the program allows). Failure to do so could result in the program rescinding the offer (see Templates - rescinding offers).  

Accepting Offers on the CHD

  1. Applicants can accept a program’s offer at any point on the CHD but must respond to the offer within the two-hour hold period (see Template - Accepting an offer). Applicants should immediately notify all programs for which they are still under consideration that they have accepted a position and are therefore withdrawing from further consideration (see Template – Withdrawal from consideration). 
  2. Once an offer has been accepted, programs should immediately notify all applicants remaining on their rank lists that the position for which they applied has been filled (see Template – Withdrawal from consideration). 
  3. Once an applicant has accepted an offer, it is considered binding to the extent that it is a professional commitment for the applicant and program; barring extreme and rare circumstances, reneging on an acceptance would likely result in negative consequences for the applicant, the program, and other applicants. 

Holding Offers on the CHD

  1. If applicants receive an offer on the CHD and the offer is not from their top-ranked program, the applicant can hold the offer for two hours. Applicants can hold only one offer at a time. Programs may choose to allow the applicant to hold the offer for longer than two hours. 
         - Applicants should promptly communicate (within 30 minutes) the intent to hold the offer to the program (see Template – Holding an offer).  
         - Applicants should promptly withdraw from consideration from all other programs that are lower on their rank list than the offer being held
          (see Template – Withdrawing from consideration).
  2. Applicants may reach out to higher-ranked programs to ask about their standing or where the program is in the offer process (see Template – Checking in with a higher-ranked program).    

Declining Offers & Program Re-Issuance of Offers on and following the CHD

  1. An applicant can decline a program’s offer at any point after receiving it (see Template - Decline an offer).   
  2. If an applicant declines a program's offer prior to 10 AM EST on the CHD, the program may immediately extend the offer for that position to its next-ranked applicant. In this circumstance, the new offer must be extended before 9:59 AM EST, prior to the start of the ranking reset period at 10 AM EST (see FAQs document for more details) 
  3. If an applicant declines a program’s offer during the Ranking Reset Period, the program must wait until 10:30 AM EST in order to initiate a new offer.  If an applicant declines a program’s offer following the ranking reset period (i.e., after 10:30 AM EST on the CHD), the program may immediately extend the offer for that position to its next-ranked applicant (see Template – Making an offer).  
  4. As offers are declined, programs may continue to extend offers for all remaining available positions.  Programs should allow applicants to hold offers made on the CHD for up to two hours (see Template – Making an offer). 


Recommendations for Applicants and Internship Training Directors 

  1. It is recommended that all postdoctoral training directors, applicants and internship training directors proactively review the recommendations below for all roles, as well as all email Templates, to maximize comprehensive understanding and successful navigation of the Postdoctoral Selection Standards and Common Hold Date (CHD).  
  2. The APPIC Postdoctoral Committee has developed resources that will help all interested parties successfully navigate the postdoctoral selection process (e.g., Narrated PowerPoint, Webinars, FAQs, and Templates). Please check back here (link) frequently to review these resources as they will be continually updated in advance of the upcoming selection season. They will also be shared through the APPIC listserv – Postdoc-News. 

Recommendations for Applicants: 

  1. Seek ongoing mentoring and guidance from your internship training director or other person(s) knowledgeable and up-to-date about the postdoctoral selection process.  Ensure that those from whom you seek guidance are informed about the APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Standards and CHD. 
  2. On interviews, inquire about whether programs are adhering to the APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Standards and CHD.  
  3. Be aware that timelines for offers may differ for programs that are not following the CHD. If you are applying to programs that are not acting in accordance with the Standards, you may need to respond to an offer from a program prior to completing interviews or learning about your standing from other programs (see Templates – Offer from a program not following the standards). 
  4. Maintain an ongoing working list of your program rankings. Complete your final rank ordering of programs as soon as possible following interview completion, as you may begin receiving offers shortly after interviewing.   
  5. Ensure that you are available to check email and field offers throughout the postdoctoral selection process, as offers can expire if you do not acknowledge them within 24 hours (exclusive of weekends and federal holidays). If you know that you may not have access to email or phone for longer than 24 hours during the regular work week, it is recommended that you communicate this to programs.   

Recommendations for Internship Program Training Directors: 

  1. Mentor your interns on navigating the postdoctoral selection process, ensuring that your guidance is up-to-date, specific, and informed about the Selection Standards and CHD. Informing other intern supervisors or other program mentors about changes to the selection process is also advisable. 
  2. Work with your interns to ensure that they are available to participate in postdoctoral interviews and to manage offers (e.g., professional leave allowances if available, rescheduling clinical care), particularly on the CHD if needed (i.e., if the intern has not accepted an offer prior to the CHD).  Note that offers made on the CHD are to be acknowledged within 30 minutes of receipt and may require a response within 2 hours.  

For Questions or Consultation 

Questions about the APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Standards and CHD or APPIC recommendations regarding recruitment and selection should be directed to Wayne Siegel, Ph.D., ABPP, the APPIC Postdoctoral Committee Chair ( or 612-756-8850), the APPIC Postdoctoral Committee, or the APPIC Board of Directors.